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6224 No. 6224 [Edit]
I finally got my first job and my co-workers asked me about my girlfriend. I didn't wanted to make a scene so I said that I had one.

Then I described mai waifu, talked about her daily routine and our time together. Everyone believed me.
Since I'm always thinking about those details it didn't seemed like if I was making shit up. Talking about her felt really good.

Later I realized what I did, and now I feel a strange mix of shame, joy and anxiety. I never grasped before just how "outside" we are. I don't know what I'm going to do if someone finds out.
>> No. 6225 [Edit]
If they someday find out the actual situation, you could attempt to legimately defend her, fictional as she is, as your beloved one; it's very unlikely that they'd be any willing/capable to understand you, but you would be considered then just a weird/crazy guy instead of an impostor.
>> No. 6226 [Edit]
or you could just pretend you broke up with her someday and use it as an excuse if someone tells you to go out and have a few drinks. "I can't, I'm too depressed..."
Though it may have the opposite effect.
>> No. 6227 [Edit]
I wouldn't worry to much about it, as long as you don't become overly friendly with your coworkers to the point of hanging out after work, it wouldn't go past talking about her.
even in that case, they'd be the ones that would be creepy if they pushed the topic of wanting to meet your girlfriend to much.
At the most someone might ask to see a photo of her, but you can just say you don't have one.
They might become curiuos if talk more about it, but it's not like they'd demand proff.
>> No. 6229 [Edit]
It's likely that OP will be considered insane, which will get him ostracized by his coworkers, who'll insult him and make fun of him just to spite him. They'll also consider him a risk and think of him as some sort of serial killer with an imaginary girlfriend, which might cause him to lose his job and become hated by most of the people there.

This is just one of the worst outcomes, however, as I am negative enough to think of this kind of thing happening.

It would've been better if you just had said "no", OP. Chances are that they wouldn't have really cared if it was true. Or they'd try to push some undesirable 3DPD (both in aesthetic value and personality) at you.

Then again, I'm stupid and know little to nothing.
>> No. 6230 [Edit]
You could have said none easily, plenty of people are single and it's not a big deal. But what's done is done, so I wouldn't worry about it anymore. If you get pressed about it you can say you broke up, or whatever you want.

Besides, it's not like you're lying. They just wouldn't understand the kind of relationship you have.
>> No. 6232 [Edit]
Bad Idea, OP.
>> No. 6242 [Edit]
What type if guy are you OP? Perhaps you could play it off as an elaborate joke of some sort?
>> No. 6252 [Edit]
A joke like that could give him the reputation of being a liar.

Saying that you broke up or that she works abroad a lot would probably work if they ever wanted to meet her.
>> No. 6603 [Edit]
but then the joy Op felt would be removed due to pressure from co-workers.

A sad death if you ask me...

If anyone insists on meeting her just say "we will have to set up a time." Then a week after the tension gets to be too much, have your beloved move for "family reasons."
Though I doubt they will insist too strongly.
>> No. 8931 [Edit]
>It's likely that OP will be considered insane, which will get him ostracized by his coworkers, who'll insult him and make fun of him just to spite him. They'll also consider him a risk and think of him as some sort of serial killer with an imaginary girlfriend, which might cause him to lose his job and become hated by most of the people there.

Maybe I've just been lucky, but I've never had this problem. As long as people think you're otherwise normal, they seem to ignore things like that. I've been called crazy before, but if you play it cool, and act confident and as if they're the crazy ones, they back down, usually. I think if you come across as weird, and a waifu-lover, then you get the title of "lunatic".

Some grizzly alpha douchebag queried to me once, "Do you seriously love a cartoon character?" to which I responded, "Yeah, man, and she's sexy! Just take a look at that shaved bear over there!", pointed to a 3DPD and continued, "My god... anything would be better than that, right?". He laughed and agreed with me, and we spoke about how imperfect 3DPDs are, and since then, he seems to respect me. I feel bad for using a 3DPD as a foothold for my own reputation, but shikata ga nai.

If you're not ashamed of having a waifu, and are otherwise normal, your confidence will naturally show, and no one will care if you love "cartoons", 3DPDs, or bags of potatoes, so long as you don't make it too obvious that you truly love her. At least... that's been my take on it.

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