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File 131800299443.jpg - (147.29KB , 490x650 , 1311928015711.jpg )
6139 No. 6139 [Edit]
Can you hallucinate and see your waifu that way? What I mean is, can you visualize her so it looks quite real, like she really would be (sitting) besides you?
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>> No. 6140 [Edit]
>> No. 6141 [Edit]
not unless you're insane, on drugs or are a wizard
>> No. 6142 [Edit]
How can you become insane?
>> No. 6143 [Edit]

Insanity? That's something I am developing for the entirety of my childhood, and so far it's been coming out well.

Find other insane people and spend time with them. Peer pressure is awesome like that.
>> No. 6144 [Edit]
So you can halluzinate
>> No. 6145 [Edit]
So you can hallucinate
>> No. 6146 [Edit]
Sometimes when I go to sleep and my eyes aren't yet used to darkness and everything is kind "blurry" my dakimakura's face has looked like it made some minor movements that looked like facial experssions. Thats only "hallucinations" I've seen so far. Sometimes when I am drunk and I go top sleep, I can see similiar hallucinations.

I quess some sort drugs could do that but I don't suggest you to try them. Also I want to remind that we aren't allowed to discuss anything which violates local laws, in this case drugs.
>> No. 6147 [Edit]
Wouldn't try out drugs, anyways. Living with my parents; my father wants to see every packet that arrives. He must be worried about me.
>> No. 6150 [Edit]
In a way. I can see her if I close my eyes and imagine her with me; I can also hear and feel her using sensory memory and imagination. That's more of a vivid fantasy than a hallucination, though.

As for physically seeing her next to me? No.
>> No. 6151 [Edit]
Sometimes i can almost imagine her hugging me or something simliar, mostly when i am sleepy, it feels pretty real when it happens but i have not control over that, i guess i need to train my mind more.
>> No. 6153 [Edit]
I can imagine her close to me, but I will never be able to believe that she is in fact there.
>> No. 6155 [Edit]
Certain drugs do help but are by no means essential.


Yeah... I kinda broke that barrier a while back...
>> No. 6157 [Edit]
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I often see Osaka in my dreams, and try hard to go lucid so that we can be together, if just for as long as I'm asleep.

Once, when I was high and drunk at the same time, I swear I heard her voice call my name, silly accent and everything. I went looking for her, but found mothing. ;_;
>> No. 6163 [Edit]
Regarding drugs, I saw her and spoke with her while on a high third-plateau DXM trip. Easily the most intense experience of my life. DXM can get scary as fuck, though, so I wouldn't recommend that just anyone try it.
I think the ultimate goal is to be able to lucid dream consistently and conjure my waifu. Do you work at training yourself to lucid dream, or do these dreams just happen?
>> No. 6166 [Edit]
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Not actually due to external factors (drugs or getting drunk) and not technically hallucinate but I tend to picture my waifu looking at me and smile very sweetly when I blank stare.
>> No. 6167 [Edit]

It's more of a preference than something I'd be willing to partake in. I'm just too paranoid and cynical to allow her to even faux "exist" . The closest I've gotten is just fantasizing/imagining her next to me in bed, or us holding hands while watching TV-- and again, I remind that I willingly force myself to acknowledge that she does not exist at all. The reasoning behind this is that I feel the simplest of distractions or imperfections in the environment I imagine her in is not perfect enough to allow me to freely hallucinate her, and that she deserves nothing less than perfect, when it comes to imagination, at least.
>> No. 6174 [Edit]
Yes, you can hallucinate you're waifu.
Also, you should try lucid dreaming as well.
>> No. 6175 [Edit]
Seriously, /tc/...
>> No. 6176 [Edit]
Trying lucid dreaming for like 3 years. Tried everything, dream diary and such. WILD, DILD, DEILD, MILD, everything. Had one lucid dream 1,5 years ago. That was my only one. For most people it only takes like 1 week...

The tulpa page seems like bullshit.
>> No. 6177 [Edit]
this guy also has great articles on personal time travel and the dragon dimension
>> No. 6183 [Edit]
Read this page before claiming bullshit.
>> No. 6184 [Edit]
>> No. 6188 [Edit]
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>> No. 6190 [Edit]
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>> No. 6191 [Edit]
File 131817058525.png - (194.02KB , 694x2095 , Controlled Hallucinations.png )
>> No. 6192 [Edit]
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>> No. 6193 [Edit]

Nice story.
>> No. 6194 [Edit]
File 131818072993.gif - (260.33KB , 700x522 , Heal_PhyInj_Full.gif )


This healing field promotes cellular
regeneration to aide in the recovery from
physical trauma (broken bones, for

>> No. 6195 [Edit]
Clearly none of you have ever been on /x/.
>> No. 6196 [Edit]
They can help me perform exorcisms and remove negative energy too? Cool.

Get lost.
>> No. 6210 [Edit]
>people actually believe this
I can understand satanism and witchcraft but you're just plain retarded when you buy magic rocks for over a hundred dollars
>> No. 6214 [Edit]
Synthesize yourself some DMT.
>> No. 6215 [Edit]
What's with all the drugs lately? Is 420chan down?
>> No. 6216 [Edit]
OP here. This looks good:
1. http://www.shaman-australis.com/~claude/dreams.html
2. http://www.dreamviews.com/f12/inducing-trance-wild-part-2-a-29491/
>> No. 6217 [Edit]
>>Hiroé Aquasaca, from Kasoukabé, Tôquiô

I love this guy already

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