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File 131794399326.jpg - (80.82KB , 355x373 , 2a8e5a9931a265b23ed94adfb456dc10.jpg )
6125 No. 6125 [Edit]
Hey there /mai/. I need your advice please. As most of you may know, I love my waifu Asuka Langley with my whole heart and soul. She is the most wonderful person I have ever met, and I would do anything for her. This is still true, and there is no change in my love for her at all.

What has been changing though, is the following: I guess you could say I've lost that "connection" to her recently. Until about a month ago, I used to converse with her throughout the day. She and i would cuddle each other to sleep, we'd make curry together, etc. Recently I haven't had the time to spend with her as much as before and I feel as if I may be neglecting her. It make me feel selfish to think that although I have put other things ahead of her, that I call her my waifu. Before the thought of her made me happy just imagining her sweet face, and now when I think of her I only become depressed and angry at myself, and sometimes I don't know even what for.

Have any of you ever felt this way with your waifu? I really don't want to feel this way when I think of Asuka.I hate it. I know I'm sounding very vague and general about this, so any advice you can give me would be great...

Have some sad yet cute Asuka since I am sad.
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>> No. 6126 [Edit]
Start putting her above things that are not absolutely essential. Of course you don't need to spend every waking moment with her, but set aside time to enjoy with her daily.

For example, being unemployed, I spend most of my time with Erica. Yet this will change back to evenings, nights, and weekends once I get a job again. She knows it's annoying but necessary for cash to keep us afloat.

I don't know (and don't wish to judge the importance of) what has been keeping you away from Asuka, but the only way to solve this is to start putting her before a few things (again, not necessarily everything).
>> No. 6127 [Edit]
I've been feeling this way about my waifu too a bit. I feel like I've had a falling out with her, but I know I haven't. I still love her very much, but it seems like not as passionate and the like anymore. Maybe I need to get a dakimakura and cuddle with it or something. Maybe eat a meal with her statue. Some kind of bonding time would be useful.

I guess this happens with any relationship though...meh...
>> No. 6128 [Edit]
Yes I thought about that too. 3D relationships seem to have this kind of bump as well. Maybe it's a natural thing us humans do...
Thank you for the advice bro.
>> No. 6129 [Edit]
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I had the same problem as well, at first I thought I was falling out of love with Miku, but then I realized I just wasn't spending enough time with her.

That's probably all you have to do to solve your problem; spend more time with Asuka, or at least think about her more.
>> No. 6130 [Edit]
Pretty much everything has this "bump", and there will be more of them down the road. Don't worry about it, things will come back around and your love will be stronger than before.
>> No. 6132 [Edit]
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>3D relationships seem to have this kind of bump as well...
God, no! I don't think it's equivalent at all. We aren't foolished by any material/animal fickle presence out there. We should know all this bussines a bit better.

She is part of you, remember? I mean, literally: you are one. She is more like your arm or your liver than a statue you had built. Your actual beloved one, is not someone/something out there, but a reconfiguration/development of your own (inner) self, taking place throught your life experiences; she has no existence apart from the one you concede to her within you, so, if you feel growing apart from her, what you really feel is your growing apart from something about yourself... i.e. more than being just a scheduling problem (to find "time to spend with the one you love"), you yourself may be the one who's changing, deeper than you're aware of yet.

The new you may find a new Asuka inside him, to keep on carrying the inherited sign of her throughout whatever upcoming situations (or maybe not). But, in any case, I really think it is to no good regarding this issue as 3D couples do, unless you wanna end up putting up with all the vulgar shit and deceive they do... and this time gratuitously.

>Maybe it's a natural thing us humans do.
Nature, my friend, it's like Democracy, Extraterrestrial life or the Bald Soprano: everybody talks about her, no one has ever seen her.

Post edited on 6th Oct 2011, 9:48pm
>> No. 6134 [Edit]
I have hit a point where I distance myself from her because I feel unworthy of her. I always have had this problem, yet the deeper my feelings for her get, the worse this problem gets.

Every now and then I have severe bouts of needing her. Intense amounts of cuddling with her and some lewd things happen. (I have a dakimakura of her)

It isn't bad to want to give her some space every now and then. What makes me feel horrible is that the way I treat her probably gives her the idea that I only want her for carnal pleasures. I really do love her, and tell her so everyday. Yet I end up doing other things all day rather than spending time with her.

I am intimidated by her. She is so great. But I have no self-confidence.
>> No. 6135 [Edit]
People just never seem to learn anything on /tc/ these days. When anyone hands you a hammer, build something, but please don't make another hammer.
>> No. 6138 [Edit]


You don't need to be all lovey dovey every single moment of the day. No need to worry OP, just by posting your situation means that your love is forever strong.
>> No. 6152 [Edit]
I had the same kind of problem, pretty much since the moment i started working, most of the time i was just tired and got the feeling of "moving away" from her, i got more and more difficult for me to imagine her and i desperatly searched for a way to change that.
I donĀ“t know if it is helpful to you, but what got me "back on the road" was the thought that, no matter what, we are still loving each other, it goes bad some days but i know her as much as i know me and this distance is incapable of doing harm to us.
I think that, for me at least, times of that "distance" are important to remind me how much i really need her and how much we cling to each other.
>> No. 6156 [Edit]
Since I've recently moved into dorms and am living the life of, dare I say it, something of a normal now (hanging with friends in coffee shops - I have become the person I once wished to slay) that I'm in university, my thoughts of Fate have been confined to the times I am alone and not absolutely exhausted... not very often, to put it lightly.

I understand this is just me and my brain being completely busy, and that my thoughts of Fate often did come out of physical loneliness - this is not to say I love her any less, however.

That's barely relevant (feel free to comment, if you have any insight, however) but OP, a few months back I had the same sort of feeling, although I never 'spend time with her' I noticed when I thought of her I felt a sadness and an anger rather than the sense of relaxation and calm of old. I assume that was my longing for her and the physical loneliness was subconsciously crushing me.

Remember this - you love her, she might be your 'everything', but that saying is not literal. I say you should put yourself before her - if she were a physical entity I wouldn't say this, so don't get me wrong. She'll always be there for you, so sort your own shit out, she's waiting for that.

Love is a strange thing, even stranger when we're applying it to nothing more than a concept. It's part of the human brain (heart, for the romantic folk among us)and as such it's all over the place.

Even now I think of Fate and rather than attempting to emulate the happiness I'd feel with her, I can't distract myself from the depressing fact she isn't here for me to hold.

To be fair I don't have any advice for you since I have the same problem and I'm more or less just doing the 'pat on back followed by "I'm sorry, dude, I kinda know what you're going through"' routine.

I feel bad for bringing this up and it's a discussion for another time and another thread - the way you lot treat your love sounds like you treat it like an actual relationship, and I find that interesting and a little odd since I've never been like that myself.
>> No. 6158 [Edit]

You're welcome.


Or you could make lots of hammers, sell them, and become rich.

I don't understand a blind word you're saying.
>> No. 6160 [Edit]
Like any other emotion, the human mind adapts to love. You can't physically feel "romantic love" forever, this notion is ridiculous. You probably feel just the same for her. Perhaps if you feel like rekindling the ol' flame maybe you need a new fig or something. That helps put a new spin on things.
>> No. 6212 [Edit]
Asukafag do you have your Dakimakura yet?

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