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File 131747582438.png - (86.38KB , 434x297 , Red Cross Book.png )
6007 No. 6007 [Edit]
Question: together with providing you with the character of your waifu and your loving experience for her, does the series/game/source she's from -partially or as a whole- holds any special meaning to you?

For me, NGE is pretty much like The Bible, in the best possible sense of a religious text; a life-changing uber-powerful reference that, ever since, for good or bad, has allowed me to understand the world as I see it, and live my life the way I do.
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>> No. 6015 [Edit]
Not particularly, I just like it.
>> No. 6020 [Edit]
Not at all.
>> No. 6023 [Edit]
Not exactly, I'm just a big fan of the game and I treat it like treasure.
>> No. 6026 [Edit]
Not really.
If it weren't for Touhou I probably wouldn't care about shmups. It hasn't changed my life or anything, just introduced to a nice genre I thought had died long ago along with my snes.
>> No. 6031 [Edit]
I've always thought making EVA into an epic, high budget movie saga or a dramatic play would be a good idea considering how good it is.
>> No. 6035 [Edit]
>high budget [live action] movie saga or a dramatic play
>> No. 6036 [Edit]

It has been planned already. But afaik there are some problems between participants.
>> No. 6037 [Edit]
As posted before:

>we all know that would be just a pathetic/laughable commercial move, like the Dragon Ball movie (lol), wich will have nothing to do with the original NGE [...] I couldn't even take them seriously if they don't speak in japanese, in colaboration with the original seiyuus, lip-synchronizing or something.
>> No. 6044 [Edit]
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You have no idea.
>> No. 6046 [Edit]
Yes I do agree, I didn't say a normal move would cut it. IF there was to be a NGE movie (or anime anime adapted into live action for that matter), many precautions and changes to original moviemaking would have to be made, or else we'll get something, as you said, like the dragon ball movie.
>> No. 6050 [Edit]
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it does have a great meaning
lulz evangelion is just like the anime bible,
>> No. 6055 [Edit]
File 131764266912.jpg - (46.78KB , 576x397 , [large][AnimePaper]scans_AIR_Suiginto_76514.jpg )
I really liked the setting, but other then that, meh, I didn't think the storey was that grate, didn't really make a ton of sense, especially at the end there.
The way the character's stories were each divided up, they really don't affect each other's very much, so if you removed a character or two, the main ark/story wouldn't really change much, and that's exactly what they did with the movie, and again, I found it very.. meh.
I know I'm rather biest here with this, but I thought my waifu's ark was the best, I mean yes it was sad, but most, interesting of the bunch..
Kano's ark didn't really seem as if it had that much effort put into it, and might be why she was the least popular of the 3 main heroine. She was possessed by a spirit that made her cut herself sometimes, and her sister became a doctor to take care of her, that's about it..
Air is about Misuzu and Yukito(I guess), there's no denying that.
I guess we can all related to Misuzu to some extent, being in a hopeless situation unable to open up to anyone and driving people away.
a lot of people like to think of Air as art.
and everyone loves Misuzu.
I wont say it's bad, but it did feel to me like it was missing something, but can't say for sure what that is.

so yeah, not really, Air wasn't bad... but, lets just say it wasn't because of the 'story/plot' of Air that I've read the manga after seeing the show twice and taken an interest in it and and related things.
>> No. 6057 [Edit]
Yes it does. I was never allowed to socialize much as a child, and the game she's from is such a well built universe, it provided me with enough simulated interaction to get me by.

I still own the games and play through them frequently. If I sold them I'd probably net around $400~ or so these days. Not going to, but still hope they make a recollection series soon.
>> No. 6058 [Edit]
File 131765861744.jpg - (37.27KB , 704x396 , 3014927671AirMovie_ib4f.jpg )
>a lot of people like to think of Air as art.
Yeah, I guess... I still have to play the VN, thought. Key's classics, as a set, certainly have some aesthetic resonance: they constititute a (sad and beautiful) coherent world on it's own, in fair right.

>and everyone loves Misuzu.
Indeed; I just remembered her at the now lost alt-three's Word of the day thread: "If you are moe and you start coughing for no reason, you wil..." -etc.

Post edited on 3rd Oct 2011, 2:33pm
>> No. 6059 [Edit]
Nope, the VN was pretty weak overall.
>> No. 6061 [Edit]
I actually found many canon similarities between the Evangelion storyline, both implied and direct, to the Christian Bible.
Not related to Air, but I hope I wasn't the only one who cried after watching Kanon (2006). The story and the setting was so beautiful and melancholy it really hit me in the heart. In fact, I think I may show my little sister Kanon so she can see the great message it shows. My sister does not watch animu
>> No. 6062 [Edit]

I haven't finished the 2006 series, but I did cry at the end of the VN when I completed it the first time.

Sage for off topic.
>> No. 6064 [Edit]
My favourite anime, Red Photon Zillion, holds some very deep meaning for me. Strike Witches, in second place, doesn't really have that.

...Aside from having the 11 hottest girls in existence for my tastes.
>> No. 6065 [Edit]
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Azumanga Daioh happens to be my favorite manga and anime. I remember how many flashes of Azu there were on Newgrounds back in the day, and how much I watched them.

The Azu anime came out around the same time I was going through high school, so I connected with the Azu-Crew quite a bit. Fortunately, I didn't have teachers like Yukari of Kimura.

Azumanga is very fond to me because of this. It will always have a certain special place in my heart.

Especially Ayumu Kasuga.
>> No. 6067 [Edit]
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I'm a slice-of-life addict, and Azu is one of the very best... Tomo and Kimura are my favourite characters. Off-topic sage.
>> No. 6068 [Edit]
No, its a shallow ecchi comedy.
>> No. 6074 [Edit]
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Clannad showed me that despite my intense hatred of people, I still have a heart.

I may never like people, but I will try to treat them well. If only they would do the same...
>> No. 6075 [Edit]
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>> No. 6082 [Edit]
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I actually like K-On a lot; It's in my 3x3's.

Haters gonna hate, since most people think it sucks, but I did legitimately enjoy it a lot, even before I fell in love with Ritsu.
>> No. 6088 [Edit]
The Touhou games slapped me in the face and showed that I'm just a casual gamer, and until I finish them on Lunatic, I am not a full-fledged gamer.
>> No. 6114 [Edit]
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No one here will actively hate what show your waifu came from. My sweet Tomoyo came from Clannad; something that isn't well liked in other places. Our founder's waifu came from the same people. You don't need a obscure source for a waifu. You fall in love with who you do. It doesn't matter.

This place is a safe haven for those that love 2D.

The only thing you ever did wrong was to be too prolific on a slow board. Some thought you wanted to turn this into /Ritsu/ .

I at least think you really do love her, which is sweet.
>> No. 6115 [Edit]
When did people start hating K-on?!
Great soundtrack, and cute girls doing cute things, what's not to like? Now excuse me while I pretend I am part of the band, air guita, and sing fuwa fuwa time.

(still haven't seen K-on!! though)
>> No. 6116 [Edit]
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I'm not a fan of the show, but I appreciate the concept. A band composed entirely of cute girls is something I can get behind.

I like my waifu's series. It's not like it doesn't have its problems - the story gets sloppy sometimes, especially with the mystery aspect it's been half-assing since episode 2 (the only part of Umineko that really fit the mystery mold was episode 1, I felt.) But the characters are interesting, and that's what counts. I really want to see a Dlanor/Will witch hunter spinoff series though. Like a cop drama, only the cops are angels.
>> No. 6123 [Edit]
It changed my life, and that's no exaggeration.
>> No. 6221 [Edit]
I'm highly attached to Sekirei as a whole - I love it, not even going to lie to you guys. If it were a little...better, I'd call it my favorite series of all time. I've got certain issues with the anime, but the manga's top-notch. I just find it hard to take as seriously as say, Evangelion or some such, for obvious reasons.

I feel like there's no reason to defend myself when it comes to my love for Sekirei, but I want to anyway.
>> No. 6223 [Edit]

The reason is because it could do with some defence against the amount of opinionated fucks who would say otherwise.

My waifu is from an ecchi-like anime too. It's a fantastic series. Sekirei also kicks ass, I take it just as seriously as NGE, which ruled.
>> No. 6245 [Edit]
I wouldn't go as far as to regarding it as some sort of sacred work, but it has a lot of emotional significance to me.

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