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File 131733796347.jpg - (313.52KB , 905x1262 , hentai-Amaero-Osaka-1.jpg )
5959 No. 5959 [Edit]
ITT: We post the derpiest image possible of our waifus.
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>> No. 5960 [Edit]
>> No. 5962 [Edit]
you mean derp in artistisc execution or in attitude? (BTW, Osaka there looks like Misuzu)
>> No. 5963 [Edit]
File 131735195756.png - (20.61KB , 400x600 , whatthefuck.png )
judging from his pic, artistic execution
>> No. 5965 [Edit]
File 131735937019.jpg - (129.66KB , 540x693 , Misato 34.jpg )
pretty derp looking.
>> No. 5966 [Edit]
File 131735967346.jpg - (57.52KB , 600x846 , AirIn-1P.jpg )
>> No. 5967 [Edit]
the fingers make it look like shes trying to be E.T.
>> No. 5969 [Edit]
File 131736786991.png - (296.76KB , 323x567 , AT___Hinanawi_Tenshi_by_SkyFormToad.png )
DeviantArt is always good for this sort of thing.
>> No. 5971 [Edit]
File 131737205470.jpg - (69.54KB , 400x435 , Asuka_by_Mayhiku.jpg )
This should cut it...
>> No. 5972 [Edit]
File 131737625475.jpg - (71.23KB , 450x500 , 6071a4ef6211939f0cd92b858d9bf8c8.jpg )
No but she actually looks cute there though...
>> No. 5973 [Edit]
Thats very cute
>> No. 5975 [Edit]
File 131737948821.jpg - (47.30KB , 680x564 , 3324.jpg )
>> No. 5976 [Edit]
Oh god, I legitimately read that as "autistic execution".
>> No. 5981 [Edit]
File 131738900348.jpg - (139.04KB , 902x1266 , hentai-Amaero-Osaka-18.jpg )
OP here. Found another one, at the end of the doujinshi.

That whole doujin is derpy like this.
>> No. 5982 [Edit]
File 131738960979.jpg - (33.76KB , 450x556 , sader2007011701dr2.jpg )
It's a horrible feeling when a derpy picture/figure of your waifu is so bad that is spawns fan doujinshi and the price of the figure goes up so high it is worth more than some normal figures.
>> No. 5983 [Edit]
File 131739387513.jpg - (414.96KB , 1733x2584 , DERP.jpg )
Good thing I held onto this image for whatever reason then.
>> No. 5985 [Edit]
File 131741330045.jpg - (68.92KB , 324x396 , 01fad00e7acbc58218e123f2c6721566.jpg )
>> No. 5990 [Edit]
File 131741431299.png - (97.68KB , 400x400 , toyosatomimi_no_miko_by_kaoru24-d46f4y4.png )
I would like to thank giascle for reminding me of that wretched place known as deviantART. Without him, I never would have dug up this masterpiece.
>> No. 5992 [Edit]
File 131741625874.jpg - (66.45KB , 600x756 , 2000_hits_minor_characters_by_KrazyCatQueen.jpg )
Another hooray for giascle.

I don't remember we having any Kisume or Momiji lovers around here, but I guess I saved them the job of looking for the derpiest pic of their waifus.

Post edited on 30th Sep 2011, 2:05pm
>> No. 5993 [Edit]
It's not like pixive doesn't have it's share of QUALITY also.
>> No. 5994 [Edit]
Haha, oh wow! I actually think that's pretty cute...
>> No. 5995 [Edit]

Koakuma's really the only one who's derpy in that picture.
>> No. 5997 [Edit]
File 13174389457.jpg - (85.25KB , 800x722 , Reki_by_Snow_Moon.jpg )
Wow. So what's the story on that?

While there were plenty of derpy pictures of Reki on deviantart, none of them seemed so bad after seeing this one of her rendered as a furry.
No one should have to see their waifu as a furry.
>> No. 5999 [Edit]
File 131744012141.png - (143.53KB , 550x620 , The Great and Powerful Tenshi.png )
>> No. 6000 [Edit]
Is that a Tenshi pony?

I'm a big pony fan ("Brony") Go ahead and hate me.
>> No. 6001 [Edit]
I like My Little Pony. I just don't like crossovers, especially with animal shows.
>> No. 6002 [Edit]
I'm so disappointed right now
>> No. 6003 [Edit]
Well it looked alright in the thumbnail.
>> No. 6033 [Edit]
I respect that.
I would think someone with a waifu would learn to respect preferences more than the average person...
>> No. 6053 [Edit]
File 131762408117.jpg - (638.40KB , 1275x1755 , Kanako____Love_Hina_AGain_by_PanneBrooD.jpg )
Theres a few.
>> No. 6091 [Edit]
File 131774979597.jpg - (163.29KB , 900x900 , c28bf2a3244754843d0b9a7526e1bdc5.jpg )
This one.
>> No. 6105 [Edit]
>> No. 6112 [Edit]
File 131785806928.png - (2.00MB , 1275x1755 , Spoiler Picture.png )
>> No. 6113 [Edit]
I kinda admire these people who are bad at drawing for their ability to finish them. Whenever I draw and it just isn't working out, I either never finish, or toss it out, but these guys are either oblivious and happy or just don't care because they enjoy it or are hard workers. Must be nice, though on the other hand I don't approve, because they should put their efforts toward the sciences, a much nobler pursuit.
>> No. 6117 [Edit]
Just because you're not good at art that doesn't mean it's useless.
>> No. 6118 [Edit]
No such thing as a goal being more noble than another. just weasel words to trick people into taking hard roads to please others.

Just do what you want to do.
>> No. 6119 [Edit]
File 131791468298.jpg - (29.74KB , 500x494 , nemu_and_reki.jpg )
What amazes me is that they post these works online for the entire world to see without dying of embarrassment.
Bumping with a picture of mai waifu and Nemu reimagined as black women.
>> No. 6124 [Edit]
I kinda like this concept actually... Waiting for Pixiv to implement.

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