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5918 No. 5918 [Edit]
Let's try this again.

So tell me, /mai/, what do you think about the seiyuu of your waifu? Either in looks or in any personality you know of them?

Picture related, Satou Satomi, the seiyuu for Ritsu. She definitely didn't look like what I thought she would when I looked her up, what with the monkey ears and that really flat face. She's also nothing like Ritsu. (Although I suppose this is a given) She's seems rather shy and timid in most of her interviews, although that might just be because of her Japanese upbringing. Like, she seems REALLY awkward whenever I see her in videos "acting" like Ritsu; Energetic and happy and stuff.

Also it's strange hearing her voice characters who tend to be completely opposite of Ritsu in personality, like Manami from Oreimo and Aria from Seitokai.
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>> No. 5919 [Edit]
Sakura Nogawa. She looks like a normal Japanese woman to me. She also voiced Kaorin in Azumanga and Tsubomi in Strawberry Panic. No idea how she acts, too 3DPD to interest me.
>> No. 5920 [Edit]
Hirano Aya. Disgusting whore, 3D pig. Doesn't exist as far as I'm concerned.
>> No. 5921 [Edit]
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I don't really care about her alone but, concerning her work as a seiyuu of mai waifu, I think she did pretty well. As the anecdote tells, she was actually the one who, requested by Anno to answer an infamous question, came up with what became the very final -and just perfect- words in the series (and wich I still keep in my cellphone, along with mai waifu's catch-phrase).

Personally, I like her; she gives me good laughs; she's fun to watch performing the most random stuff on stage, read idiotic scandals about, a sort of pettan/petit ambassador herself and a good thinspiration for all those fatty-fatty cunts out there to mess themselves up.

Post edited on 27th Sep 2011, 10:19pm
>> No. 5924 [Edit]
>> No. 5925 [Edit]
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>> No. 5927 [Edit]
What did Aya do?
All I know is she no longer does anime voices, who she has voiced and she's done two albums I quiet like.
>> No. 5928 [Edit]
Let's not get into this again please.
>> No. 5929 [Edit]
To put it bluntly.
Sucked one to many cocks and got throat cancer.
>> No. 5930 [Edit]
I've seen maybe 25% of the VA's roles
I rather liked Shamal from Nanoha, but didn't know at the time of watching she had same va.
Tsubame, a very minor character from Natsume Yuujinchou, was another character I liked but didn't notice at the time.
The va has a good range I think, looking back at her stuff done, I'm honestly surprised, like with Oriana Thomson from the second season of index or Cattleya from queens blade, I never would have guessed them.
I knew she did Tokiko Tsumura before I watched Busou Renkin, but it just couldn't register with me as her, I couldn't hear my waifu's voice.
Eruruu from Utawarerumono is one of the few roll she's done that I've seen, that feel.. "right" ..or at least, familiar.
She also did the voice of Arcueid Brunestud in the recent Carnival Phantasm, but it sounded much like a different voice.

I don't really hunt down/follow her rolds all that much, if her voice was as easy to point as as some other VAs, I might check out more of her roles just to hear that familiar voice.

I also know nothing about the va personalty aside from some of the roles she's done.
I've never been the type to worship celebrities or (real)idols.
>> No. 5933 [Edit]
I don't really know anything about her Japanese seiyuu. I watched Evangelion in English, and ever since only watch Eva in English. It's just tone of those animes which are better in English, I believe, or maybe it's just I am used to Asuka's voice being the corny yet sweet and melodic voice of Tiffany Grant. The woman isn't exactly pretty or anything of the sort, but she seems fun and pretty relaxed about ehr roles. Also her whole obsession with "Asska" and taking the role as a part of her personality and life I think is just great in a voice actor. Actors should try and become their character, so they may better portray them.

I'm not going to lie, when I hear Grant's voice, a little warm feeling inside my chest emerges. I'd love to be able to meet her someday. Come at me.

Also, I watched some Eva in German, and I have to say i have never enjoyed Asuka have a hissy fit than then.
What's with all the Aya hate? She fucked a director, is she the first whore in the planet? (Obviously not, or this place wouldn't have so many users). I dopn't know the details, but what do you know? Maybe she did feel love for whoever she slept with. I don't know. in any case the characters she acted for and their personalities and depictions in the minds of all who view them have nothing to do with how she 3DPDs.

Post edited on 28th Sep 2011, 4:38pm
>> No. 5936 [Edit]
>only watch Eva in English.

You know what is always lost in translation (if such a thing is even possible)?

>> No. 5941 [Edit]
Grant seemed like an older version of asuka. I also at the time thought she was rude, but it may have been because she informed me that my eva dvd was bootleg.
she frequents cons it seems, you should try to go to one.
>> No. 5945 [Edit]
I've been trying to figure out when she'll come to Florida. I keep emailing cons to ask her to come. ;--;

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