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5780 No. 5780 [Edit]
OK /mai/. I'ma present y'all with a scenario that may be a bit depressing, but I think would be interesting to hear responses to.

For some unknown reason, you and your waifu are in a situation in which she will be taken away from you and you will never be able to see (or imagine) her again. The exact reason to why this is happening doesn't matter, The question is what you would say/do before you can no longer be together? What will be the last things you do for/with your waifu?
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>> No. 5786 [Edit]
I'm sorry I didn't spend more time with you.
>> No. 5787 [Edit]
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No, what the fuck. I'm not answering that.

Primarily because it's depressing but also because I don't know what I'd say until that happened.
>> No. 5792 [Edit]
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. . .

Honestly: is there a way to possibly do this right, OP?
>> No. 5794 [Edit]
'I love you' obviously.
>> No. 5796 [Edit]
"I love you" is the last thing I would say.
The last thing I would do is kiss and hold her. I would be crying uncontrollably too, with the urge to fight the system that separated us.

In more realistic sense, and obviously this would apply to alot of people here, but they would not let your situation happen in the first place.
>> No. 5797 [Edit]

>'I love you'
Yeah, like if she didn't know already, obviously... so what would be the point of saying it, yet again, as your irrepetible very last words, under this -the most fatal ever- situation? And, if she didn't know it before, well you took your sweet time to show it already it so, now that it's to no use, what would be the point of saying it?

>crying uncontrollably
I'm OK with this.
>> No. 5800 [Edit]

Of course there's no way to do it "right". I'm just curious to what y'all would think you would say in a situation like that.

And if you don't wanna answer that's fine, don't.
>> No. 5802 [Edit]
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"I'm not going to say goodbye because I know in my heart I will find you again someday.
I promise you, I will find a way to reunite us.
Nothing, not even this can keep us apart!"

And as they drifted away from one another with arms reaching out hopelessly trying to grab one another, both gradually vanished from vision into a dark empty abyss, left in a endless darkness for what seemed like an eternity.

Our would be hero suddenly finds himself in his own world once again with no recollection of what had just transpired, or any involving his now lost waifu.

He went on with his normal life as if nothing had ever happen.
months had past since then, his normal life was proving harder on him then it should, as the days went on, he felt more and more bogged down and empty inside, dozens of doctor visits revealed nothing wrong, he gradually fell into a deep inexplicable depression and the pills prescribed to him did nothing.
He knew something was wrong, something was mission, but he couldn't pit his finger on it, and so, he sets off on a journey to find what he had lost not knowing if he'll ever find what he's looking for, or even find out what that is.

To be continued~

but really though, she's done this dance once before already.
I rather not put her through it a second time...

>> No. 5804 [Edit]
Oh, no: I didn't mean a right answer like in a math test (sorry, as usual). I was asking you, personally, as kind of fellows in love, what your own answer would be: what do you think, given the way we (sorta) know Asuka is, that would be the best thing to do in this ultimate situation.

I asked you because your question was intriguing, indeed: it left me -personally- utterly lost. I sincerely didn't know what the fuck to do or say, but I was certain that something should be done. If it was just anyone else, no matter how important it was before, who cares? "ok, bye, fuck off already, I have stuff to do"; but with her -and just with her- inaction is simply not an option (like a guy said once, in a forum: "[In resume, it was] because Shinji did not hold her while they kissed, [that] it led to all the upcoming problems")... because the problem, you see, is the same as always: nothing's ever really appropriate, nothing's ever enough; but we can't fucking neglect it either.
>> No. 5807 [Edit]
Yes she knows it obviously. What wouldn't she know? Because I created her. We know everything about each others already. I wouldn't say 'I love you' only because I want her to know it. That would be my last line because I want to say it.
>> No. 5808 [Edit]
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Assuming there was nothing I could do about it..
I know some of it might sound a little cliché and stupid, but if I had to spend a "final day" with her, I would like it to go something like this.

I'd go out on another long, calming, seemingly aimless drive through the countryside with her. I love driving, and having her by my side only makes it that much better. After traveling around all day, I'd give her the honey pickled apples I'd been saving for her. Oh, and we'd probably get drunk too. She loves that. After spending the rest of the night just having fun.. I'd tell her "Thank you for changing my life. Thank you for being there for me. I love you Horo." I'd kiss her on the lips, and hold her tight as we drifted off to sleep.

>> No. 5815 [Edit]
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I'll probably hug her, kiss her and tell her how much I love her and how she changed my life... though being separated from her is going to be depressing, sad and would be like losing a reason to live a life without her.
>> No. 5817 [Edit]
I doubt that i would be able to talk in that Situation, i´d just hug her and cry desperatly, if i could manage to talk then i would thank her over and over again and tell her how much i love her and that there will be somhow a way to reunite.

Such a sad thought.
>> No. 5818 [Edit]
I'd tell her, "I'll see you again sometime," even if we both knew that would be impossible. I'm really good at saying goodbye, no matter how much I love the person.
>> No. 5826 [Edit]
>"I'll see you again sometime," even if we both knew that would be impossible.
That's what I'd normally do, if it wasn't her (either that or not even showing up at all)...

>I'm really good at saying goodbye
But I don't think like this about myself because of it. I used to believe that, unlike losing control and/or doing any sort of a scene, it was a more "dignified" way to handle farewells; but, honestly, it's just terrible: it's only what was convenient for me and my incapabilities; a plain denial, as a way to run away from something I can't handle, reffusing to acknowledge it and take responsability for it. So to do this again, with mai waifu, is something I simply can't let happen (but I still don't know what to do; and it is also because, indeed, I've been avoiding farewells for years, now).
>> No. 5829 [Edit]
What I think would be the correct course...
Let's see.

No bull, I would cry like a baby. Asuka's seen me cry only once, and even then I acted the tough guy and told her I was okay. But this time, nothing would stop me from crying for her, and calling out her name. If I knew I couldn't have her anymore, I would just hug her as tight as I could without hurting her and cry on her breast. I wouldn't care if she thought me weak or stupid or anything else. I wouldn't care if she tried to kick me away or convince me everything was going to be allright. I would just cry for her and hold her until some unbeatable force rips me away from her.

And honestly, there would be nothing that I would love more at that moment than for her to cry with me. Not because I want to see her suffering, but because I think that the both of us crying together would be a sign of our adamant love. Kissing each other with tears in out eyes, calling out our names while I pet her hair and feel her squeeze my hand from fear would be the most romantic thing I cna imagine, even if it were also the most depressing.

And if she were to tough it out and not do any of that but just give me a goodbye, a hug and maybe a kiss; that would be okay too, because I know that's how Asuka deals with her problems. she kicks them away and toughs it out just like me.
>> No. 5832 [Edit]
I don't do it to be dignified, I'm just used to moving on.
>> No. 5849 [Edit]
I think we know by now that I'm too insane to let "forever" stop me from loving you two, but goodbye for now. Please take care of yourselves as much as possible.

....I love you.

I can't say that'd be exactly it, but I imagine it'd be something similar.
>> No. 5865 [Edit]
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We would make love one last time (and I don't mean fapping. I don't do that, but if my waifu were "real" we would have sex a lot) and then I would say "Good-bye, my love..." and kiss and hug her before letting go forever.

...But that's just IF such a scenario were to happen. My waifu is real and she and I are always going to be a pair!
>> No. 5868 [Edit]
Hey! I haven't seen you in a while! It's great to see you. Or have I just not been paying attention?
>> No. 5898 [Edit]
In this case, I would be really sad and tell her "Be safe out there, okay? Please come back to me when they allow you to do so! I love you, Marisa! I love you!" That is, if it was all sudden, as if it wasn't planned at all.
>> No. 5923 [Edit]
Such a scenario is just so unbelievable and ludicrous to me that I can't really say how I'd react exactly. I would probably stand in disbelief for a short while before bursting into tears and embracing her tightly and warmly until we are torn apart. It would take all the strength I could muster just to utter the words "I love you", I wouldn't even be able to say goodbye as we tearfully gazed into each other's eyes one last time. I am glad I will have my entire life to spen time with her.

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