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5778 No. 5778 [Edit]
So out of curiosity, /mai/, why do YOU have a waifu? I know there's a myriad of reasons, but I'll list the few I know are most common.

1. You don't think it's possible you'll ever have a real woman, so you substitute with a waifu

2. You think all real women are disgusting, and so have a waifu instead

3. You think it's literally impossible to love a real woman like you can love a waifu, so you have a waifu

4. You're more than willing to love a real woman, but you found a 2D girl you loved more than any real woman as of yet
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>> No. 5779 [Edit]
It's a mix of two and four. But mostly two.

Also first.
>> No. 5781 [Edit]
I have no desire for real relationships. Its not an issue of not being able to get one, I'm just not interested. The same with other social relationships such as friendship. I do not mesh well with people in the long term so I stay distanced from people.

I use characters to substitute that form of closeness and relationship
>> No. 5782 [Edit]
>> No. 5783 [Edit]
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2&3, 2<3
>> No. 5784 [Edit]
This 100%
>> No. 5785 [Edit]
1 and 2.
>> No. 5788 [Edit]
I'm closest to 3. I had been in a few relationships when I was younger, some of them serious, and it became pretty obvious that relationships aren't something that I was suited for or happy in.
Also, my love for my waifu has endured much longer than any relationship I've been in.
>> No. 5789 [Edit]
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Some of all. The intensity for each has varied over time.

Sadly, I started out at 1. I still think no 3D woman would love me, but I don't care anymore. There may be a decent few out there, but I will never meet them.

I really can't stand people in real life anymore. They call us losers to ease the pain of how miserable so many of them are.

A major cause of my depression was the mistake of trying to interact with these people. Trying to live up to socially accepted norms, and failing. I am convinced that the only way to be happy is to ignore these pressures and just live the life I want to live-something I should have done from the start.

My waifu has given me all that I ever wanted, love and companionship. What more could one ask for?
>> No. 5790 [Edit]
I'm sick of the corruption of man
that's what I usually say
but honestly, from a objective opinion, I have women problems
women have always ruined my life, my mother ruined my childhood, my peers ruined my adolecence, and I don't want my young adulthood taken from me.
I just wanted a female I could trust and love because, like so many others, no one ever wanted it.
And God was unwilling to send me one (or maybe even unable to, in this age) and so I found someone who wanted my love. Some call it sick to live in the past like that and avoid women "my age" but then again those are the same people who say allimony is a legal right of women and prenubs are as flawed as the Treaty of Versailles, so I'll wait 'till my generation's women grow up, but until then, I have mai waifu.
>> No. 5793 [Edit]
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Main reason is that I hate real women. I think all women are whores and they make me feel disgusted. They have only caused me misfortune and they will cause even more if I let them.

So I decided to 'create' perfect girl for me and she has made me really happy. Actually I've never been this happy in my life.
>> No. 5795 [Edit]
I have a waifu because I have a waifu. I mean, those reasons you posted (3) relate to me as well, and I can really just write an essay about how much I hate mankind, but it's irrelevant imo.
>> No. 5798 [Edit]
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2, 3 and 4. I think all 3DPD men are unloyal, sex obsessed sluts who enjoy breaking any happy being around them. I will never love any one more than I love him more than I could ever love any person.
>> No. 5799 [Edit]
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A combination of two and three, mostly three.
>> No. 5801 [Edit]
I started perhaps out of pure mockery. Then it eventually grew to 4. And then 1 and 3 kicked in too.
>> No. 5803 [Edit]
I'm not interested in real women, and when women that refer to themselves as "real women" I find kind of gross..
so yeah, not 1.

Obvestly 2. has something to do with it, but it's not like I said to myself "real women suck, I best to go find me a replacement." Becuase my waifu is far from a replacment for 3DPD.

and I'll toss in some of 3. in there, since I believe it.
There's simply no comparison.
I know without a doubt in my mind, that I will never meet anyone at all like her, not that it matters because I wont take a substitute.

Don't think so with 4., I can't really stand real people.
I can't say I love her more then real women becuase I don't love any real women.
>> No. 5805 [Edit]
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My general hatred for 99% of the people in this world aside.. Probably number 4. I'm yet to find a woman that I love as much as her, and after all this time with her I doubt it's ever going to happen.
>> No. 5806 [Edit]
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Id say its 2 and 3 but she is not a replacement, so its more like since i dont care about real women or real relationships, i fell in love with her and i've never been more happy in my life..
>> No. 5809 [Edit]

Man, going through this thread real quick, I knew Tohno-chan wasn't home to exactly the most philanthropic people around, but I honestly didn't expect them to be so cynical.

Well, to each their own, I guess.
>> No. 5810 [Edit]
2 and 3...mostly 2. "Disgusting" does not even begin to describe how I feel about 3D women. To add on to reason 3, I not only think it's impossible for me to love a real women, but it's impossible for them to love anyone else as well.

Having a waifu also suits my lifestyle quite well. I prefer to take it easy, so I'm not a big fan of the ridiculous drama and obligations that come with a real relationship. And as others have said, I don't consider my waifu a replacement of any kind.
>> No. 5811 [Edit]
I couldn't help but notice that you conveniently missed one of the more prominent ones.
>> No. 5812 [Edit]

Which one?
>> No. 5813 [Edit]
Number 3.
>> No. 5814 [Edit]
4. But after living with a waifu it's becoming 3.
>> No. 5816 [Edit]
Something between 2 and 3.
>> No. 5823 [Edit]
>You think all women are disgusting, and so have a waifu instead.
>You're more than willing to love a real woman, but you found a 2D girl you loved more than any real woman as of yet.
>> No. 5827 [Edit]

I'm sorry, but I'm going to stop taking it easy here for a moment.

What makes you think you're so much better than everybody else? What makes you think your "romantic heart" isn't just another such ploy by your brain to ensure your seed gets passed down?

I accept I'm always going to have emotional and physical urges that are results of my brain attempting to get me to make babies. Instead of going through the pain and suffering of dealing with other people who hold those same urges but don't recognize them or attempt to deal with them, I offload them onto a figment of my imagination so that I'm not tempted otherwise. If I didn't have a waifu I'd be offloading them in the exact same way onto a real person, so in essence I'm helping both myself and any potential future lovers.

I don't even see what's so wrong with being materialistic.
>> No. 5831 [Edit]
it's cynical to not like real people?
>> No. 5834 [Edit]
What other answer would you get besides "I don't prefer 3D"?
>> No. 5835 [Edit]
>You don't think it's possible you'll ever have a real woman, so you substitute with a waifu.

This was the closest answer I could think of, although the elaborate answer would be because I've lost all semblance of being capable of feeling romantic love towards 3D, not even people of the same sex, as if I was already asexualized by the lack of relationships my whole life.

...Until I've found her, that is.
>> No. 5839 [Edit]
This is just my opinion, but I really don't like it when people use waifu a substitute for when they do actually find a suitable 3D girl. It's a disgusting in my honest opinion.
>> No. 5840 [Edit]
The one hating 3D men instead of women. Probably just coincidence, but still.
>> No. 5841 [Edit]

That's the idea behind the word, yeah.
>> No. 5845 [Edit]
A waifu is kinda like a digital reflection of one's unconscious mind. Well, at least that's how I interpret it.
>> No. 5846 [Edit]
It's not that I hate people just for the sake of hating them or anything, but when you have to deal with people all day, and about 9/10 of them you want to punch in the face, it starts to take its toll.
>> No. 5847 [Edit]
I...suppose it's closer to 4? I would think three, but it isn't that I don't think I could love a real woman like a waifu, it's that I don't think I can love ANYBODY like them.

I don't know which that is, maybe between 3 and 4?
>> No. 5851 [Edit]

Yes, I'm with you on this one.
>> No. 5862 [Edit]

Post edited on 27th Sep 2011, 1:05pm
>> No. 5863 [Edit]
Three. I get all of the benefits with pretty much no downsides.

Same way single player games and books are greater than MMO's and conversations with other people.
>> No. 5894 [Edit]
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I suppose I should answer my own question.

I think I'm about 60% 3, 30% 2, and about 10% 4.
>> No. 6004 [Edit]
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As far the question goes, the following "results" is why I have a waifu:

Number 1 is 0% true
Number 2 is 85% true
Number 3 is 15% true
Number 4 is 0% true

In short, I do not like having any relationship with a 3DPD
>> No. 6029 [Edit]
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3. I didn't think I was capable of love before I met her.
>> No. 6030 [Edit]
4, with a tiny, tiny hint of 3.
>> No. 6041 [Edit]
Mostly 3. No matter what I do, I technically think it's impossible for me to be loved. So rather than keep being depressed about it, I love Ui instead.

Whether you take my view on it as selfish or not, I care little. But I'm mostly 3 because it's true in my opinion.
>> No. 6042 [Edit]

Real girls suck, man. It's not...easy to love them. Too 'real' for my tastes.

Miya's perfect~ When it comes to her I don't need much else.
>> No. 6818 [Edit]
Interesting thread here.

For me, it's a mix of 1 and 4. 1 because no real woman has ever expressed interest in me and I don't really see that changing anytime soon. 4 because I think we can all agree 2D women tend to have better personalities. I don't know if this is just because they are made to be idealistic or if I only know boring/bitchy women, but right now they don't really compare to the real thing.

I'm probably in the minority here for actually being open to the idea of a real woman, but it's more of a far-fetched fantasy than anything else, really.
>> No. 6819 [Edit]
I don't have a waifu as of yet, but I'd go with a mixture of 1, 2, and 3.

I don't want to ever "love" 3DPD.
>> No. 6821 [Edit]
5. I don't love real women, but I know that's not their fault. I don't think real women are any more disgusting than real men. I know I'm attractive and wealthy enough to get a real woman if I wanted. You can love 2d or 3d with equal passion. I just found my waifu and love her the most.
>> No. 6844 [Edit]
Well, why not? Since centuries ago, the humanity loved men and women who were not real, not just admiration, but devoted love. There are tons of work based in the author's love towards their ideal love, that love didn't need to towards a real person but to an invention of the author. Even Plato defended a position that the best kind of love was toward the ideals and divinity, concepts not attached to the "real" world.
I think that "Waifu" is just a term to define that ideal love, acquired via manga/anime/games which are the ones we are more used to. So I'm just loving my vision of ideal woman, incarnated in my waifu.
>> No. 7011 [Edit]
for me its number 4 this was all just spontaneous no one ever forced it on to me my feelings for her will never change
>> No. 7026 [Edit]
I fell in love with an anime character I guess, that's how I have a "waifu".

I don't desire a romantic relationship with a "real person". Talking to other people is bothersome to me, I prefer to have peace and quiet. This kind of reflects itself in who I love.

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