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File 131671533838.jpg - (241.04KB , 836x1050 , 21223403d631964b6eaf90245b25f5d9.jpg )
5728 No. 5728 [Edit]
So, /mai/, some god or other descends upon the Earth and gives you a proposition.

You can have your waifu, absolutely no strings attached. She will be as physically attractive to you in the real world as she is to now in the 2D world. She will have the exact same personality she has in the 2D world. She will be as pure as she is in the 2D world.

No horrible consequences or anything. She will love you and only you, she has magic anti-rape powers, and both of you will die naturally of old age.

HOWEVER, the real world is still as it is now. As impure and corrupt as it is now. And it can and will, given the chance, corrupt your waifu and make her impure.

Do you still accept? If you do, do you take any precautions to ensure her purity is preserved? If so, what precautions?
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>> No. 5730 [Edit]
Isn't that almost identical to the situation >>415 proposed?
While I'd rather not have her living on this world, I wouldn't refuse the offer. Given that her herself wants to come over and stay, of course.
>> No. 5731 [Edit]
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I will accept the deal, but there's only one thing I'm asking and that is do not cut her off from her homeland, I don't want to take her away from her family. Also, it would provide me an opportunity to take other options when it comes to work.
>> No. 5733 [Edit]
File 131673568781.png - (309.86KB , 647x906 , mattari yufi Tenshi >8>.png )
Define "purity." Tenshi is the antagonist in her game; she's not completely innocent.
>> No. 5734 [Edit]
She's pure in her own way, being 2D, but impure in her own world, being the equivalent of a NEET.
I don't think this world would really change her all too much, considering I would be the one caring for her, so she wouldn't be exposed to the world in a way like other girls are in schools and jobs.
But honestly it feels as though nothing would change that much for her except having someone to love, which is good for both her and me.
So yes, I would wholeheartedly accept this proposal.
>> No. 5739 [Edit]
I wouldn't.

Also, OP. Please choose /a/ or /mai/. I see your threads at the same time. /a/ is different in so many levels.
>> No. 5740 [Edit]

Why do I have to chose either one? Is there something in the rules on either that says I can only post on one or the other, not both?
>> No. 5741 [Edit]
In all honesty, no.

I love her too much to let anything happen to her. I may just be thinking negatively here, but I am just not strong enough both physically and mentally to keep her safe. The anti-rape powers seem great, but that isn't the point. The point is, either way, I can't protect her as is. I can barely protect her in my head (I'm paranoid as hell). The only way I would accept this proposition is if : 1) We were living in my ideal world or 2) She only appears for a brief minute or two, and that is when I tell her I love her so much, hug her, kiss her, and send her off.
>> No. 5742 [Edit]

It gives me the wrong impression of you. Are you here to see our answers for genuine curiosity or are you here just playing around? I don't even know what the point of posting this in /a/, it's a complete joke to most of them. Whatever though, I forgot to mention in my last post that it's entirely up to you, and this is only my opinion of the situation.
>> No. 5743 [Edit]

I'm obviously not playing around. I don't know where you got that impression. Of course I'm genuinely curious as to your answers. I post this on both /a/ and here because I want answers from both sample groups, you know?

And /a/ is good.


On some days.

At some periods of the day.


Okay, /a/ actually really sucks but I can't help posting there because of the massive post volume. Most of the kiddos in there either think waifus are stupid, a joke, or have one as a joke, so I see your point.

Now can we stop talking about it?
>> No. 5747 [Edit]
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I will accept the deal despite that I have to protect her from the corruptness of the real-world.
>> No. 5748 [Edit]
I´d rather like to join her in her world, bringing her to this world fells kinda odd.
But i don´t think that i could reject that deal, i think we would do just fine.
>> No. 5750 [Edit]
File 131680823657.jpg - (219.16KB , 1000x750 , 100000000063.jpg )
Of course I would accept. Even if she could become "corrupt" or "impure", she would still always love me as mentioned above. I would do anything I could for her, even if it meant taking up a less-than-comfortable lifestyle. Thankfully, though, I wouldn't need many precautions seeing as she's kind of a hikikomori herself.
>> No. 5754 [Edit]
File 131681471870.png - (1.46MB , 880x1200 , 1309238468470.png )
She can take care of herself. Asuka isn't a baby. There's nothing tat could corrupt her more than her childhood, and even that didn't spoil her.
>> No. 5755 [Edit]
Given human minds are "impure," and that your waifu exists in your mind, I'd say your waifu is inheritly impure via contact with you.
>> No. 5757 [Edit]
Cool philosophy, bro.
>> No. 5758 [Edit]

>> No. 5759 [Edit]

You're doing it right.
>> No. 5762 [Edit]

You're doing it wrong.
>> No. 5836 [Edit]
>human minds are "impure"
This is senseless.

No: it wasn't even logic.
>> No. 5837 [Edit]
Spelling is not grammar.
>> No. 5838 [Edit]

Orthography. He's doing it wrong.

>> No. 5848 [Edit]
I don't know about you guys, but I have a high opinion of this world and its inhabitants.

Yes, we humans fuck up. But we also (both men and women imo) can do great things when brought together. I'd want them to see the majesty of this world that I so appreciate, and this world offers them something their world does not: it offers them the freedom we humans have called choice. I also don't want the condition that they would love only me though, I want the potential for them to choose others to be present.

Love to me is about having the option of other people and forsaking it for who you love anyway.
>> No. 5852 [Edit]

Strangely enough, I agree with you mostly.

People are great, and they do great things. Pyramids, Hoover Dam, moon landings, etc.

BUT, I don't believe people are actually compatible with each other when it comes to romantic feelings. I believe every person on the planet is horrible for every other person on the planet as a romantic partner.

I'll like you as a friend, I'll respect you, but there's no way I can love you. It's just not possible for me.
>> No. 5864 [Edit]
My view is yeah we can do great things, but the majority of people are shit. The people that keep the world turning are few and far in between relatively speaking.
>> No. 5866 [Edit]

And what differentiates great people from shitty people, exactly? We're all human, aren't we?
>> No. 5869 [Edit]
The difference lies in the particulars of that person. Some people are ambitious and charismatic, and find their home at the top where they do their job competently; others are worthless because they refuse to work hard and learn, annoying everyone around them. We're more than just human, we are individuals.
>> No. 5870 [Edit]

Will you agree with me that it's not an innate difference in individuals, though?
>> No. 5871 [Edit]
Yes. I think I see where this is going, not that I'm against it. I don't like hating the world, it feels like shit.
>> No. 5922 [Edit]
Individuality is an illusion.
>> No. 5926 [Edit]

No, you've just been browsing image boards too long.
>> No. 5931 [Edit]

You're not intelligent or wise or anything. Stop trying to act like it.
>> No. 5939 [Edit]
Seconding this request.
>> No. 5942 [Edit]
She can't be corrupted if her only human contact is with me.
Why does my waifu need to make contact with other people? Or I for that matter? I'd just work from home or something.

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