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5717 No. 5717 [Edit]
I found someone on Pixiv who challenged himself to do a ton of drawings of himself having sex with Tenshi in different ways (including things she clearly didn't enjoy), saying that when he finished every single picture, Tenshi would become his wife.

That's really wrong to me; he's just using her for sex and then also getting her as a reward for some reason. I have no problem with lovemaking, but I definitely have a problem with using your waifu as a sex toy. It sounds like he does love her, but the way he shows it is disgusting.
>> No. 5718 [Edit]
Almost anyone would have a real big problem with that.
>> No. 5719 [Edit]
That's probably his way of saying: "She's all mine, fuck off!". Nobody really wants to share waifus unless they're into cuckolding, to which she then belongs to everybody

Haha...I hate life.
>> No. 5722 [Edit]
Oh hey, he made a doujin of her getting gang raped.

Yeah, fuck this guy.
>> No. 5723 [Edit]
Yeah.. I wish they wouldn't drag their shit into something nice.
>> No. 5724 [Edit]
Generally those types of people just use a waifu, as you said, as a sex toy. But from my experience as one of them in the past they get the sexual use out of them and realize there is nothing left to it and just as quickly abandon her as they found her
so in the end you will have her but the memories of such things occuring will still be there unless you can think of a canon way out of it
>> No. 5725 [Edit]
She does not belong to you in anyway shape or form. The sooner you realize this the sooner shit like this won't bother you
>> No. 5726 [Edit]
Just because something doesn't belong to you that doesn't mean you can't care about it.
>> No. 5727 [Edit]
That's love?
>> No. 5737 [Edit]
My cure for fucked-up pictures featuring my waifu was immediate immersion therapy. Not too prolonged, but certainly several pages of mental hell. Not for the faint-hearted, but now I'm desensitized, it feels great. Only try it if your will is ironclad.

Unless it's just the attitude of the arrogant little cunt that irks you? You could let your hatred burn, and let it smoulder out into indifference.
You seem to have artistic talent, so you could try drawing yourself and/or Tenshi shooting the crap out of him or similar. I'm good with words, so I'd compose a literary version. A programmer could get to coding something. Et cetera.

I will disagree with you on one point though. I'm quite unconvinced of the "love" (as we know, define and understand it) he proclaims.
>> No. 5738 [Edit]
I'm ok with disturbing pictures; this guy could have a whole gallery of the most horribly grotesque images of mai waifu you can find, and I'd just ignore them. My problem is that he says he loves her after that.

I'm unconvinced, too. He needs to completely relearn the concept of love, starting with opening a dictionary and noticing it doesn't have anything to do with giving your wife away to be raped by other men.
>> No. 5745 [Edit]
I know a guy who draws lewd pictures of her and still said he loved her when I pm'd him about his doujinshi

Nothing too bad/lewd but it makes me sad ;_;
>> No. 5764 [Edit]

It sounds to me that he's some kind of NTR fetishist who doesn't want to admit it.

I wouldn't worry about him.

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