Rabu rabu~

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File 129246963424.jpg - (351.82KB , 666x1762 , satorin's pretty frills~.jpg )
570 No. 570 [Edit]
I got a new computer pretty recently, so i've been quite a while without many pics of mai waifu. It probably seems pretty strange that I haven't bothered saving any, but hey, i'm just too damn lazy.

I stumbled across some, and... I ended up just sort of staring at them for ages. I don't know why, i've never experienced this before, but looking at them just made me so damn happy. It made me so happy I actually started to feel uncomfortably flustered and left. Hell, I still feel pretty warm inside.
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>> No. 571 [Edit]
File 129246974770.jpg - (94.41KB , 837x771 , dere.jpg )
I feel that way about some pictures too. I can't look at this picture of Kirino without smiling
>> No. 576 [Edit]
File 129248121744.jpg - (380.58KB , 708x708 , 9301668.jpg )
You know, I may get infatuated with other girls for a while (even to the point of obsession), but they don't give me (mostly because they aren't exactly perfect compared to mai waifu) the same warm feeling whenever I see mai waifu. Usually most of her pictures make me feel just so happy and flustered, to the point I can't think straight at all. Though she wouldn't like it if my mind wasn't focused at all.
>> No. 577 [Edit]
File 129248265991.jpg - (41.03KB , 593x716 , 1268735914304.jpg )
sometimes I do that as well. hell, even though I've played hanako's path like 20 times, I like to play it again and again just because of that magical feeling of falling in love with her all over again

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