No. 5664
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Don't worry, I swear I'm not trying to take over /mai/.
What? I'm really not.
Uhh, anyways.
>How much do the few or many people you all actually interact with on a daily basis know about your waifu?
Considering I only interact with my family on a daily basis, at least in the real, not much. I mean, I have my figurines and my plushies out in public, I don't hide them. I sit with my plushie in my lap all day. But I don't think my parents exactly know what's up with it. They probably just think she's a character I like a lot or I think is really cute or something like that. Obviously, I doubt they'd presume "Hrm... He must be in love with that girl and considers her as his girlfriend, albeit an imaginary one."
That being said, no, my family doesn't know I have a waifu. I would never tell them, either, just because it'd be confusing for them, hard to explain for me, and it'd just be too much trouble.
If they pester me enough about why I don't have a girlfriend or a wife as I get older, then I'll tell them once I get frustrated enough. If there's nothing to prompt me, though, I'm not saying shit.
ONE person I know in real life knows about my "waifu", but I put that in quotations because he has a very base knowledge about what it is, and probably a lot of misconceptions, like how serious I am about it. He doesn't really care too much, which I find surprising. Chances are he thinks it's just a joke thing, though.
How much do people get on you for something like that? Like, do you have IRL friends/family on your Facebook? I've been thinking of doing it, just... Social ramifications, and all. And having to explain. And stuff.
Post edited on 20th Sep 2011, 11:49am