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File 131648388889.jpg - (381.79KB , 795x1498 , 1301553848936.jpg )
5640 No. 5640 [Edit]
Well in order to avoid /mai/ being changed to /ritsu/ due to the amount of posts by the mysterious Ritsu lover, I feel as if i should post an interesting topic that came to mind to me today.

How much do the few or many people you all actually interact with on a daily basis know about your waifu? After adding all the factors such as them seeing a collection of waifu merch if you have one, or maybe you talking about her directly/subliminally; do your friends/family know about how you feel about a 2D?

Personally, my family is completely unaware of my relationship with my waifu, not becaus eia m ashamed of it, but simeply because I am aware that informing them of it would simply bring them grief and confusion. If they were more open-minded, maybe they would simply know i enjoy more collecting things of a girl rather than wasting my time with a fake woman. As for fellow anime fans/NEETs, they are simply aware I have a favorite character out of the other myriad of anime girls I have a liking to.
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>> No. 5641 [Edit]
That's a lot of "simply"s...
>> No. 5642 [Edit]
My parents don't know, my brother jokes about it so he probably knows, and I have flat-out stated it to some of my friends, but they likely thought I was joking and forgot about it.

You can edit your post.
>> No. 5644 [Edit]
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All of which served no purpose. Brits make the same mistake with "basically".

Good post though. No-one knows about my waifu, except for a certain Type A friend who I think quietly suspects it (I intentionally dropped a few hints at one point).

Shall we turn this board from /ritsu/ to /germangirlsrule/? Heh heh...
>> No. 5646 [Edit]
My three closest friends know of my waifu. It's almost a rule though that we do not speak about it as much as tc though. We just respect eachother's waifu and that's pretty much it.
>> No. 5647 [Edit]
I'm not on good terms with my mother and my father has no idea but, he knows I'm not into most girls my age (or even at all as most all of them I do not trust)
and I'm not friends with people into anime or the like (and neither am I really I just like the art style) so none of my friends know of my love for anything, even 3DPD.
I've said various times in the past (all before finding mai waifu) that I was asexual so I think that's what they assume and I'm quite all right with this as even though I know a few anime fans and weeaboos mai waifu isn't even related so there's no chance that they would ever badmouth her
but God have mercy on the first person I meet to know her and say anything about her for I shall not
>> No. 5648 [Edit]
Various relatives have seen pictures of her...nobody's asked who she is yet. They respect my privacy and/or keep their vicarious shame to themselves.
>> No. 5650 [Edit]
No, I talk about her here anonymously, but no one knows but me. It's a personal matter, and I prefer to keep it private.
>> No. 5652 [Edit]
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My parents know a bit of it but don't take it seriously, as for friends, most of them do not agree to this thus despite being anime fans, I deviate from them just because I love Lizlet in a way they cannot comprehend

Though in my Facebook, I deliberately posted there that I am married to my waifu just to show how much I love Lizlet.

Post edited on 19th Sep 2011, 10:04pm
>> No. 5653 [Edit]
My family knows. They have seen my room. I have several figs and a dakimakura of her. It wouldn't take a genius to figure it out.

They don't seem to care though. They never talk about it. Everyone in my family is messed up in his or her own way, so I suppose they understand somewhat.

Facebook? Really? oh boy...
>> No. 5654 [Edit]
>my Facebook

>> No. 5655 [Edit]
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>> No. 5656 [Edit]
Would you please provide the link to the Touchable 3d Ch... video if it is augmented reality related?
>> No. 5657 [Edit]
>> No. 5659 [Edit]
That'd be awesome.
>> No. 5660 [Edit]
I have some 2 (online)friends who know it. But we never talk much about it.
>> No. 5662 [Edit]
>>5644 Well or you open up a waifu thread on that german-chan, Kraut-chan was the name i think.
..nah better not.

My 4 closest friends know about her, one of them knows certainly more than the other three because this person has a better understanding of the topic.
My familiy does not know about, and they probably never will, maybe my brother somehow will get an idea but that would be the lesser evil.
>> No. 5664 [Edit]
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Don't worry, I swear I'm not trying to take over /mai/.


What? I'm really not.

Uhh, anyways.

>How much do the few or many people you all actually interact with on a daily basis know about your waifu?

Considering I only interact with my family on a daily basis, at least in the real, not much. I mean, I have my figurines and my plushies out in public, I don't hide them. I sit with my plushie in my lap all day. But I don't think my parents exactly know what's up with it. They probably just think she's a character I like a lot or I think is really cute or something like that. Obviously, I doubt they'd presume "Hrm... He must be in love with that girl and considers her as his girlfriend, albeit an imaginary one."

That being said, no, my family doesn't know I have a waifu. I would never tell them, either, just because it'd be confusing for them, hard to explain for me, and it'd just be too much trouble.

If they pester me enough about why I don't have a girlfriend or a wife as I get older, then I'll tell them once I get frustrated enough. If there's nothing to prompt me, though, I'm not saying shit.

ONE person I know in real life knows about my "waifu", but I put that in quotations because he has a very base knowledge about what it is, and probably a lot of misconceptions, like how serious I am about it. He doesn't really care too much, which I find surprising. Chances are he thinks it's just a joke thing, though.


How much do people get on you for something like that? Like, do you have IRL friends/family on your Facebook? I've been thinking of doing it, just... Social ramifications, and all. And having to explain. And stuff.

Post edited on 20th Sep 2011, 11:49am
>> No. 5679 [Edit]
None. And I intend to keep it that way. They'd just blow it up into a big deal and make me out to be a lonely head case. I would maybe hint at it but... all except four of my friends are Ford Drivers, with one being a casual.
>> No. 5682 [Edit]
>How much do people get on you for something like that?

Been doing it for some time now myself. Only response I got was the initial "You're a fag" response.

I just put on a you mad face and nobody cared anymroe.
>> No. 5687 [Edit]
File 131656949928.jpg - (8.35KB , 229x251 , 1261518631305.jpg )
>How much do the few or many people you all actually interact with on a daily basis know about your waifu?

I try to make sure no one in my family knows about it,they wouldnt understand, only my brother suspects about it but he thinks she is just my favourite character.
Some friends know that i have a waifu,and i had very long discussions about it, some of them understood,one helped me to buy a figure of her, one didnt got it and tried to hook me up with a real girl,obviously, i declined. The ones who know about it, tell me that im very admirable for putting so much effort into her, and others say that i just take the easy way with 2d, i just ignore them, nothing they say will make me stop loving her.
>> No. 5688 [Edit]

Funny they say having a waifu is the easy way out when there's nothing easy about it.
>> No. 5690 [Edit]
There kinda is. A lot.
>> No. 5692 [Edit]
File 131657020591.jpg - (24.12KB , 339x585 , 128928345.jpg )
i know right? they told me i just dont have the fights,the betrayal,the dullness all those "emotions" they have with their real girlfriends.

what makes it more funny, the guys who told me that, are the ones who just had a break up with their girlfriends this week.

they just dont understand.
>> No. 5694 [Edit]

Well it wasn't easy for me in any case. Dealing with the fact that she's not real, the fact that I'll never actually be next to her, I'll never actually hold her in my arms and I'll never know what she thinks about me or how she feels about me, and I'm a person who always assumes the worst.
>> No. 5695 [Edit]
Is there? How so?
>> No. 5697 [Edit]
That's a small price to pay for everything else, though. You never know what real people think of you either, as even if they directly say so, they might be lying. You don't have to do anything you don't want because your waifu wants to, you don't have to spend any more money on her than you want, she can't get bored of you and leave; the list goes on and on.
>> No. 5698 [Edit]

Giascle, honestly. Why do you always have to shit on everyone and everything on this board?
>> No. 5699 [Edit]
I've found Giascle to be the voice of conscience on this site. I'm not one to think you can hold a belief if a counter argument has never been presented.
>> No. 5701 [Edit]
>You do realize this is a discussion board right?
>> No. 5702 [Edit]

This is how waifu works for you, but that doesn't mean it's how it works for him. Especially given that this guy's a pessimist, and I'm going to go out on a limb here and say fairly insecure, and he's probably held out for a real girl at some point.

Or in other words, you might be content with her just existing in your mind as a concept, but some people can't just abandon the entire physical side of love as easily as you've done. There's more to physical love than just sex, after all.
>> No. 5703 [Edit]
File 131660430825.jpg - (38.77KB , 250x170 , Lizlet L Chelsie pic 2.jpg )

Well some people can't abandon real-life relationship but those who never had good experience with real-women (like me), I'll rather stay with this concept even if it means being alone, specially those who have no intentions of starting a family.
>> No. 5704 [Edit]

And you know, regardless of what other people think, you know that's how you are, even if it's just for this point in our life, or longer. But it doesn't always work the same way for other people is what I was getting at, which giascle didn't seem to quite get. Waifu is not the easy no-bullshit way out for everyone.
>> No. 5705 [Edit]
I didn't say there are no problems whatsoever, just said it's easier.

It would have been nice if you'd actually given reason for your weird tirade against me in the first place, but whatever. I assumed it was obvious when I give an opinion that it is only my view, and anyone is welcome to disagree with me; sorry for overestimating your intelligence.
>> No. 5706 [Edit]

I'm just basically saying easier is not always the case. That was my entire point.
>> No. 5707 [Edit]

Sure, but almost EVERY post I've seen by giascle has been a critical one, pointing out something he considers wrong. It's always a negative post.

I've almost never seen him contribute something positive.
>> No. 5708 [Edit]
They're only negative to you. It seems anything you disagree with you consider some sort of attack.
>> No. 5709 [Edit]
>sorry for overestimating your intelligence

You're kind of proving his point now.
>> No. 5710 [Edit]

It's not whether or not you're attacking anybody, it's the fact that literally almost all the posts I've seen by you have been criticizing somebody for something.
>> No. 5711 [Edit]
Well yeah, I am now.
I'm not going to deny I'm a critical person, just not as critical as you expect me to be. How many times have you accused me of ruining the site, yet everyone else says there's nothing wrong with what I posted?
>> No. 5712 [Edit]
Actually I'm going to have to agree with him to some extent. You definitely aren't "ruining the site", but some of your posts seem a bit condescending. That being said, he is going a bit too far to point it out.
>> No. 5714 [Edit]
I'm ok with this
>> No. 5715 [Edit]

You're the one who said previously that, because most of the users on this site are autistic, we should be careful of what we say.

How about it, giascle? Are you being careful with what you say?


I'm sorry I'm not the kind of person who's willing to sit by while somebody else is being a jackass.

Oh wait. No, no I'm not.
>> No. 5716 [Edit]
I've never said anyone's waifu is better than another, which is what I meant in that context. In that way, yes I am; there's a difference between stating my views and saying someone made the right choice in what should bring them joy.
>> No. 5720 [Edit]
Oh hey, people have me confused with the guy who is actually super hating on giascle.
>> No. 5721 [Edit]
huh what
>> No. 5732 [Edit]
Dammit, giascle. Here you go again stirring up another shitstorm. Why must you do this?

Post edited on 22nd Sep 2011, 3:21pm
>> No. 5736 [Edit]

>most of the users on this site are autistic
[citation needed]
>> No. 5744 [Edit]
>[citation needed]

Check out the IRC, you'll see.
>> No. 5749 [Edit]
IRC only represents a small fraction of the userbase.

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