Rabu rabu~

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File 131645547654.png - (399.80KB , 1280x1324 , 3855838.png )
5623 No. 5623 [Edit]

I think this has interesting implications for all of us.
>> No. 5625 [Edit]

Why was I born too early?!

>> No. 5626 [Edit]
Looks very potential device.
>> No. 5633 [Edit]
He said playing games with fictional characters is lonely. This guy totally has a waifu.
>> No. 5638 [Edit]
In b4 it costs 10s of thousand of dollars.
>> No. 5651 [Edit]
>In b4 it costs 10s of thousand of dollars
I got surprise motivation to start invest my college studies again and get job soon after I graduate.

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