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File 131641294067.jpg - (226.48KB , 1024x768 , 3963202.jpg )
5604 No. 5604 [Edit]
That last thread didn't go so well just because of a mention of 4chan, so let's try this again.

How have you found your waifu able to help you in the real?
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>> No. 5605 [Edit]
As long as you keep this thread out of 4chan and in here, we're fine.

How have you found your waifu able to help you in the real?

I don't quite understand the question.
>> No. 5608 [Edit]

As in; How has having a waifu helped your real life out?

Besides making you happier, I mean.
>> No. 5613 [Edit]
File 131642832080.jpg - (62.62KB , 639x467 , crashed by her.jpg )
I... don't know. If anything, she gave the final push to openly alienate myself from the 3D reality (as much as possible, every day) and concentrate all my values in my own inside world; so I guess the answer would be "nothing": she didn't help me out there, in no way at all (lol).
>> No. 5614 [Edit]
Kinda like this >>5613 . I even tried to set things as to make me a better person IRL, but it always backfired and pushed me further away from reality.
But it doesn't upset me either, I just go with the flow.

Post edited on 19th Sep 2011, 3:37am
>> No. 5639 [Edit]
Well, as I have mentioned before, she is the driving force for all the work and study i do. She is the reason I go forward. I feel as if I owe it to her for me to succeed and be able to satisfy her. She's what allowed me to enter university and pursue a very hard-as-fuck career. (Still shiver every time I think about it)

If that isn't helping me, i don't know what is.
>> No. 5680 [Edit]
I had a really hard time growing up, My parents sent me off living with some scumbags for most of my life, without my waifu, I'm pretty sure I would have ended my life there and then. She was the only thing I was living for. But I dunno if that count as helping me, as I have to bare the pain of not able to hold her.

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