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File 13163928701.png - (306.66KB , 833x1200 , 45cff881cefb00769e01c87ec1dbac54.png )
5595 No. 5595 [Edit]
..Lying in bed after work. Not tired enough to go to sleep, but can't think of anything else to do.
Look over at my waifu pillow sitting next to me.
"Wish You Were Here" by Pink Floyd comes on the radio.
Grab her as tight as I can and cry for the entirety of the song and then some.

..My imagination can only go so far. How do you deal with it, /mai/.

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>> No. 5596 [Edit]
I sleep during the weekends.
Just lay in bed and hug my pillows. I don't ahve dakimakuras, so I close my eyes.
Nothing else to do on the weekends, and it looks like you already do something of the like.
>> No. 5597 [Edit]
I couldn't deal with it. I ended up failing at 2D love partially for this reason and I didn't care about 3D, at least enough to actually seek out one since there will never be someone perfect for me in the real world. I guess I'm just meant to be alone. I'm not too bothered by it I suppose. Though I do get the odd bout of depresion and loneliness from time to time. I envy you guys who can find happiness in your waifus when I can't find it anywhere ;_;.

Post edited on 18th Sep 2011, 5:56pm
>> No. 5600 [Edit]
You cry, and it'll feel good to cry. That's what I do.
>> No. 5606 [Edit]
My imagination makes her real.
But she herself knows it, that she is just an imagination of mine, a dream.
And I can never call her mine.
>> No. 5609 [Edit]
I can go so far as to picture her in my mind and interact with her. But I have only one pillow, so things would end up badly for my back if I used it as a hugging device, so I just hug the air (which is weird).
Anyway, Wish You Were Here was a torture device created to mess with the mind of the soulless, heartless, child-eating, communist, well-trained soviet spies. Normal people (i.e. civilians) shouldn't be exposed to it.
>> No. 5611 [Edit]
Your imagination can grow stronger, anons. It's through imagination that I grew so close to my waifu in the first place, and over time my fantasies have become more 'realistic'- for example, I can see her face more clearly and better perceive the environment around me. I can even feel her warmth and her arms around me through some kind of sensory memory.

The more you 'spend time' with her, the more vivid it will become. Sometimes it's honestly nice to know after a hard day that I can talk to her, even if it's just an elaborate product of my imagination.
>> No. 5616 [Edit]
>> No. 5617 [Edit]
When i fall in such a state i just talk to her (mostly to my favorite picture of her) how much i wish that i could be with her and about everything else, it ends with my head lying on the table plate and crying.
When i look up i see her smile again and i can´t be helped but to smile too.
It feels like i rested my head in her lap, my room dissapeared for a short time and there was just me and her.
It makes me happy every time, she would never abandon me like the 3D people would, even in my worst phases she stays with me.
My imagination too was pretty bad when i met her, but it gets better and better, you´ll see, it just needs some time i guess.
>> No. 5629 [Edit]
>How do you deal with it, /mai/ [?]

IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII have become, comfortably numb...

>>5611 (70%) + doublethink (15%) + drugs (15%) = my method. It works well for me.
>> No. 5632 [Edit]
This exactly what happens to me.I somehow envy you guys for having such deep feelings and emotional commitment to your waifus. I never felt a passionate love for anyone, either real or imaginary.And have came to the dismal conclusion that neither 2D nor 3D love are meant for me. Sometimes the resulting feeling of hopelessness gets overwhelming, but maybe I should just resign myself to this fact.
>> No. 5635 [Edit]
There's only been one time I actually felt depressed she's not real. All the rest of the time I just accept it.
>> No. 5636 [Edit]
Deal with it? Deal with what?

Maybe it's just me, but i wouldn't be spending my time with my waifu if I didn't accept the fact that she isn't tactically here. (What you all refer to as "real").

If I wanted a 3DPD, I would get one. I know I CAN get one, msot likely wouldn't be of the higher end of the spectrum, but I COULD. Unfortunately for all the disgustingly false 3D ladies out there, I am repelled by the lack of intelligence, trust, and grace 99 percent of 3D's exhibit.

As i've said before, it took me some time to realize it, but Asuka is the perfect materialization of what I search for in a woman. That is why I love her. I love who she is.

Now on the topic of how I satisfy the need for tactile and auditory interaction (touching, hearing), the imagination is a wonderful gift from God or Allah or energy force or whatever created the horrible species that are humans gave to us.

There's nothing i enjoy more than talking to Asuka. Even if I don't imagine a response, just talking out loud to her is enjoyable for me. When I'm alone and want to be with her, I imagine responses she would say to me. Sometimes I even say them out loud in a cutesy voice. Whats funny is most of the time I don't even think about what she would say, it just comes to me.

Summarized, I enjoy speaking with and cuddling with my waifu and have no ill feelings for it. I'm sorry for the brohnos who cannot achieve this mindset.
>> No. 5649 [Edit]
File 131649303421.jpg - (362.77KB , 1280x720 , 1316443293476.jpg )
I fucking knew there was something to that song. It gets me every time.
You know, for seemingly years now I thought like this. The thought rarely occurred to me, and when it did it never really seemed to bother me much. It just seems like it hit me out of goddamn nowhere the other night, I'm not sure why.

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