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File 131630766330.png - (80.10KB , 350x400 , 3926415.png )
5554 No. 5554 [Edit]
So, say you had to describe your waifu as if she was a girlfriend to somebody in the real.

How would you go about this?
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>> No. 5555 [Edit]
File 131630949425.jpg - (248.84KB , 540x600 , 16156806_m.jpg )
She's kind, Beautiful, smart, and sweat as sugar.
I've been seeing her for four years now I think, and I can tell you without a doubt in my mind she's the only one for me.

Post edited on 18th Sep 2011, 5:12pm
>> No. 5556 [Edit]
You know that quiet black haired girl? The one with her hair fanning toward her cheeks?
>> No. 5557 [Edit]
Quiet. Stern but gentle.
>> No. 5559 [Edit]
File 131632275571.jpg - (0.98MB , 1190x1681 , tjk Tenshi colorful.jpg )
Cute, fun; kind of impulsive, but that's what makes life interesting. Also Japanese.
>> No. 5561 [Edit]
Fun to be with, cute, brave, courageous, lovely, very ladylike.
>> No. 5562 [Edit]
File 131632484257.jpg - (385.04KB , 726x1000 , 1235964553613.jpg )
I've actually been in a situation where I had to do this before. I just describe her as very intelligent and quiet, but kind at heart- typical of 'bookish' girls. Appearance wise I describe her as is, changing only the hair and eye color to 'real' ones.
>> No. 5563 [Edit]
File 131632510569.jpg - (75.45KB , 600x604 , Misato 28.jpg )
fun, spunky, beautiful, mature, loyal, helpful, caring, and light hearted (when she isn't helping save humanity)
>> No. 5564 [Edit]
>(when she isn't helping save humanity)
I don't think you'd actually describe her like this.
>> No. 5566 [Edit]
File 131632856695.jpg - (370.68KB , 1200x1633 , 1309216071072.jpg )
I don't know how to describe her, but she's concerned for me. And oh, she's confident and hard-working, yeah. She might sound jerkish at times, but she's a bro when you get to know her.
>> No. 5567 [Edit]
File 131632920137.png - (751.09KB , 742x1018 , 1c2a3298247c698129ac9c7881d1df97.png )
A cute, kind, caring, carefree girl with a beautiful voice.
>> No. 5571 [Edit]
File 131634064634.png - (268.83KB , 720x850 , 1315917346917467.png )
Beautiful, talented, smart, educated, confident, calm, mature. Sometimes short-tempered; - Perfect
>> No. 5572 [Edit]
That beautiful, calm, kind, clever and somehow unreachable acting woman.
>> No. 5574 [Edit]
File 131635882531.jpg - (84.18KB , 500x900 , 1247690116175.jpg )
I met a wonderful girl from Osaka, Japan. She's kinda...different. Maybe she has Asperger's.

I said something similar to this to a friend.He believed me, and eventually I told him the truth.
>> No. 5575 [Edit]
>say something simple,I'm pretty bad at giving descriptions of people.
That. Also, if I said something more than 'she's nice/pretty' it would probably raise too much attention and they might ask to meet her.
>> No. 5576 [Edit]
that's the joke and why it was in parenthesis.
>> No. 5577 [Edit]
File 131636296990.jpg - (120.06KB , 1280x720 , [QTS] Rosario + Vampire ep 07 (BD H264 1280x720 24.jpg )
She is very cool.
>> No. 5581 [Edit]
No one would let you off with this, especially when describing your girlfriend.
>> No. 5583 [Edit]
So very sorry for the off-topic post, but "In the real" reminds me of some sci-fi show, and i can't remember what.

Just thought i'd say.
>> No. 5594 [Edit]
File 131638989621.jpg - (239.33KB , 660x794 , Madotsuki (5).jpg )
She's nice but quiet and isn't all too interested in what most girls are.
>> No. 5602 [Edit]
File 131640438336.jpg - (81.78KB , 1006x594 , Lizlet L Chelsie 58.jpg )
Well she is sweet, kind and a pacifist but she also tend to have a perverse side and gets easily intimidated by something that is frightening to her.

She also has that smile in her face.
>> No. 5603 [Edit]

Holy fuck, giascle, do you do nothing but shit up /tc/?
>> No. 5615 [Edit]
Well, he's right though. If you actually said something like that, you'd get nothing but weird looks.
>> No. 5620 [Edit]
I like how everyone just expects my posts to be rude, regardless of what I'm actually saying.
>> No. 5621 [Edit]
I see nothing wrong with them.
Seems like an odd way to interpret the posts on their part.
>> No. 5628 [Edit]
File 13164630696.jpg - (189.50KB , 596x711 , 436901.jpg )
I'm with a girl from Karlsland wh- fuck, I couldn't say that. Erm...

She's a petit, blonde, German girl; cheerful and optimistic, lazy and disorganised. Clever at what she does. The only girl who can both out-drink and out-sleep me. Now that's love.

Yeah, we're very similar.


Ignore the other prat. I read more than I post (two eyes, but one keyboard), and you're one of the posters I have down as being truly serious and loyal.
>> No. 5634 [Edit]
>> No. 5637 [Edit]
File 131648307054.png - (92.49KB , 432x576 , 1309239192002.png )
Where to start?

First off, I have to say she's a beautiful Bavarian with auburn hair and light blue eyes. The aesthetic apart; she's fun, very intelligent, mature (in some cases), caring, and progressive. She's unstoppable when she puts her mind to something, she doesn't let anything overcome her. She's always on top, and although she's one of the tough love, hard-to-get types, she's sweet as honey when you get to her.

Oh also, did i mention she's trilingual? Ich finde dass sehr schön.
>> No. 5645 [Edit]
Well if you didn't notice I also said or something simple like that.
I like getting weird looks.
>> No. 5661 [Edit]
>>5637 Ausgezeichnet!
>> No. 5665 [Edit]
File 131654498098.jpg - (117.86KB , 500x500 , 3901798.jpg )
You know, I just realized I never even bothered to answer my own question.

She's happy, energetic, funny and cheerful. She's always thinking of her friends no matter what, and is always trying to make things more fun for those around her. She can be a bit of a dork sometimes, but that's really just part of her cuteness and why I love her so much.
>> No. 5751 [Edit]
>a beautiful Bavarian with auburn hair and light blue eyes.
Very good.
How so?
>> No. 5753 [Edit]
Although it's argued due to no concrete or explicit evidence, it is hinted that Asuka speaks even a bit of English, as required by her American citizenship, as well as it being ehr father's native language. Japanese due to her family, and German is obvious.
>> No. 5760 [Edit]
File 131687294536.png - (109.05KB , 390x360 , Lizlet L Chelsie copy.png )
The only thing I will have a hard time explaining is her profession: being a meido.

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