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5542 No. 5542 [Edit]
Have you ever found yourself in situtation where you need to explain that you aren't intrested in (real) girls but you aren't homosexual either?(If you haven't, please try contribute how you would handle such situtation) In my life I've been in such situtation twice already and they were kind hard for me. I just said something about being asexual. Which I really prefer not to use because it is really far from truth.
>> No. 5544 [Edit]
Everytime when i find myself in such a situation i just tell them that there is somebody i really love but that she is somehow "unreachable" for me.
And that i have no real interest in other woman because of that love to her.
It works pretty well for me and i don´t have to make up lies, most people don´t dig deeper and if they want to know more i just tell them that i am not in the mood to tell them, or somethin similar to that.
>> No. 5545 [Edit]
I just, truthfully, say I have no interest in a relationship of any sort currently.
>> No. 5546 [Edit]
Conversation from a week ago
"what, you one of them not-straights?"
"No, I'm a nothing."
That's how I handle it. If pressured, I end up saying I'm too busy, or focusing on more scholarly pursuits.
>> No. 5548 [Edit]
When I mention this (about not being interested to real-women), some answer that am I planning to be a Catholic priest Catholic priest don't get married.

Some just won't get the concept of 2D love...
>> No. 5549 [Edit]
A few of my friends thought I was gay. I got annoyed and told them I wasn't. Problem was solved after repeating this a couple of times.
>> No. 5551 [Edit]
No. The only people I talk to is my family and they never ask me about anything like that. Though there was a time at a wedding a few months ago where my older brother was talking about how hot the women there were, and my great uncle told him to shut up because "he(me) doesn't care about any of that".
>> No. 5552 [Edit]
"Really? How can I be gay if I have these shelves full of beautiful girl figurines?"

Works all the time.
>> No. 5565 [Edit]
I dunno. Never happened. Its never happened because I rarely talk to others anyway. They just seem to assume I'm into real women. Its not like there are any outward evidences of my otakushitism around me.
>> No. 5580 [Edit]
Haha, this. Back in HS, when one of my classmates or a friend called me gay, I'd just stare at them and say. "I collect plastic figurines of cute teenage girls. If I'm gay, I can't imagine what I would do if I were hetero"
>> No. 5593 [Edit]

Maybe I'd be less terrified of being in public if I had a grumpy old man with me to tell people to leave me alone.

ontopic: My grandma used to bring up my singleness at birthdays, saying she "couldn't understand it" or "how come some girl hasn't snapped you up yet?" but she stopped after I said I didn't want to be in a relationship.

"Well we're all nothing but trouble, anyway," she said.

I think everyone else has me pegged as being sexless, which used to bother me, but there's probably some truth to it. At least they leave me alone.
>> No. 5598 [Edit]

I used to wonder why old ladies seemed to like me so much and constantly asked why I don't have a girlfriend yet, then I thought and the answer was simple: old people simply find young people more attractive, even if they're like me and not attractive at all.

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