No. 5512
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[If I've ever had one:]
>Asuka: What are you studying?
Me: Ah, just som-*GASP!* [She's on her red bikini] M-more importantly: why are you wearing that here?
>Where if not? We never go anywhere! *Sigh* I can't even bathe in the sun, around here...
[Whispering] Fortunately so: you'd get tanned...
>Anyway, what's that?
Calculus... IV.
>WHAT!? Are you idiot?? You're taking that one AGAIN??!
Yeah... It's this damned Green's Theorem: I-I don't get it, simply don't get it (let alone the Stokes' one); it doesn't make any sense: how can the 1-dimensional line-integral of the boundary match the 2-dimensional area-integral of the content? I mean: how do a non-fractal and actually closed trajectory, fills its own associated -or any other- area?
>First: they're both integrals, thus scalar quantities, dumbass. Second: any segment of R and the entire R^n have the very same cardinality equal 2^(aleph 0), so the number of dimensions has nothing to do with it: it's not like dots you're counting, asshole.
Alephs are transfinite cardinals, kiddo: they don't work under Real numbers' axioms. By your logic, with only Continuum Hypothesis or Axiom of Choice, any number could be proved being equal to 4...
>God, you REALLY are idiot! That's exactly what I'm telling you: this isn't Set Theory. Calculus does not "count" abstract stuff: it deals with physics, things that actually happen in the world wich, indeed, you have no contact with anymore, and...
Wow-wow-wow: easy there. Let's say you're right on that, genius girl; explain this "phenomena" to me, then.
>Well, it basically states that the work needed to go around somewhere, at it's core, it's actually equivalent to the one needed to penetrate it by its very center...
>For instance, if I drag my finger around one of my breasts -like this- and pinch the other one by the very center -like this-, what could you tell about the amount of work needed to acomplish each task?
I... couldn't possibly know?
>*Sigh* You really, really are stupid, aren't you?... [Goes away]
Asuka, guess what?? I FINALLY aproved Calculus IV!!! Pathetically, ok, but it's finally over at last: I AM FREE!!!
>Leave me alone, you loser, pervert, pedophile!... [Goes away]
Post edited on 16th Sep 2011, 9:00pm