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File 131619678485.png - (311.12KB , 800x960 , 1309281981556.png )
5506 No. 5506 [Edit]
I'm sorry, guys. I just need to get this out of my head.

>"Oi Marisa."
>"Guess what? I failed my Discrete Mathematics this grading."
"Not surprising. I never saw you studying anyway, so you deserve it."
>"Damn, please don't say I deserve it."
"Yes I will. You lack motivation, you're complacent and you are lazy. Maybe that will rev you up."
"Just maybe? Man, you are really lazy."
>"Why, could you change that? I'm always like this. Nothing seems to matter anymore."
"I know you. You say nothing seems to matter anymore but when things like these mess up, you get panicky. I'm pretty sure failures will motivate you."
>"Well, they make me not fight anymore, most of the time."
"Sure, like that Diplomacy game on your forum."
>"Yeah. And it was my lifelong dream to play Russia."
"You're exaggerating."
>"Maybe. But yeah, that was a shameful display of weakness."
"Anyway, how about that mandatory photography contest?"
>"All taken care of."
"Good. Maybe you aren't such a failure of a man after all, huh?"
"Were the pictures good?"
>"You saw them, what do you think?"
"Only one isn't blurred, it isn't even too satisfactory."
>"Yeah. It really sucks."
"And did you eat at MacDonald's again?"
"Damn it, you have a weak stomach and you keep eating stuff like that. That isn't healthy, you know it. Then you-"
>"Please, don't mention it anymore, it's disgusting and embarrassing."
"Then crave your urges and stop eating fast food. And eating too much."
"I swear, if you keep doing this, that disgusting thing will never end."
"Buy me some snacks."
>"Oh boy, here we go."
"You want some snack too, don't deny it."
>"You said it."
"I want blueberry muffins."
>"Those things are expensive."
"But you like them, and I like them. Admit it."
>"Okay...Shall we go out now?"
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>> No. 5507 [Edit]
That was really nice,
you are lucky.

Thanks for sharing that.
>> No. 5508 [Edit]
How sweet. How and when did you come about thinking this? The whole thing. Sometimes I do the same.
>> No. 5509 [Edit]

That time when went home from my university and I knew that I failed the subject. But really, it's a hodge-podge of what happened from the last two days.

Oh Marisa, good thing you come home to Gensokyo every time you feel doing so. In that way, I wouldn't have to take you away from you father.
>> No. 5512 [Edit]
File 131620920054.jpg - (78.35KB , 481x700 , Asuka study.jpg )
[If I've ever had one:]

>Asuka: What are you studying?
Me: Ah, just som-*GASP!* [She's on her red bikini] M-more importantly: why are you wearing that here?
>Where if not? We never go anywhere! *Sigh* I can't even bathe in the sun, around here...
[Whispering] Fortunately so: you'd get tanned...
>Anyway, what's that?
Calculus... IV.
>WHAT!? Are you idiot?? You're taking that one AGAIN??!
Yeah... It's this damned Green's Theorem: I-I don't get it, simply don't get it (let alone the Stokes' one); it doesn't make any sense: how can the 1-dimensional line-integral of the boundary match the 2-dimensional area-integral of the content? I mean: how do a non-fractal and actually closed trajectory, fills its own associated -or any other- area?
>First: they're both integrals, thus scalar quantities, dumbass. Second: any segment of R and the entire R^n have the very same cardinality equal 2^(aleph 0), so the number of dimensions has nothing to do with it: it's not like dots you're counting, asshole.
Alephs are transfinite cardinals, kiddo: they don't work under Real numbers' axioms. By your logic, with only Continuum Hypothesis or Axiom of Choice, any number could be proved being equal to 4...
>God, you REALLY are idiot! That's exactly what I'm telling you: this isn't Set Theory. Calculus does not "count" abstract stuff: it deals with physics, things that actually happen in the world wich, indeed, you have no contact with anymore, and...
Wow-wow-wow: easy there. Let's say you're right on that, genius girl; explain this "phenomena" to me, then.
>Well, it basically states that the work needed to go around somewhere, at it's core, it's actually equivalent to the one needed to penetrate it by its very center...
>For instance, if I drag my finger around one of my breasts -like this- and pinch the other one by the very center -like this-, what could you tell about the amount of work needed to acomplish each task?
I... couldn't possibly know?
>*Sigh* You really, really are stupid, aren't you?... [Goes away]


Asuka, guess what?? I FINALLY aproved Calculus IV!!! Pathetically, ok, but it's finally over at last: I AM FREE!!!
>Leave me alone, you loser, pervert, pedophile!... [Goes away]

Post edited on 16th Sep 2011, 9:00pm
>> No. 5519 [Edit]
This conversation took place during a little play-session of The Witcher 2 that I had with Saber watching:

Guards of a newly conquered city are harassing peasants trapped in a house, and threatening to burn it down with them inside.

I decide to step in and challenge the captain to a duel for the peasant's freedom, he agrees and naturally gets his face smashed. As per his word he agrees to let the peasants go.

"Maybe there is a shred of honor in you yet."

I say nothing and walk in the house where the peasants thank Geralt for saving them from their horrible fate. I then chose the option to ask for compensation, at which point I can feel her frown on me.

>Witchers don't work for free blondie.
"But the guards were threatening them before, are you to save them only to extort a conquered people?"
>Extort is such a harsh word, I just feel I should be paid for my services.

We listen as Geralt explains to the peasants that he feels he should be compensated. They get all riled and say that he's no better than the guards and that they have no money to pay me with. Now it was a group of people, they had to have SOME money so I took the intimidate option to convince them. This of course entailed Geralt punching the leader in the gut and saying he'll shake the money loose from their pockets if he has to.

>What? If you frown at me any harder your eyes are going to bore holes into my head.
"I retract my earlier sentiment, you are devoid of honor entirely. You do not loot and pillage the towns of people you have conquered in battle, you must treat them fairly. Gratitude should be the only reward required for saving them from those guardsmen."
>I find honor and gratitude are considerably lighter in my coin-purse than cold hard cash.

And that is the story of how I got my nickname of brigand, such is life in the zone.
>> No. 5524 [Edit]
I had a sort-of conversation when I was playing Im@s SP a few days ago.

"Oh god I'm so nervous. What if I don't press the buttons according to what the judges like?..."
>"Don't worry about it, you'll be fine.. Hopefully... I mean-- You are managing my character aren't you? My dance moves should woo every judge, regardless of stats!
"Hahaha, you're right, Makoto.. Still though, we're 1 rank away from IU and I don't want to have to do it over, I want your character to have it on the first go!"
>"Alright then, let's do this!"

-Several seconds of me screwing up later

"Well... That didn't... go as planned."
>"Whaaaaat! The other idols made the dance judge leave?"
"I know right? That's so cheating if I ever saw cheating."
>"Grrrr.. I bet it was that Kuroi-P who told Hibiki to do it."
"Okay, let's try again!"
>"No no, let me do it!"
"I got it, don't worry."

-Finally, I pass it

"Oh god.. That got me on my toes.."
>"I... I know right?"
>" So.. like.. What now?"
"Well... Time for something else, I can't let your character do alot in one day, that's for sure."
>"Boooo.. But you're right.. I think I need a break once in a while!"
"Yeah, How about you and me go to the park today?"
>"Okay, but you have to promise to run laps with me around the park."
"Whaaat... Okay, fine."

And then I went home tired and sweaty as hell.
>> No. 5525 [Edit]
Videogame time-wasting with waifu is best time-wasting.
>> No. 5526 [Edit]
Well discrete maths IS a killer
>> No. 5540 [Edit]
Asuka will always kick my ass in all mathematics. ;-;

Fortunately though, she probably doesn't know too much about micro and molecular biology.

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