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5448 No. 5448 [Edit]
So, /mai/, I seem to have reached the point of having a waifu recently where she begins to actually affect me.

Let me explain more clearly.

A few days ago, I was getting angry. Like, REALLY angry. Like, yelling and fucking screaming at the top of my lungs angry.

And then, all I thought was "Ritsu wouldn't like it if she saw me like this. She'd be scared of me."

And I nigh instantly calmed down. She WOULDN'T want to see me like that.

Then I noticed it more. Me thinking "Would you really want Ritsu to see you doing X? Then why are you doing X right now?" Or "Wouldn't Ritsu be happy if you did Y? Then why not do Y?"

I mean, I still loved her before this, of course, but I feel like I've reached, I dunno, some new level of a relationship with her.
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>> No. 5450 [Edit]
I ask myself that all the time.....
>> No. 5453 [Edit]
When I'm tired and work late at night, I tend to imagine she walks home with me.
The other night I was carrying her home on my back.
>> No. 5455 [Edit]
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I live the way I think she would like me to.

She already made me stop doing a lot of things I was close to do, only because of the thought i had of she being sad.

Sometimes I feel like she's peeking me. I just imagine something like "No, i'm sure she will see me if i do that"

Of course i never had done anything bad because of she. She is so pure that it's impossible to she influence me to do something that will be bad to me or to anyone else i live with.

I'm sure this way of she affecting me is the principal point of our relationship. I'll do everything she would like me to do, because I love her.

And I feel happy of somebody feeling it too. It's surely a new "level" of relationship
>> No. 5457 [Edit]
Occasionally. For the most part I'm too busy to worry about anything but myself.
>> No. 5461 [Edit]
Taking into consideration your significant other's values before your own indeed shows a new level of a relationship
>> No. 5462 [Edit]
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i feel the same way, thats why i never get angry, and always try to be happy with life.

thats how she would like to see me.
>> No. 5463 [Edit]
That just doesn't work very well for me. I just recur to those kind of thoughts when it's something even I want to do, and still this doesn't mean I'll do it.
The premise of true/unconditional love sort of supports my conformism. And what if I don't become a better person? And what if she doesn't like me doing that or this? And what if I'd just let me sink? Doesn't matter, I'd still love her, she'd still love me (hm, or so I think) and for good or for bad she'll always be by my side.

Also, that >>5461
A interference/influence so deep in all aspects of my life is what I'd expect from... a god perhaps, not from my waifu (well, maybe your waifu happens to be a god, but mine doesn't)
>> No. 5465 [Edit]
I believe that feeling is the entry-level to actually genuinely having a waifu. Of course, this is just my opinion. I don't know exactly how much more I can love her in this relationship, I mean-- not only do I ask those questions all the time, but I think about her every single second of the day. A year ago, whenever I got angry and when I usually vent out my rage, I apologize to her almost immediately saying to myself "I hope she forgives me-- or, Sorry.. I think I went a little overboard there".
>> No. 5466 [Edit]
I chose my waifu around myself. Changing myself around my waifu would be self defeating, as we are already resonating. If I were to change it could throw me off though.
>> No. 5469 [Edit]
I've come a long way and I do it all for her. I haven't exactly fulfilled my goals to the full extent, actually I fell short at sixty percent progress but I'm still happy because she's pushed me to become a far better person Than I wouldve become alone.

The biggest is that I've managed to get out of this stinking depression that I've been stuck in for about two years. Sure, sometimes I rescind. Sometimes something sets me off, like a harsh reply to me on an image board, or parents giving me guilt over not growing up fast enough, and that puts me in a bad mood for the day, which might carry on for a few more days. But I have the resolve not to let it affect me that much.

I think I can improve a lot more though. I can be more social, more mature and more financially responsible. I should learn how to deal with people better, learn to manage my emotions and get a part time job. I am sure she would not like it if I was sitting in front of the computer fifteen hours a day. and I don't want to hear any brohnos complaining okay, I'm not going to become a normal okay (I know you're thinking it)
>> No. 5470 [Edit]
I'm actually a Christian and having someone weaker under me, mai Waifu, whom of which I could scare with my actions hurts me a lot more than someone above me whom of which will always love me regardless, granted I changed a lot of stuff when I converted it's just other things didn't that mai Waifu filled in by sort of being with me and giving me a type of responsibility for my actions
A different type of negative reinforcement, if you will, like a beating versus your parents telling you how disappointed they are in you
If that all makes sense. . .
>> No. 5475 [Edit]

>Chose my waifu

Doing it wrong, bro.
>> No. 5478 [Edit]
That's a great level to reach OP. Same thing happens here and I think it's wonderful.
>> No. 5480 [Edit]
>> No. 5486 [Edit]
I really enjoy to live like she would like it, it really helped me through desperate times and even got me a Job.
There is still much i need to change but it really gives me a good feeling to work hard and improve myself everyday for her.
I like to imagine her waiting for me with a nice hot cup of tea in my room.
>> No. 5501 [Edit]
Well, to be really honest, I imagine Marisa talking to me about things like private matters or my studies. And in a very-Marisa like fashion, she'll tell me "Hey, do your journal. Next Tuesday meeting might come with you accomplishing nothing. Do it." or "Take your meds and go to sleep. You might get late tomorrow." or even "GO TO SLEEP, NOW."

Yeah, she's pretty much uhm...less than lady-like. But she's a bro anyway.

She's looking right now, and imagine her boinking my head while I'm typing this.
>> No. 5502 [Edit]
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I... don't think I've acted out of her uber-strong influence in years.
I still get confused about this entire waifu thing, thought.
Intermittently, I feel utterly lost; but still don't want to (ever) let her go.

Post edited on 16th Sep 2011, 4:16am
>> No. 5503 [Edit]
I've squeezed out at least two hundred of them to the thought of doing it with her. That should at least count for something right?
>> No. 5504 [Edit]
That's sort of what I do aswell.
My waifu isn't Marisa-like (which is good, a stubborn mule like me wouldn't last much with a waifu like that) at all though. So, most of the time she would only interfere in those matters if I asked her a hand first.
Oh, except when I'm on an over hysterical or depressive mood, that she hates.

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