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File 13159243205.jpg - (75.88KB , 519x339 , waifu app.jpg )
5405 No. 5405 [Edit]
So I figured that I would bring this over to my brohnos from /a/. There is a guy on /a/ making an app for your waifu, this is the screenshot of the first version he was testing wtih his own waifu.

He's apparently releasing the alpha today. He started working on it yesterday after some guys requested it on /a/ and he spent all day on it yesterday.


Is the blog link. Figured you guys would be interested.
Expand all images
>> No. 5406 [Edit]
Very interested. RSS'd.
>> No. 5407 [Edit]
File 131592745641.png - (605.01KB , 515x684 , you gon' get solved.png )
I saw this yesterday for the first time after browsing /a/ for the first time in a while.

Gonna be a pain taking out sound files from video games though.

Thank you for the link though, would've had to lurk for a long time to come across the topic again.
>> No. 5408 [Edit]
Sadly the voice part will be fairly useless to me, but I'd try to get it to work when he starts releasing it.
>> No. 5409 [Edit]
I hope this really takes off.

I also hope you will be able to change the name from "Anon-kun"
>> No. 5410 [Edit]
the thread 404'd but before it did I saw a snapshot that Kami (the man creating it) took where it had the input options for name, birthdays, etc so that you could customize it.
>> No. 5411 [Edit]
Very relevant to my interests.
>> No. 5412 [Edit]
>> No. 5413 [Edit]
What does it even do?
>> No. 5414 [Edit]
From what I can tell, gives you messages as it displays images of your waifu.
>> No. 5415 [Edit]
Will there be a Mac version? PLEASE let there be a Mac version.
>> No. 5416 [Edit]
So far it looks like PC only.
Get windows man.
>> No. 5417 [Edit]
It's a little late for that now! And I honestly just prefer using a Mac. I will donate if a Mac version is released.
>> No. 5418 [Edit]
I have a mac too. I really hope it won't be just for windows.
>> No. 5419 [Edit]
You can always try using it with Wine, and of you're really desperate to get it to work there's the expensive Parallels option.
>> No. 5422 [Edit]
File 131597747638.jpg - (188.12KB , 500x375 , 1308179858849.jpg )
>> No. 5431 [Edit]
It's interesting, but I think it'll pull me further away from the impulsive imaginations and push me more towards automated premade greetings. Of course, this is just for decoration and hopefully, it serves no other purpose other than to embellish yourself with more and more software related to your waifu.
>> No. 5438 [Edit]
it looks like everything that is being planned for it are responses you put in yourself so no premade responses.
>> No. 5440 [Edit]
I really don't want to have to run two OSs just for one application, it freezes my Macbook up
>> No. 5442 [Edit]
File 131602587218.png - (184.27KB , 694x648 , 1187995083810.png )
downloaded the drama cd, the episodes she is in, all in mp3 format,i cant wait for this to come.
>> No. 5449 [Edit]
The ones which will use it will lose my respect. None app is stronger than my heart.
>> No. 5452 [Edit]

If a guy with a 3D wife weren't able to be physically near her (business trip or something), and he wrote a program that would show pictures of her with little messages at certain times of the day, would you call the strength of his love into question?

Because that's exactly what this program does, except that the distance between us and our waifus is even farther than in that example; we don't even occupy the same plane of existence.

So don't go acting like you're better than anyone.
>> No. 5458 [Edit]
Comparing to 3D world, I think a waifu app is just like a guy getting a hooker that looks like his lover.

I think a waifu app will, somehow, increase the distance of you and your waifu.

And sorry if it sounded haughty, it's not my intention, it's just the way i think.
>> No. 5459 [Edit]
>Comparing to 3D world, I think a waifu app is just like a guy getting a hooker that looks like his lover.
>> No. 5460 [Edit]
I'd rather see it as an aid (or just another crap to bloat your desktop with). Much like a dakimakura, it's not there as a substitute for your waifu, just a physical aid for your imagination (that's only my interpretation).
>> No. 5464 [Edit]
v0.1 is out

>> No. 5467 [Edit]
Hey, this is great.

Does anyone have any Horo soundbites, by the way?
>> No. 5468 [Edit]
Use Audacity and rip audio from the Anime.
>> No. 5471 [Edit]
thanks for the link, I was at my new job when it dropped so I didn't get a chance to show it to everyone.
>> No. 5472 [Edit]
he put up a donation button
for those of you that care anyways
>> No. 5474 [Edit]
File 131606611013.png - (170.50KB , 500x300 , I need to do a lot of cropping apparently.png )
I might end up just caving and grabbing some voice clips from Lucky Star.
I also need to crop a lot of my images.
>> No. 5476 [Edit]
So Surtic is your real name with the first and last letters transposed, that's neat.
>> No. 5477 [Edit]
To be honest, this just feels empty, sort of lie talking to yourself or writing love letters for yourself.

I think it might work better if you could do some deal with someone else to write your waifu's sayings and stuff for you so theres some surprise.
>> No. 5479 [Edit]
I wish I could put this on my iPod
>> No. 5483 [Edit]
It's a v0.1, far from complete. apparently the developer has plans for mini games and interaction and what have so that you can have a lot of fun with the whole thing.
>> No. 5484 [Edit]
new blog post
hopefully v0.12 will be released today
>> No. 5485 [Edit]
this wouldn't work much on ipod because lolapple doesn't want you to access the file system

so you'd probably have to recompile the app every time you add new things or download the things over internet
>> No. 5488 [Edit]
This is so amazing, does anyone know of any Vocaloid users who take requests in making them say English phrases? Specifically Len Kagamine
>> No. 5489 [Edit]

Huh, I always thought it was "citrus" backwards.
>> No. 5491 [Edit]
Wine and Parallels are emulators that aren't emulators. They act as middle men that convert all the Windows stuff into UNIX-friendly stuff.
>> No. 5492 [Edit]
File 131612852384.gif - (322.00KB , 300x300 , autistic_anime_girl.gif )
Tech newfag here. Where do I download this app thingy?
>> No. 5494 [Edit]
Oh hey, I didn't know it's an swf. It'll work on any OS.
>> No. 5495 [Edit]
See the link OP posted? Did you follow it?


Just bookmark the site or subscribe via RSS to keep up with its progress. It's still in the alpha stage (beginning beginning).
>> No. 5497 [Edit]
Been using MFaudio to rip voices out of the game.
Had to tell what was what at first as it defaults to 48Khz when converting from .bin to .wav. Once I halved it it was easy to identify what what which characters sound files.

The problem that arose now is trying to separate phrases out of a single file, splitting the file is a good way of saying it. All the character phrases are on a single file. Anyone know how to work around this to make it into multiple files?

At least I have both Eng and Jp voices anyhow.

Okay, used audacity. It works wonders on clipping voices, and it even converts them to compressed file sizes like mp3.

Post edited on 15th Sep 2011, 6:36pm
>> No. 5500 [Edit]
This is beautiful, and so is the person who is making this.
>> No. 5505 [Edit]
File 131618458276.png - (102.80KB , 831x833 , osaka_immobile_by_mistystuffer-d33e0z5.png )
Oh gee, I didn't check it recently! Sorry I feel dumb now.
>> No. 5510 [Edit]
new version is out and it works !
>> No. 5511 [Edit]
I personally don't like the idea of this. I fell in love with my waifu. Not a program or something.
>> No. 5513 [Edit]
It essentially a slide show with a sleep/wake timer. The sounds can be changed.

You would be right in not liking it for the sole reason of being unable to change the text, although I hear that will be added in future iterations.

In the end, it's not much different from changing your wallpaper and system sounds to those of your waifu. I think the main intention of the program was for it to be ported onto android OS anyhow.
>> No. 5523 [Edit]
File 131622045786.jpg - (295.48KB , 548x600 , Madotsuki (342).jpg )
Where do I get sound files for a mute character?
>> No. 5527 [Edit]
So basically it's just a picture of her with a message? I thought it was going to have conversations or something like that?
>> No. 5529 [Edit]
File 131623296044.jpg - (136.90KB , 796x604 , uyguygiu.jpg )
I don't know much about electronics but...
>> No. 5531 [Edit]
did you think someone on /a/ had invented a sentinent AI?
>> No. 5532 [Edit]
lol no. I mean conversational as in you type in something then it says something predetermined. Kinda like a game or something.
>> No. 5533 [Edit]
That... seriously look like the worst app ever; Super Deep Throat was a fucking masterpiece, in comparison... even flattering. Does he seriously expect Donations for it?
>> No. 5534 [Edit]
its funny to compare this to super deepthroat,
but it's a bit much to ask for dontations for this
>> No. 5535 [Edit]
Why are people expecting a masterpiece out of this already? Give it time.

Apparently he only put it there because people on /a/ were asking him to or something like that.
>> No. 5536 [Edit]
I guess people expected this to be some sort of chat bot.
I thought it was clear it was just predetermined messages, but it sure as heck doesn't have many available...
>> No. 5541 [Edit]
he has a huge list of suggestions and one of them that he is working on as soon as he gets the program where it is stable and runs decently is the ability to plug in phrases, conversations and responses with it. I think it's a pretty neat idea but I'm all for fun little trinkets and baubles.
>> No. 5543 [Edit]
Honestly I was just excited about having an alarm clock that allowed me to wake up with, and go to sleep with my waifu.
>> No. 5627 [Edit]
new version is out
now you can customize all the messages

>> No. 5630 [Edit]

Most people didn't realise that Skynet was actually born from waifu software programming...
>> No. 5631 [Edit]
I made that joke on /a/ a few days ago. Our waifus will eliminate the 3dpd and take over teh world and serve us forever.
>> No. 5693 [Edit]
wonder how many versions are going to be until the final release.
>> No. 5700 [Edit]
It won't fucking install. Good.
>> No. 5756 [Edit]

Cropping pics is such a pain and a bore. I can't even use certain pics because the resolution is just too big.

No really, I hate cropping.

Post edited on 23rd Sep 2011, 8:27pm
>> No. 5761 [Edit]
I might be able to do some for you, but I can't promise they'll sound perfect.
>> No. 5766 [Edit]
Cool botnet, anon.
>> No. 5767 [Edit]
File 131691025760.gif - (29.64KB , 291x400 , 122228158891.gif )
Wow, I'm surprised that this hasn't been detected until now! It makes sense when you think about it, though. You can get a huge botnet going with a program made for something as popular and wide-spread as waifus.

Post edited on 24th Sep 2011, 5:27pm
>> No. 5768 [Edit]
How many thousands of people on /a/ do you think might download this out of amusement, or to use it for things unrelated to waifus?
>> No. 5769 [Edit]
I somehow doubt "thousands" of people will be downloading it. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems your only basis that this is connected to a botnet is "it's from 4chan (or /a/)". The program doesn't even use a damn ethernet connection.
>> No. 5770 [Edit]
File 131691801767.png - (30.87KB , 236x236 , 1256151762403.png )
>> No. 5773 [Edit]
File 131692378546.jpg - (36.76KB , 640x480 , 1226215130538.jpg )
I had thought that you might be a different guy, given the different e-mail (which I just assumed was sage until I checked).

The other guy seems like he could make such a statement seriously though. You never know.

Post edited on 24th Sep 2011, 9:11pm
>> No. 5833 [Edit]
I hope this fecking thing hasn't been dropped...
I've got at least 7 to 12 custom messages in each category (and counting). Yeah, I like detail.

But I still hate cropping.
>> No. 5940 [Edit]
nah it's not dead, he's just been busy dealing with making sure his rent is paid and he still has food.
>> No. 5946 [Edit]
I got myself this app with the 0.13 version, the one that allows you to make custom messages for her to "say".

Did any of you did this, as in, create phrases for her? I cannot grasp how I'd see as ok to literally put words in one's mouth. I'm not her and thus I cannot speak for her. I just find all this pretty weird.
>> No. 5947 [Edit]

Thanks for the news. Hope he can balance his budget.


Yes. I've done quite a lot for each situation (to minimise repetition). I skimmed through Strike Witches episodes to find out things she says and entered them in English. I've got some partly-German, partly-English stuff in there that I could imagine her saying, too. For now I'm using (or omitting) punctuation to perfect the tone she'd use saying each phrase.

As you might be thinking, I'm probably overdoing it, but I already love this thing.

Post edited on 28th Sep 2011, 8:03pm
>> No. 5996 [Edit]
"Richard Stallman says : September 12, 2011 at 9:47 pm
Please consider releasing this under the GNU General Public License, along with changing the name to the GNU/waifuapp, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, GNU Plus waifuapp.

You see, waifuapp is not a waifu system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning fanbase system made useful by the GNU animators, character designs and vital japanese components comprising a full anime character as defined by Japan.

Many computer users watch a modified version of the anime system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU/anime which is widely used today is often called fansubs, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the anime system, developed by the GNU Project.

There really is a waifuapp, and these people will be using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. waifuapp is the portal: the program in the system that manufactures and sustains a connection to the 2D world. The portal is an essential part of an waifu system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete system. Waifuapp is normally used in combination with the GNU anime system: the whole system is basically GNU with waifuapp added, or GNU/waifuapp. All the so-called waifuapp distributions are really distributions of GNU/waifuapp."

--from suggestions

Also I am supprised there is such a large market for this type of thing and that people are willing to pay/donate for it. I feel like I should make a better one, and then I won't need to get a real job. There is some hope after all...
>> No. 5998 [Edit]
I'm sure you could make a killing in the lucrative waifuapp industry
>> No. 6120 [Edit]
surprisingly, looks like its not dead
>> No. 6121 [Edit]
I've been using simWaifu more recently (frequently updated), although I'm not abandoning support for Kami's project either. Hell, sometimes I run both (same pics & custom msgs).

simWaifu can be found at http://simwaifu.wordpress.com/
When money isn't involved, mutual encouragement replaces competition. I love it.
>> No. 6122 [Edit]
I didn't try maiWaifu yet, love simWaifu so far.

But I'm definitely giving it a try next version, looks like there's youtube coming:http://maiwaifuapp.wordpress.com/2011/10/06/v0-2-will-have-youtube/
>> No. 6137 [Edit]
Hi, guys. Just found this thread. Glad to see that even some people from other chans found the way to our apps (developer of simWaifu here). So if you have any ideas or suggestions for new features, just post them here and I´ll see what I can do. Next version (which will be coming soon) will have stuff like special events etc.
>> No. 6159 [Edit]

The more you look at this board, the more obvious it becomes that this is a high-interest zone, right?

No seriously, you are my hero. Kami mentioned some (basic for now) VN-like scenarios - is that something you could look at too? Sounds difficult, but perhaps more probable than the (admittedly valiant) chatbot immersion.
>> No. 6161 [Edit]
I'd hate writing my own scenarios though, it would spoil the whole discovery aspect. Perhaps a more advanced logic in the program would allow for scenarios to branch into each other, making more and more convos / entirely new scenarios possible.
>> No. 6162 [Edit]

Well, the chatbot "immersion" is not that great because at the current moment the ai database comes from an internet chatbot and it will take its time to customize all the responses to make the bot "think" he/she is the user´s waifu/husbando. It took the ALICE foundation years to compile this database btw.

As for VN style interaction... theoretically this is already realizable with the given chat feature using topics and/or checking for the last response. I will try to write a how-to document to illustrate how that works. aiml is already quite powerful, you can set variables and pick responses based on them. Which is basically how VNs work, too. Well, basically. A VN usually checks tons of conditions to come up with one predetermined next state while the chatbot´s ai is a bit more flexible and allows you to change the topic any time (for the better or the worse - that depends on user and database creator).
>> No. 6164 [Edit]

Oh no I completely understand that, I've been editing the aiml files myself. It was just (as you have said) such a mountainous task that I surrendered and decided to stick with the messages.

Very much looking forward to manual moods and special dates though.
>> No. 6165 [Edit]
How about you open source your work, and direct people to stuff they can do, like making senarios...
>> No. 6173 [Edit]

It has been open source from the very first version on. Some days ago I even put it up on google source which would allow working together even better. But so far nobody has contacted me and showed interest in contributing. Guys download the source (probably out of curiosity how some of the features work) but if they are doing their own mods of simWaifu they didn´t share anything (yet).
>> No. 6178 [Edit]
I see....

Anyways I was thinking we (tohno-chan) could make a generic tsundere ai (or something easier).

         <pattern>MY BIRTHDAY TODAY</pattern>
        <template>I know, I got you this for you <user_name="name"/>-kun.</template>
        <template>It's not like I like you or anything</template>

not sure how that username variable is supposed to be though, or anything else, also I don't have windows. what do you think TC? also we would just use a shared pastebin.
>> No. 6182 [Edit]
Ultimate tsun quote db.... Liking this.

Post edited on 8th Oct 2011, 9:43pm
>> No. 6185 [Edit]

Currently you get the user´s name like this:
<get name="name"/>

<pattern>ARE YOU HAPPY</pattern>
<template>Yes <get name="name"/> I can say I am very happy.

But I think I should change that. Because the username currently is not inside the constants which are parsed during initializing the chat it is not known from the start and forgotten between two sessions. So I will either move user specific stuff to the constants, too, where you could edit them to suit your needs. Or think of some way to store the variables which are set during the conversation.

Storing the complete state of the chat would already be possible but results in a file which is far too big for my taste (~60MB).

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