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File 129218846566.jpg - (12.82KB , 200x150 , Giovanni-facepalm.jpg )
539 No. 539 [Edit]
I hate people like this so much, it's worse then anything you see on /a/.
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>> No. 540 [Edit]
Again, you can only blame yourself for browsing places like fakku's foru-

Oh, it's actually on the front page. Carry on, then.
>> No. 541 [Edit]
This is why I don't really have a waifu or don't take her seriously. The thought of having to share it with some creeper makes me angry.
>> No. 542 [Edit]
File 129219070010.jpg - (48.12KB , 640x480 , 1275621648415.jpg )
These faggots are fucking disgusting. They have the balls to claim someone as their waifu and then laugh and spit at those who actually do have waifus. The fact that they put that shit up on the front page is how much they actually have contempt for waifus.
>> No. 543 [Edit]
I remember when I came across this last year and raged.
>> No. 544 [Edit]
Do they not have the slightest clue of how insulting that is?
to call reclaiming a waifu a game, then require a certain post count.
I'd tell them to fuck off if I had an account with them.
>> No. 545 [Edit]

>You guys are going to hate this new rule but I wanted to change the game up for everyone, it's going to make things fun. Your first round claim CANNOT be a girl you have ever owned previously, it must be an all new girl that you have never had in any previous games. Call me a sadist but I want new things that make this more intense and enjoyable. This obviously does not apply to your reclaim, and only the first round on the 24th. I hope this throws everyone's plans under the bus.

These guys are funny.
>> No. 546 [Edit]
how does I punch people over the internet?
>> No. 547 [Edit]
This is why I don't use fakku.
>> No. 548 [Edit]
Well I'm glad I've never used Fakku ever.

>> No. 549 [Edit]
Can anyone create a fakku account and explain waifus to them?

I just want to see how they react.
>> No. 550 [Edit]
File 129219462555.jpg - (103.43KB , 1024x576 , 1277688670111.jpg )
If were were to make an account and remind them what waifus actually are, they're going to think that people with waifus are butthurt and that they're trolls or something.


>You guys are going to hate this new rule but I wanted to change the game up for everyone, it's going to make things fun. Your first round claim CANNOT be a girl you have ever owned previously, it must be an all new girl that you have never had in any previous games. Call me a sadist but I want new things that make this more intense and enjoyable. This obviously does not apply to your reclaim, and only the first round on the 24th. I hope this throws everyone's plans under the bus.

>You can rage all you want but it only makes it funny for the rest of us, If I notice people losing rep I will do my best to rectify the situation because that's a bullshit move.

This faggotry defeats the purpose of what waifus actually are. They're basically normalfags who have no idea what a waifu actually is.

I doubt making an account would ameliorate the situation. It'll probably bring waves of normalfags from fakku to troll here and make the situation worse. The best thing to do is to take it easy and not seek any retaliation. But yes, I want to punch that mod for being a ford driving, 3D slut craving faggot.
>> No. 551 [Edit]

Oh well, you're probably right.

But raging is something I left behind when I decided to take it easy, there are worse people out there.
>> No. 552 [Edit]
So true. As much as this makes me want to stab every poster in that thread in the eye, the rage just isn't worth it anymore.
>> No. 553 [Edit]
>300 posts?! So that's what waifu's all about. I thought people just put whatever anime girls they like in their signatures. Looks like I won't be participating in another year.

And that's what this game is doing to people.
>> No. 554 [Edit]
File 129219984151.jpg - (32.12KB , 512x392 , Bill Murray looks for a job.jpg )
>> No. 555 [Edit]
I don't see what the hype is about. Fakku forums aren't worthwhile to browse.
>> No. 556 [Edit]
It's on the front page.
>> No. 560 [Edit]
File 129227968036.png - (518.47KB , 706x1000 , kagami 1238.png )
I don't really see the issue with what they're doing, the vast majority of people who have waifus are people who do not take the whole thing seriously as the rest of us. They're just doing it as a joke and to have fun in their own little community, lots of forums have character claiming and stuff like this and it isn't anything new. Hell they've always done this anyway its nothing new at all. The vast majority of them are usually minors and immature people so obviously they're not going to take it seriously.

We're the minority here and while this whole this may be a mockery of how we choose to live it doesn't effect us at all. Waifus aren't impotent to everyone after all~

I love you guys but theirs no reason to be offended by this as they're just a bunch of kids trying to have a little fun with the waifu concept.
>> No. 561 [Edit]
File 12922881994.png - (20.33KB , 481x322 , hue.png )
>3 pages of people complaining about their post counts not being high enough

what the hell, does anyone actually post there
>> No. 562 [Edit]
Except that people who don't know any better think this is actually what waifus are about. I'm fine with them trolling to piss people off; I'm not fine with them actually believing what they're writing.
>> No. 563 [Edit]
File 129233676442.jpg - (56.47KB , 487x720 , kagami 4290.jpg )

Again the people who give a fuck about waifus more then just a cute character they enjoy are the majority, we're the minority here.

There is no set definition of waifu as there are mutiple types. Some use it simply as a joke, others just as something to idly day dream about. Some a bit more seriously and use it to substitute real relationships with other people due to whatever reasons they may have.

Waifus are not anything special to people who go to fakku so they have fun with it and theirs no harm in what they're doing. Honestly the last thing you want is the average browser at fakku is to know how deep some people take waifus since then they'll go out of the way to make fun of it.

If you honestly don't like what fakku is doing with this then start getting your doujin directly from the translators you enjoy. I don't necessarily like it either but theirs nothing we can do about it that won't make us look even worse to them.

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