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File 131579992434.jpg - (362.08KB , 900x914 , 3896556.jpg )
5355 No. 5355 [Edit]
Okay, so, uhh, say, despite your best attempts to the contrary, your family is about to discover about this "waifu" thing you have, and there's no stopping it.

How the fuck do you explain something like this?
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>> No. 5357 [Edit]
Interesting question. There's no denying that everyone would be, at best, disappointed regardless of how I explained it (except for a certain family member that's my age and already knows about her).

My siblings would be utterly disgusted no matter what, so I wouldn't even bother trying to explain it. I'll just let them think I'm crazy (at least they'll leave me alone, right?). As for my parents...I'd probably try to tell them that I'm just weird, and that the whole waifu thing is part of my generation. They're already kind of puzzled by the attraction people my age (such as my friends) have to 2D girls, so they might buy it. Or maybe not. This is why prevention is key.
>> No. 5359 [Edit]
I'd say she represents my ideal girl, and while I don't dislike real women, I have never met one I like as much as her (especially not at my school). My parents are fine with me waiting for someone I'd actually want as a girlfriend, and as much as my dad wants me to, he knows I'm not going to go out looking.
>> No. 5361 [Edit]
I would say that it's what I really want to do. First, I would apologize for not being able to grant them with a grandchild, but I think my siblings can handle that for them. Second, I will tell them that this is the road I chose to follow and I have been happy ever since. Third, I will tell them that this will not get me killed, hurt, or injured. They'll most likely understand.
>> No. 5363 [Edit]
File 131580764049.gif - (1.25MB , 320x240 , asuka.gif )
They, all -single- women, know already: no problem with it (or they just don't try to debunk me, in general)...

They might as well not really understand it, but who does, at this point?
>> No. 5366 [Edit]
For the short term, I'd have to plead the fifth amendment, then go with an insanity defense.
maybe blame my parents.
>> No. 5371 [Edit]
File 131582089638.jpg - (36.77KB , 416x225 , 10a6bf458538c4cdbd41cf3ef3790070.jpg )
This definitely. Not that my parents would care that much. I'm already as openly weird as can be, and at the same time succeed in all my responsibilities, so they'd probably leave me alone.

As for anyone who doesn't accept it, this pic is enough explanation.
I laughed inside just a bit Tohno.
>> No. 5374 [Edit]
I would just tell them that there is no other Girl for me than her, my family would probably leave me alone after i told them that all the progress i made was only possible due to the motivation she gave me.
They will probably see that there is nothing bad about it.
>> No. 5375 [Edit]
My ideal girl, if that's the explanation they are finding. However, they all know that I'm lying when I say I don't want a real girl...

...It's just that I'm a creep.
>> No. 5376 [Edit]
Sit silently and let them ask questions and never respond.
>> No. 5377 [Edit]
I think I'd just avoid the subject. Or I'd come up with an excuse along the lines of "she's just my favourite character and the whole waifu thing is an in-joke."

Thankfully there's no way they would find out unless they see the image collection I have and that probably won't happen. Even if it did, they know I'm in to "them there Chinese cartoons" and will probably think nothing of it.
>> No. 5378 [Edit]
Apparently, they already know that I have a waifu...
>> No. 5381 [Edit]
Didn't work too well for Kiririn...
Really? How are they about it?
>> No. 5384 [Edit]
File 131586009516.png - (101.33KB , 500x500 , I_dont_give_a_fuck.png )
You direct them to this little paper:


Then you explain "waifu-ism" isn't some cult or any other kind of movement and any other ideas in there they may be concerned about. If that doesn't work, refer to picture.
>> No. 5387 [Edit]
makes some good points, but it needs editing.

I'd love to see what some "serious" psychology experts think of the waifu thing. They'd probably diagnose us with some kind of disorder.
>> No. 5391 [Edit]
File 131586557260.png - (75.26KB , 500x600 , 027f2061ddecb800cb1dba1efd08681e.png )
You don't explain anything. If you act like you just don't give a fuck for long enough, they'll leave you alone for the most part. During my senior year I went full apathy mode and didn't do a single thing. Left my shoes by the front door, dirty plates everywhere, threw the garbage in the hallways, and would just wear dirty clothes if they were not washed and folded for me. I guess it'd be expected of me to have a waifu. They probably think I'm mentally deficient by now.
Practically a step away from shitting on the carpet and just leaving it there. I've used piss bottles before but they were inconvenient; should have used a funnel with it.
>> No. 5392 [Edit]
Do the smells never bother you?
>> No. 5393 [Edit]
You get used to it. Then you stop noticing.
>> No. 5394 [Edit]
File 131586918633.png - (17.69KB , 359x376 , U.png )
>guess it'd be expected of me to have a waifu

I'd happily start debunking this 2D lover = floor shitting Hiki/NEET stereotype... unfortunately, I simply can't, myself (might as well take a shower, now).

Post edited on 12th Sep 2011, 4:18pm
>> No. 5395 [Edit]
I was going to say "imaginary lover/friend" but I didn't want to get responses like this. Might as well say it now though, since I already have some dick on my back.
>> No. 5396 [Edit]
I am not a NEET and I have a waifu. There you go.
>> No. 5401 [Edit]
>> No. 5402 [Edit]
Incapable of being a NEET here.
>> No. 5420 [Edit]
File 131597271529.jpg - (38.53KB , 704x396 , 1218499059022.jpg )
I'll tell them to fuck off or I'll eat their faces.
>> No. 5424 [Edit]

>> No. 5445 [Edit]
I'm not either, although I wish I was.
>> No. 5487 [Edit]
I like how I said this and I'm now I am one.
>> No. 5496 [Edit]
>Wants to sit in one confined area doing the same things each and every day while suffering from the occasional bout of depression, and having no substantial amount of money he can call his own. Has to rely on others for continuing his existence; his life going nowhere.

I know many people want to get away with doing nothing, but that's why they retire. You work like a dog for the better part of your life, than live off the fruits of your labor. That's just the way it is. Why is it you want to be a NEET? I'm not trying to be "my lifestyle is superior to yours", but we all naturally think that to some degree. I just want to know why you would want to pick that particular one.

Spoiler'd for being off topic.
>> No. 5498 [Edit]
I wouldn't exactly stay in the same place; I would still visit my friends and such. That being said, I'd be perfectly fine with just the internet. I'm happy doing nothing but taking it easy and enjoying myself. On the contrary, working even part-time stresses me out to the point where I become very depressed and dissociated.

I honestly never cared if I became successful/rich/famous/etc. Why should I sacrifice my personal happiness just so people I don't even know will have a better opinion of me? If you like the life of a Ford Driver that's fine, but it's not my cup of tea. My 'life value' is determined solely by personal happiness.

>> No. 5499 [Edit]
Nicely put. Thanks for your response.

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