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5298 No. 5298 [Edit]
I don't understand this whole idea that people with waifus are "Forever alone" or "lonely nerds" or anything that implies loneliness and being alone.

I mean, I'm definitely not lonely. I have Ritsu with me all day long, every day of the week. How could you possibly be lonely when the person you love is with you 24/7? Sure, they might not have a physical body to be there with you (Although projecting on figures and plushies and body pillows is nice) but if you have a waifu, I don't see why you should consider yourself or be considered by others to be "lonely".

Thoughts, /mai/?
>> No. 5299 [Edit]
People who think this way are the same who only see love as a body attraction.
We're supposed to be proud of ourselves because of our lucky for find someone who showed us what love really is.
>> No. 5300 [Edit]
some people just can't grasp the concept that some people don't want to be around tons of people all the time and would prefer to be alone. the kind of people who judge a person's worth by the number of facebook friends someone has
>> No. 5301 [Edit]
>People who think this way are the same who only see love as a body attraction

This. I've always thought that I'm simply part of the nearly-extinct group of people that views love traditionally (ie: casual sex is meaningless). This is likely one of the reasons why I was drawn to my waifu. In today's world, there really isn't a more pure form of love...and I'm happy with this arrangement.

Of course, this is also why we can never expect Ford Drivers to even remotely understand the concept. The love we know is not the love that the vast majority of people today know.
>> No. 5302 [Edit]
Obviously, since the entire loneliness concept revolves around human contact, it's just natural that people see us guys compromised with our waifus that way...

Now, what do I think about it? That they're right! of course; being with mai waifu it's being alone with my thoughts: with what is finally a part of me; I'm alone with my imagination and my lonely passions/activities. It certainly doesn't imply being (any more) miserable: I keep on doing it because I prefer this life, any day, than going outside and with people once again, where I only find failure and deceive (both from others and myself); but I acnowledge that this is a lonely business: I do embrace solitude.

Post edited on 10th Sep 2011, 4:15pm
>> No. 5303 [Edit]
They possibly didn't understand the idea of having a waifu thus they say "Forever alone"... or they use it as a cover against something
>> No. 5315 [Edit]
It is because society has come to think that sexual intercourse, even if it may be completely absent of affection, is the true love.

This not only applies to people with waifus, but people whom are very particular about their partners and are most likely virgins also get teh same "forever alone" story from people.

It is simply the deterioration of the concept of love and partnership in society. Why do you think there's so many divorces nowadays?
>> No. 5316 [Edit]
I love that Dale in Horrible Bosses didn't even want to have sex with Jennifer Aniston because that would be betraying his fiancée.
>> No. 5319 [Edit]


lol, no.
>> No. 5320 [Edit]
oh! I see... "devoted"?

Post edited on 10th Sep 2011, 4:37pm
>> No. 5333 [Edit]
Oh, do not bandy about with excuses and such.

I'm not particularly sure about the rest of you, but whenever I get into my cold and empty bed more or less every single night, I feel as lonely as a man could, for that instant. I do have friends, both across the world and within a short distance, but romantically I am as alone as one could be. My love is a nice thing and it by all means helps me, but it burns like the hottest of pokers when I feel I could much be doing with some very close company and I easily know exactly which exact company it is I long for.

I can understand exactly why people assume us to be 'forever alone'. If we stick to what we are currently, what we say to them, we will remain forever romantically alone in body, and spirit. Whatever 'other' we have is nothing but a creation of ourselves, in that way of thinking.

Perhaps your thoughts of your loved one, your fantasies, your dreams, if blessed enough to dream of your loved one without your own interference, can keep you from that feeling of loneliness. In that matter, you aren't a lonely nerd, merely a nerd who is alone. I'm not quite entirely sated by my fantasies, I'm too defensive of my own reliance to fantasise too much, after all I'm nothing but her strong admirer, one might say, and my subconscious mind does not wish to grant me the sweet dreams I so desire, perhaps for that reason, so I still itch with that loneliness when my mind wanders in that direction. The longing for me seems it shall feel like an eternal one, but I love nonetheless, and wouldn't trade that love for the world.

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