No. 5618
Well I'm fucking sorry that it's possible to fall out of love with a waifu just like it's possible for a Ford Driver to fall out of love with a real person.
I'm fucking sorry I'm not a full autist who can never "break up" with his waifu just because of some stupid principles about what a "waifu" is.
As for the second post:
The entire fucking IDEA of a waifu has ALWAYS been to satisfy our innate, psychological need for emotional, romantic love in the same way real people would have, except without having to actually resort to being in a romantic relationship with real people, which some of us have sworn off because we think a romantic relationship with our waifus is superior for us than a romantic relationship with real people, and some of us do so because they can't get themselves into a romantic relationship with real people.
So yeah I do compare it to "meaningless 3D relationships", because, in a strange, round-about way, my relationship with my waifu is a 3D relationship. It's meant to be the perfect 3D relationship that's fucking impossible to find in the real world so I find it in the fictional world instead.
My waifu is here to be the perfect girlfriend, just she only, unfortunately, exists only inside my head. So why the hell should I NOT be able to fall out of love with her if I happen to stumble upon another girl, equally as perfect, but who fulfills my emotional needs to a greater level?
I mean, are you going to tell me to deny my feelings for the new girl and be miserable just so that I "stay loyal" to my current waifu? How the hell do you think my current waifu would feel about that?
Fuck, isn't the entire point of a waifu to make us as happy as humanly possible? So why the fuck should anything involving having a waifu bring us unnecessary grief?
I mean, unless you're one of those guys who actually worships your waifu as a goddess, then I can understand where we're differentiating.
How am I being negative? I'm asking a genuine question here.
I also apologize for posting on both /a/ and here. I didn't know that was against the rules.
Oh wait. It's not.