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5284 No. 5284 [Edit]
/mai/, I'm curious.

Say you find a new waifu, (Because it's possible, just like it's possible for Ford Drivers to find a new girlfriend) but you spent like, tons of money on good of your last waifu.

What... What do you do with all those waifu goods?
>> No. 5288 [Edit]
You keep them. You're still going to at least like her, even if you don't really love her anymore.

It's also better than just losing all the money you would have spent on a girlfriend when you break up.
>> No. 5289 [Edit]

Oh god, I don't know how many hundreds of dollars, probably thousands I spent on the girlfriend I was with for over a year.

All I've spent on Ritsu so far is 50 dollars for her figures and whatever the internet cost was to download K-On and images from Pixiv and watch YouTube videos and stuff.

I do plan to buy more stuff of her and eventually the actual K-On BDs and the like, but until then, man, I am SO financially glad I have a waifu.
>> No. 5290 [Edit]
send all of your waifu stuff to someone like me
>> No. 5291 [Edit]
Uh, at present I have three waifus but I love them all.
>> No. 5292 [Edit]
It's really up to you. If you happen to collect stuff like that then just keep them.
If that's not the case then I'd do some inventory work, see what items might have or acquire some value and try to sell them. In the end you'll have some money to invest on your new waifu/whatever you spen money but you'll have some keepsakes of your old waifu (or not, you can just get rid of them).

>You watch more anime and find a girl who you fall in love with even more than your current waifu.
>What do you do in that situation? Suppress your feelings for the other girl for the sake of your current waifu?
Well... I'd take my time to reevaluate everything, and of course, /mai/ is my best relationship counselor (we have one or more threads on the topic of being interested on another girl, >>3961 is the only one I remember right now).
But well, you might just have done it already and settled for the new one rather than your old waifu(or both). Then there's no use to talk about that.
>> No. 5293 [Edit]
I quess it is hard for must of us to understand how you can find a new waifu. I try understand but my waifu is only person who I've ever loved - which makes it hard to understand.

Anyway. If you have room, you should still keep them. I bet you still like character, even tho you don't love her. I also collect stuff from other characters than my waifu.

But ofcourse if you dont want to remember her, you should definitely try sell them.
>> No. 5294 [Edit]
You keep them. In my personal opinion, it's greedy enough that you are moving onto another waifu; the least you could do is remember that you had loved your original waifu. The keepsakes help you with that.
>> No. 5295 [Edit]
Speaking as someone who has been through this situation, I can testify it is very painful and difficult. Think long and hard about it, then decide.

As for the merch, get rid of some if that makes you feel better, but do keep most of it.
>> No. 5522 [Edit]
I can't speak from experience, but I understand how people can fall out of love. I know we like to tell ourselves that true love is eternal and that it will never break, but the truth is that love can be true and still not last forever.

I'd say keep the stuff, but store it somewhere out of sight for a while if you truly wish to move on.
>> No. 5538 [Edit]
You're actually asking what you should do with the things you've amassed during that time? Really, I feel sorry for your "previous waifu". It's clear that you don't know what the essence of the waifu actually is, your post is testament to that fact.

I'm absolutely disgusted--disgusted by your weak and fickle understanding of love, and the manner in which you throw around your flimsy conceptualization of a "waifu".
>> No. 5553 [Edit]

What the fuck is even wrong with you?

Like, where did all of that bullshit even come from?
>> No. 5560 [Edit]

I can understand where he's coming from. I don't exactly know what he's really talking about, but I think asking a board about what to do with all the memories of your "previous waifu" after getting a new one is kind of disgusting.
>> No. 5568 [Edit]

I disagree with that, actually. A man is facing a bit of trouble with his own love for a character, and that's what this board is about. It would be boring otherwise, and we all know it gets rather stale when there are no real questions asked, only what one might call 'worship'. No-one likes *that* guy that does nothing but talk about his partner, much less an entire board of these people.

As for >>5538,

It's a part of love. You're just shocked someone can do that and you're afraid it'll happen to yourself. Those few tinges of attraction when you see other girls, they scare you. Wise up. A man who cannot be sure with himself can't be sure to anyone he loves.

You, who claims OP doesn't know the essence of a waifu, perhaps carries a different idea of what a 'waifu' truly is. You're the one without an understanding of what love is. It's not absolute perfection, it's a human concept, and like us humans, it falters, and that's the very essence of what love is. Love is fickle, love is weak, and that's what makes it love.

Don't be so close-minded and generally nasty. Not here, anyway.

Post edited on 18th Sep 2011, 12:20am
>> No. 5569 [Edit]
I see no reason to get rid of them or do anything with them.
one of my more recent purchases was of a fig of a character that I didn't really like very much, but whatever.
>> No. 5570 [Edit]
>Say you find a new waifu
Don't think that'll ever be my case, really (I'd more likelly stop this altogether). But, hypothetically on it, the goods, even with all that they've costed me, would be the less I could possibly care about...

I do collect figures and stuff of other girls and series, some of them very dear to me as well. On a sentimental/intimate level, they're all precious posessions wich I don't want to ever give away. On the other hand, at the end they're just things wich shouldn't ever become more important than my own thoughts and affection towards the characters and their stories, so I should be always ready to lose them all for whatever reason; otherwise, I'd feel like I'm making the very same mistake that all those people out there, who place their love over things on earth (v.gr. on women) and not where it trully belongs and can't be fulfilled at: inside their heads.
>> No. 5578 [Edit]

You're absolutely right. However, I still see these posts as a form of negativity, which I would rather not see being posted on this site. Sure, OP may be in genuine trouble but.... for me, these kind of posts almost mirror "seasonal" waifu ,where the previous is thrown away for the more newer, fresher waifu. This is most likely not the case, but >>5285 said is nicely and >>5286 sort of explains it a little better.

That, and well, it's mostly just me but this Ritsu poster has been posting quite alot and I've seen some posts come directly from /a/ itself so I'm a little biased towards his threads.

>> No. 5599 [Edit]
What the fuck is wrong with you? It's insulting to the waifu what OP posted.

Did you actually read what he wrote? Love is only as weak as the one who loves, I agree with that. However, his post is absolutely disgusting--the existence of the post itself is disgusting. Finding a "new waifu", comparing it to meaningless 3D relationships, reducing it to mere physical representations of the waifu, and then asking what to do with these left-overs after she has been cast aside. It makes me feel sick.

Cool assumptions, though. I expect no less from someone who actually defends this sort of behavior and mentality.
>> No. 5610 [Edit]

I apologise - you are at least justified in your own feeling towards what he does - although your viewpoint seems to be a very harsh one, there rings a good bit of truth in it. The assumptions were completely out of bounds and again I'm sorry for that, but the most of what I said I stand by.

Still, saying he's reduced the idea of his waifu to physical goods is straight up disrespectful - the very fact he's asking us shows that they remind him of her and one would assume this leaves him very uneasy, possibly burning with guilt, whether correctly placed or stupid, it might be up to the individual.

People do fall out of love, it happens. People find new fuel for the flame in their hearts - it's a fact of life, it's more or less
in human nature and it can't be helped.

Oh - and I don't support this behaviour or mentality in general, I dislike the entire thought that this feeling of love I have could diminish. I defend it, in this case, because it can happen and there's no point in denying that.


It seems similar, but from the OP's general behaviour I figured his love is (was?) as true as any of ours, although couldn't stand the test of time and competition so it's not quite the same.
>> No. 5618 [Edit]

Well I'm fucking sorry that it's possible to fall out of love with a waifu just like it's possible for a Ford Driver to fall out of love with a real person.

I'm fucking sorry I'm not a full autist who can never "break up" with his waifu just because of some stupid principles about what a "waifu" is.

As for the second post:

The entire fucking IDEA of a waifu has ALWAYS been to satisfy our innate, psychological need for emotional, romantic love in the same way real people would have, except without having to actually resort to being in a romantic relationship with real people, which some of us have sworn off because we think a romantic relationship with our waifus is superior for us than a romantic relationship with real people, and some of us do so because they can't get themselves into a romantic relationship with real people.

So yeah I do compare it to "meaningless 3D relationships", because, in a strange, round-about way, my relationship with my waifu is a 3D relationship. It's meant to be the perfect 3D relationship that's fucking impossible to find in the real world so I find it in the fictional world instead.

My waifu is here to be the perfect girlfriend, just she only, unfortunately, exists only inside my head. So why the hell should I NOT be able to fall out of love with her if I happen to stumble upon another girl, equally as perfect, but who fulfills my emotional needs to a greater level?

I mean, are you going to tell me to deny my feelings for the new girl and be miserable just so that I "stay loyal" to my current waifu? How the hell do you think my current waifu would feel about that?

Fuck, isn't the entire point of a waifu to make us as happy as humanly possible? So why the fuck should anything involving having a waifu bring us unnecessary grief?

I mean, unless you're one of those guys who actually worships your waifu as a goddess, then I can understand where we're differentiating.


How am I being negative? I'm asking a genuine question here.

I also apologize for posting on both /a/ and here. I didn't know that was against the rules.

Oh wait. It's not.
>> No. 5619 [Edit]

Some people treat waifus like a god damn religion that you have to follow by the book. Enjoy whatever it is that makes you happy, I personally like polygamy
>> No. 5622 [Edit]

That's fine with me, but when people start calling me "disgusting", and telling me I don't know what a waifu really is and how I obviously don't have one, and even if I do I obviously don't love her, I start to get a LITTLE upset.
>> No. 5624 [Edit]
To be blunt, people are really fucking stupid.

There is no set ideal or concept, just a general fondness of 2d characters. People each have their own use for waifus.

Go any further as trying to force your ideals on other is getting to the point of becoming a cult/religion, which no one wants

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