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509 No. 509 [Edit]
Ever since you have met your waifu, how have you changed?

Now, I'm probably describing the small amount of changes, but Sofia somehow inspired me to ask my professor for a letter of reference along to make a resume of my own. In order to get that coveted research assistant position, I had to hand in a CV/resume along with a letter of reference from a professor. Before that, I had no confidence in getting a research position. I had no motivation. Somehow, I felt that Sofia didn't like it if I didn't motivate myself to do better. I couldn't motivate myself for a project that I had to do. But just remembering Sofia and what her thoughts about it made me finish my project that was supposed to do today. Even if I couldn't get the research assistant position, at least I tried hard.

I don't know how else she inspired me, but I have to say that now I appreciate other 2D females that remind me of her or resemble her somewhat, such as blue hair, long hair, her demeanor, carrying an umbrella and even bows on hair. I've grown to slowly appreciate those types of girls more, but they can't come close to her. She is just... perfect because she combines many of these aspects that I actually like into one. I used to prefer mainly short-haired girls that didn't act as feminine as Sofia did, such as Biribiri. I wasn't too interested in many long haired girls till I met Sofia. Well, many of the RF3 characters (such as Raven, Shara, Karina, Daria and of course, Sofia) made me rethink a lot of perceptions I had about the ideal 2D female or the girls in my harem. I became increasingly attracted to the kuudere and yandere archetypes rather than the tsundere archetype as I used to like. Though I still like tsunderes, of course, though not as much as I used to.
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>> No. 510 [Edit]
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I have a similar story. Akiha just sort of motivates me to do more with my life, because I know she wouldn't tolerate a lazy, worthless shit such as I was for a long time. Now I'm in a pretty good place, academically, at least. If I can never meet her, at least I can be a man worthy of her, and that in itself is a good goal to have.

In lots of other ways I'm still a mess, but what can do you.
>> No. 512 [Edit]
She constantly reminds me that even though the world might be a harsh place with many ugly things there's beauty in it.
She reminds me that even if shit gets ugly we have the option to accept it or do our best to improve our situation, that we can either give up or try harder.
To me, she's like hope.
Thanks to her I see the world as a place that can be hard and cruel but at the same time ; great and happy, life like something that can be hard but is worth living and I must try my best.
Thanks to her I have hope in this world and the people in it. Thanks to her I haven't given up.
>> No. 514 [Edit]
I've never really thought about it... I'm not sure i've changed much really...
>> No. 517 [Edit]
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I'm not sure I can say she's inspired me, but she's been a positive influence on my life in the time I've known her. I have a problem with silently stressing myself out over small things, small worries, small gestures or reactions. But since I met her I feel my stress level has gone down considerably. When I get worked up, I just think about her, and everything calms down. Her quiet strength comforts me. The way she can be stoic and affectionate at the same time. She makes me feel incredibly peaceful.

Lately I've also been remembering her words whenever I feel myself losing motivation: 'If you don't want to end up like Karina, you have to set a goal and work at it.'
>> No. 520 [Edit]
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>> No. 600 [Edit]
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Lethargy is a common theme in our lives, so nothing constructive unless the situation demands it.

Pic is my desktop wallpaper atm.
>> No. 634 [Edit]
She reminds me that, with much effort and will, I can accomplish many things. Being the athletic girl that she is, I know that she would be disappointed if I just stayed home all day and laze away. She helps me get up in the morning, and basically, she helps me live.

I've also learned to appreciate other 2D females that share similarities with her. Her short hair, and beauty. I love her personality as well, and I admire anyone else with that energetic yet thoughtful way of hers.
>> No. 672 [Edit]
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I can't think of any way that she "changed" me, in a direct way. Like, she never really motivated me to really do anything. She just makes me much less bitter and melancholy towards everything.
In a metaphorical sense, I guess it's like, before I 'met' her, I was drifting on an ocean. Now that I have Miya, I now have a solid ground to stand on - The only drawback is that I'm essentially wandering around with no purpose either way.
Also, I've always felt like I'm hurtling towards self-destruction, but it's nice to have 'someone' to do it with, real or not. Of course, in actuality, Miya wouldn't indulge in or approve of my habits, but that's why I love her.
>> No. 1125 [Edit]
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Since declaring Osaka as my waifu, I have become much more spacey, vacant, and distracted. I suppose it could be other factors in my life (like that pot I smoked recently) but I think I am taking after my waifu's personality, for better or for worse.

I love that I am acting more like her as I interpret that as us growing more and more together. But sometimes this causes a bit of trouble.

For example, just last night, I was shopping at wal-mart. I leave my cart in one aisle to look for clothes. I get back with a shirt and am too focused on it, and grab another lady's cart! I was starting to go away when I look down and see stuff I didn't pick out. Then it dawns on me. I grabbed the wrong cart! Flustered and hoping the lady doesn't see, I hastily return it to the spot where I found it and grab my own cart.

Later, I had to go to the bath-room, so I push my grocery-laden cart past the clerk. I was too busy thinking about school and other things on my mind. The clerk thought I was trying to make off without paying! Again, I felt really embarrassed and explain to her I was distracted. All through check-out, I felt stupid. I make a quick getaway when I was done there. I credit this newfound bumbling-ness to Osaka's absent-minded charm rubbing off onto me.

Osaka, you're such a knuckle-head that it rubs off onto me! But that's fine, because we are getting closer to one another.

I love you so much!
>> No. 1158 [Edit]
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My waifu didn't instigate any changes, it's more like a series of colligative properties of a sort. That is, it's not who my waifu is, it's that I have a waifu. I honestly don't think choosing anyone else would have made a difference. At first, I started trying harder at life, setting high aspirations, to the point where I got a scholarship and started attending uni. But eventually, instead of trying to be better for her, I started to see my flaws as something even she would be repulsed by. So I worked harder at getting my grades up, getting various jobs to accumulate references and experiences, aiming to someday be rich, trying to outdo those flaws. But most of them are impossible to escape, and hell, I'm aging and starting to look something like Kinzo. Having a waifu just gave me more to try and live up to.

At least I'll make a good marine biologist, like I've been training to be.
>> No. 1160 [Edit]
I gotta say, I really love reading you guys' stories about how you want to live up to your waifus' standards, so you start getting better grades and such. You guys are really sweet.
>> No. 1161 [Edit]
I've become even more of a depressed shut-in attention whore jerk so maybe I should get a better waifu or something

i just can't delude myself into thinking someone would love me back
>> No. 1162 [Edit]
How can you be both a shut-in and an attention whore?
>> No. 1164 [Edit]
Mai waifu may be regarded as hyperactive and a tad crazy, so I never got the concept of living up to your waifu's expectations. Maybe I'm just that devoted? I just love her for what she is, and I'm certain she'd do the same for me. Whatever personal issue I may take on - I do it for my own sake, because I have the strength to do so. If she's watching warmly, then that's all the strength I need, and everything I could ever ask for.
>> No. 1166 [Edit]
Shitposting in threads like this obviously
>> No. 1171 [Edit]
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I've started eating peaches occasionally, which is good because I don't like most fruit. I also feel like I'm no longer alone when I go to sleep at night, even though there's no one actually there. On the negative side, I rarely draw original characters anymore; most of the time I just default to Tenshi.
>> No. 1190 [Edit]
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I spend a lot of time on my appearance and staying in shape. I know that's what he would want, for me to look my best since he himself is so radiant and perfectly manicured. He's made me fearless against taking up things I enjoy, he doesn't care about what others say about his passions, why should I? He's even got me into dancing which is a fantastic workout.
>> No. 1193 [Edit]
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It was the other way around for me. Everything changed, and then I met my "waifu," or more accurately, just the waif.

The first time I snapped at her, those pretty eyes damn near popped out of her head, which is when I realized she wasn't another waking phantom of my tortured mind. What she truly is I can't say, nor do I much care. I'm spinning deeper into this abyss, and the waking nightmares grow ever more fantastically vile, but this strange girl who meekly dogs my steps is the one constant I can cling to.

Perhaps she was sent to watch, when they realized I wasn't afraid. Well, let her watch. It's all she's good for, anyways. Always silent. Her feelings for me are the merest of shades, dreams of a phantom. As I lay fading on a cold floor, groping for my KA-BAR, I saw her kneeling, hands bunched in white-knuckled fists. And once, I might have half-woken to feel her stroking my hair gently.

This is nothing, and everything. These days, her love is the only dream that is entirely my own.
>> No. 1194 [Edit]
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She saved me. I've started to take my life seriously now, because she pulled me out of the pit of depression and drug abuse. I overcame my NEET ways and went back to college and am slowly working on rebuilding my life and it's all because of her. My only hope is that someday I will become someone worthy of her.
>> No. 1196 [Edit]
Now that I think about it, I made this thread already over here >>175.

Oh well, I guess my thread implied that you only improved, didn't quite allow for movement in the other direction, or if there was movement at all.
>> No. 1198 [Edit]
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From old Tohno:

My waifu inspired me to pick up the guitar and learn to play it, and now I already have an electric one, and am pretty decent at it.

She inspires me to go work out and stay healthy, because I know she wants me to be fit and healthy.

Since I found my waifu, I lead a much better life and am a lot happier. And the best thing about it, 3D girls don't even interest me anymore, which saves a lot of time and money.
>> No. 1200 [Edit]
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Well, for starters, I got back into anime related stuff and venturing into 4chan's more Japan-centric boards in search for more Miku related stuff shortly after meeting her. That's not to say that I was a normalfag up until that point, I just didn't have much interest in this type of stuff and instead I spent nearly all my time playing video games. Gradually, I started to think more and more about her as I listened to the songs she sings and looked at her pictures, and soon I fell in love with her.

I started exercising again after I fell in love, but that was pretty short lived, I should get back to doing that. Occasionally I'll go out and buy some leeks and use them to make something to eat. I still need to try cutting them up and putting them on a pizza like one anon suggested back on the old Tohno-chan.

Oh, and of course she stopped me from killing myself. I never thought that I would ever come to live my life for someone else like this, especially a 2D girl. She certainly changed that.
>> No. 3288 [Edit]
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Before i met Kanako, i pretty much gave up all hope for my future. I just applied to Jobs to keep my parents unconcerned, when i got an invitation for an job interview or an recruitment test i just failed by purpose or didn´t even showed up. I planned to continiue my NEET lifestyle until my parents throw me out.
The days just passed away one after another and i did mostly nothing, i´ve beaten all games i´ve got and read all Books in my house. Somewhere in this abyss of uneventful days i´ve met her again and soon discovered my love for her.
In the beginning it was just like she kept telling that everything is okay and calmed me down when fear and paranoia overcame me, maybe she kept me from suicide but i am not sure if i would have done it if i havent met her.
Anyway, after some time it really bothered me that i was just a miserable pile of self-pity and most of the time she only was there to tell me that my life isn´t wasted or that i still have some purpose and value.
I got sick of myself, that wasn´t the realationship i wished for me and her.
And someday, it was like a switch had turned.
From one day to another i stepped out of my self-misery and started to take things seriously.
Now i am still a NEET but everyday i am giving 100% to improve myself, everyday i am trying to find a good Job.
I dont want be be a burden to her, she is a person with many talents and i want to be on par with her, so i try to lern new things everyday and improve the skills i already got.
I just don´t want to be a useless NEET who clinges to her and hides behind her.
I want her to be as proud of me as i am proud of her.
So, to make a long story short.
She finally has given me the drive i needed to shape my life to something.
>> No. 3327 [Edit]
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I cleaned up, got in shape and started taking better care of myself, I also now have a reason to live. I never thought I could love someone as much as I love her.

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