No. 5081
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That's such a nice picture OP. I have to say I somewhat do. Personally, I consider Misato to basically be the parent that Asuka and Shinji never had. Asuka being my waifu, it would be strange if there was no connection at all to Shinji and Misato. I usually don't venture to fantasizing much farther thna me and Asuka's relationship, but I would imagine that Shinji would be somewhat of a bro, considering he's the only other "male" in the family. If I wasn't screaming at him for being a complete pussy, that is. As for Misato, I sometimes imagine her as something of a mother figure. I have to admit when I find myself in a tough spot, I may end up discussing what to do with what I think as Misato rather than Asuka.
In short, the answer would be yes, although Asuka always takes predominance to the rest of the characters.
Btw, I like having pictures of the 3 of them together, but they are a bit rare to find sometimes. I recall seeing this one picture on an old imageboard of all 4 of them, in a photograph (you could see the actual photograph print, with Misato in the back, Asuka smiling on either side, and Shinji on the other side annoyed because Asuka was doing something to tease or annoy him. Would you happen to have that picture?