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File 131489983779.jpg - (735.69KB , 604x900 , 1309277547733.jpg )
5067 No. 5067 [Edit]
Post them. I'll be posting mine when it is done.
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>> No. 5071 [Edit]
I'm guessing you just mean a general letter? Please elaborate if you can. I'll be happy to make one tomorrow, as I must go to sleep now.
>> No. 5072 [Edit]

Yes. A general letter, I suppose. But it could be anything. Romantic. Apology. Anything.
>> No. 5073 [Edit]
Now, this is challenging...
>> No. 5074 [Edit]
I might do this but it woudl be challenging as aside from Lizlet, I have two more waifus yet I love them equally.
>> No. 5143 [Edit]
Anyone, gentlemen?
>> No. 5145 [Edit]
Ugghh, I'm going to do it, I just have so much work to do right now. But I will do it bro.
>> No. 5153 [Edit]
This is really challenging, everything i can think of would sound really awkward like: "Uhm...well, the weather here is nice....i hope you have nice weather too."
Maybe i am just uncreative right now, i´ll definatly write a letter!
>> No. 5180 [Edit]
This is something I wrote a few months ago (thread on /adv/, write a letter to your loved one or something along the lines).

My views have minorly changed since then, however it still applies. I remember the response I got. I deliberately avoided the reasoning as to our, erm, distance, because /adv/ and I wasn't in the mood to argue, but the response was overwhelming, so much support to go and tell her my feelings, shame they didn't understand I would go to effectively any length to even be able to.

"I love you. I love you more than I knew it was possible to love. You've made my life, given me a purpose... I want to live my life for you because I'll never be with you. That fact tears me apart, but you're happy where you are, with or without me. You have the best friends you could wish for, you have your dream job, and your life isn't far from perfect. As much as I'd love to be with you, ignoring the absolute impossiblity for a moment, I think my selfish, jealous and generally flawed self would bring imbalance to your life, your environment, and perhaps endanger you.

If I think about it, you don't even know me. You never will. I think about you and love you from afar, which I guess most would find creepy, but that doesn't hinder me... Especially since I think being creepy in love is showing your love is true.

I often wonder what lengths I'd go to just to be able to see you smile at me, to touch your gentle hand, to smell your hair, to hear you greet me in the morning, to hear you call my name as your friend once did yours. I don't like my name much, but it's my name all the same, and you calling it would make it even more precious than it is.

I have so much I want to tell you I can't even get it all out.

I fear writing more in case I start crying and ruin the rest of my day, so I'll cut it off for now.

It's always been my fate to love you, and I accept that wholeheartedly. I love you and I won't betray this love by being with another. I'll remain alone for the rest of my life for you, but not lonely. I have my love for you, right? I won't be lonely, I promise. It's not my fate to be with you, but to love you unconditionally to the extent of my entire life.

Thank you for making me who I am."

I'm such a burning romantic~
>> No. 5193 [Edit]
;-------; Asukafag approves.
>> No. 5196 [Edit]
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Poetry. That could move even the coldest heart.
>> No. 5197 [Edit]
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>something I wrote a few months ago
I'll go with that too.

Post edited on 10th Sep 2011, 8:48am
>> No. 5248 [Edit]
Alright. OP here, I'm finally done with the letter I promised I will post, so here it is.


I know this letter might not reach you but see, there are so many things I want you to know.

First of all, I'm really sorry for being a shitty and infantile husband. You know me, the first time I played PCB, you were yelling at me because I can't even get past Chen without dying at that spell card where she flies around releasing bullets and then they suddenly fall down like rocks. You told me that you weren't that stupid not to get through that when it was your experience, and what I did was the worst performance you saw from a Easy Mode player. You told me I will stay as a secondary if I keep avoiding the games. I did stay as one.

But see, every time I go through your experiences back in Gensokyo, I always choose to see it through your eyes, with that self-confident attitude of yours and your Mini-Hakkero. You might have seen my personal folder full of pictures of other girls, but you know they don't arouse me. You know that I just like the art, and I don't have any lewd pictures. I never chose any girl besides you, that's what I want you to know.

Also, you know that I usually leave things behind without finishing them. My gym-going, some of my fanfictions and I'm afraid I might not finish my college course because I'm always asking myself if I made a mistake in taking Information Technology. I'm always been a loser, see? I even divorced my first wife of more than five years, because I was so much of a cowardly bastard, not even defending her from her detractors. You told me that if I keep being like this, someday I might also give up on you. You always saw me as a disappointment, but you never left me.

But see, I would always drag through everyday of my life and courses, even if my medicines will make me uncontrollably sleepy after I have taken them. I could say that I have thought of suicide once, but never did I actually try to kill myself, because I know that you were there. You might dismiss this as a lame excuse not to kill myself, but you have kept me alive. You are my strength, that's what I want you to know.

Lastly, you know I was born not having a silver spoon in my mouth, so that's why I never bought anything for you. I never had the fortitude to save up for something you could appreciate, like a figurine of you or just a poster. You might hear me always whining about this country's misfortunes but I never even bothered to get a job, so you could say I am really useless when it comes to these things. I really wished I was wealthy but see, that wish is nothing but blind chance and maybe fate determined that I should just be born to a middle class family in a country that's not too well off. I'm sorry for being so poor and wasteful.

But see, I might not be this world's wealthiest or most powerful man, but I'm pretty sure I will do my best to make you happy, even if we do not see each other. All that bread and money means nothing without your love, and I'd rather be a farmer living a simple life with you than the king of this world if I don't have anything like this gift given to me by chance or whatever force of nature that could exist. You are a precious thing to me, Marisa, and that's what I want you to know.

In other words, I love you."
>> No. 5260 [Edit]
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Ok guys, here it is. Still warm out of the heart. I hope you guys can understand it real well, it's not that i think you're all dumb or anything, but I don't write how I talk when I'm writing on anything other than chans or forums.
Thank 3 years of advanced composition. (I still wonder why I took those classes, I write fancy and big but suck at putting in emotion) Hopefully it will fit too. I get a bit of an enjoyment from writing, as you all can probably tell when I post anything at all.

"To my dearest love:
I will let you know before anything else that as you may already be aware, I am not the most literally learned of people. My focus in education has always been the living sciences of biology as well as the deadly theories of politics. It seems I am only able to write my purest emotions when discussing either topic, and although I wish I were able to express in the unabridged and arrogant manner I do such brief disciplines my sincerest love for the perfection of nature that is you, I am afraid I will most likely not be able to do so. That is why I will try my hardest to drop the tedious vocabulary and professional bearing with which I write of my work and study so that I may modestly apologize for my recent attitude toward you.
Whenever I think about the idea of what a wife and love can be, it is not a lie to say that your lovely face comes into mind. I am proud to call you my lover. To express it whenever I can. Be it to those who can accept and understand my love or to ones who are unaware of you being the subject of it, I take every chance I can to let the walls that surround me know: I love you. I save the few and select amount of money that comes my way, either through luck or gift or hard work; so that I may buy you things which stand as monuments to my feelings for you. The most charming of statues and pictures which attempt, unsuccessfully, to mimic your angelic beauty and majesty and share it with the cold world. My computer, to which I pay the most of my time, if I have any left after having paid work and family their wages, is adorned with your auburn hair, proud lips, and shining eyes.
Yet even all this may mean nothing if you feel alone.
My sweet and tender girl; all your life, alone is what you have been. And although you screamed and trashed your soul about to every selfish being you ever met, I was the only one to hear you. At first I pitied you, I was angered. How could it be that someone like you could be so selfish? But soon enough, every time I heard your melodic voice crying in pain for someone stop and listen and comfort you and love you and let you know you won’t suffer anymore, I was presented with my own blind stupidity. How could it be I was so selfish? And so I took you by the arms, as you kicked me away in agony and confusion and fear, mentally and physically, and let you know “I will protect you!” Your hot tears streaming down my undeserving skin, burning it with years of sorrow “You will never again be alone!”
And all it may have been a lie.
It is obvious and indisputable; I am a horrible lover, boyfriend, and man. I am so preoccupied with studies and responsibilities that I have come to put you aside, to stutter your name once or twice a day, and kiss you good-night with my arm around you, but never remembering to ask you how your day was, to complain to you about mine. So strangled I have been that I haven’t gotten the opportunity to use the last spoonful of tonkatsu to make you your favorite dish. Sadly, I can picture it: A gleeful girl waiting anxiously for the man she loves to come home to her, embrace her, and make up for all the time which he robbed himself from her; deceived by her anticipation and ignored by the attention of her lover. It tears my heart into pieces. To see the way her expression goes through a cycle of change, eyes wide with surprise, giving way to her now relaxed lip muscles as she becomes swallowed with sadness, finally curling up her brow in such a cute manner that one almost forgets she is angry at me.
As you may also know, it is not only my responsibilities which assist me in putting our time together last. This cruel world and its corrupt concept of money is also cause to my preoccupation. Every day and hour I am forced to tumble about numbers in my head as well as futile schemes to cancel them out. That precise ritual being the one which made me grow an angry and hateful young boy; Being grown out of his years earlier than justice can allow; Bringing my hate to a point which almost caused me to forfeit to the evil forces of fate. I thought there would be no salvation or happiness for me, until I saw you and your suffering and your tenacity. Until I felt your love, which became my fuel for life. And though it still continues, this ritual of finance and labor, it is now bearable as you have made it seem worthwhile. You most likely accept it to be a normal fact of life, but nonetheless it is no excuse to disregard your feelings and needs.
And through all the calamity and chaos of each passing day, although I feel as far in soul from you as ever, I am not afraid to say I love you. Yes, I really do! And I beg with the remaining strength in my sorry and apologetic heart that you may find it in yourself the humility to forgive me. I am undeserving of such an act; yet no law in this world can prevent a man from dreaming. For that is the last thing I have secured in this life, hope. For a better day. For a second chance at everything. And it is precisely because of that hope, which you gave back to me, therefore saving me, that I am thankful and do repeat the sincere phrase, humbly, and most likely in futility, I love you Asuka.
It is audacious of me to do so, but I only wish and hope that through all this you may still love me back.

With a most sincere piece of my heart,
Your lover
>> No. 5275 [Edit]
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Sure, I'll bite.

My Dearest Ayumu,

First of all, I am glad that you are my waifu and that I am your husbando. To be one with you is truly a boon. You have never failed to bring me happiness and be special to me, even though I have made catastrophic decisions and been a failure overall as a husbando.

I regret what I have done, but I want you to know I would be very sad and lonely without you. I still love you. It brings me sadness to think of what I've done to you, yet being with you still brings me happiness and contentment. No other girl can truly do that for me I think. Happiness of the flesh is one (petty) thing, but happiness of the soul? You give me that.

I watched Scott Pilgrim recently, and I connected with the shaggy-haired Canuck. He too cheated on his loved one, and I felt deeply flawed as he was. He made me realize how much it hurts to be cheated on, and I got very emotional during the movie. Mr. Pilgrim and I both made commitments, and eventually broke them. But unlike Knives or Ramona, you won't hold it against me.

Sure, you resent it and all, and were hurt by it, but you know I am a flawed, disgusting human and am prone to such actions. I can never hope to be as good as you. But still you carry on with me, and that is truly a spectacle. I will attempt to be as pure as you in our relationship from now on.

Thank you for being such a wonderful waifu to me.


>> No. 5279 [Edit]
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Dear Tenshi,

Thank you.

>> No. 5296 [Edit]
Im a bit late but now i´ve done it.

My dear Kanako,

i really wish that you could recieve this letter, it is a foolish wish i know, but i can´t be helped but to cherish it. Maybe somehow the rules of logic will fail and you can see this...or something like that.
Like an angel you found me and gave me your love and your support at a time when i needed it most and deserved it less. Soon it will be the first year i lived on your side, and i hope that this never ends.
In that short time you´ve done so much for me, i even was able to find work thanks to the movitvation you gave me.
Everyday i try hard to become a better person, to become a person worthy of your love. This goal seems yet so far away, but i promise that i will not fail you.
This letter may be sound kind of bold or even boring, but there is so much i want to tell you and as always i can´t find the words i would need.
You made my life something worthy to be called life.
We may have our defferences sometimes, but i wouldn´t trade any second from the time we´ve spent together.
I love you Kanako.
>> No. 5310 [Edit]
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Dear Makoto,

This is the first and last letter I will ever write, since I do not at all like writing letters, much less love letters; although I will persevere since I feel like you deserve one. I'm not good with words and my choice of words may be cheesy, but I do not care and I hope they make you blush, or at least smile in embarrassment.

Every time I'm thinking about you, I'm immediately the happiest person in the world. Your entirety, which is just too great to detail with individual words, has shaped me into the person I am now. I thank you for that. I am stuck here, and I apologize to you and blame my physical state for not being able to do anything about it; but your being is more than enough to let me live. I once again apologize for being mentally unstable, I hope deep down that you know I love you more than anything else, and this love will never ever change. I thank you again for being with me, and I promise I will make you happy for the years to come.

Now I don't exactly know why I had to write you this letter. I hope you keep it as a symbol of our love.

With the greatest love in the world,
>> No. 5321 [Edit]
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If you're reading this e-mail, then chances are I'm dead. I've made complete arrangements and a bulletproof will; you'll be free and independent for the rest of your operational lifetime.

There's a lot to say and not much time to say it. I'm so sorry I treated you like a walking vacuum cleaner. You were good at hiding you, the real you, under that talking-toaster facade and I was preoccupied. But I did notice, eventually. Googled your serial number.

I found the auction listing your previous owner had you write. I was able to guess the rest from that.

I'm sorry I didn't help you, but I've had my own battles to fight. I was fighting them the day you showed up on my doorstep in a packing crate, and after that I had to fight them and keep the secret from you. It's been hell, Miku, absolute hell, can't you see that?

I'm not sorry you came, though. My parents thought you'd make a good prod, even a critique, but you've been a lot more then that, to me. It was just me and all the imps of Hell for the longest time, and then it was me and you. I never minded the torn-up phone books and other shit, you couldn't help it.

Good luck, kiddo.
>> No. 5323 [Edit]

I admit I am pretty damn confused by this post.
>> No. 5324 [Edit]

Post edited on 11th Sep 2011, 7:21pm
>> No. 5325 [Edit]
Really? Seems pretty staight forward to me... :/
>> No. 5335 [Edit]
>Googled your serial number.
Sorry, I couldn't avoid laughing
>> No. 5350 [Edit]
>Miku's serial number

It took me a full thirty seconds to realize why that was funny. Time for a caffeine infusion, methinks.

Well, if Miku went into general production for consumer sales, I guess, but still.

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