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File 131465537026.png - (331.48KB , 800x615 , okome (kome kuma) Tenshi desktop buddy.png )
4992 No. 4992 [Edit]
Someone made a Tenshi desktop mascot. This is a great day. ( ´‿`)

It's here if you want it: http://danbooru.donmai.us/post/show/984024/
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>> No. 4993 [Edit]
This is very, very cute.
>> No. 5005 [Edit]
Good find, OP. I like seeing you happy.
>> No. 5007 [Edit]
What? She didn't have one yet?
Anyway, that's one of the cutest I've seem so far.
>> No. 5009 [Edit]
anyone have the source image of the big tenshi in the op pic?
>> No. 5011 [Edit]
File 131467566824.png - (23.46KB , 128x128 , shime11.png )
I don't think it exists. The artist just shrank it down to use in the mascot.
>> No. 5030 [Edit]
A Shimiji or whatever? Or is it something different?
I really want a Kurokona Shimiji... If I could even find a Konata one, I'd make it work.
>> No. 5031 [Edit]
As cute as these things are I cant help but feel they would get annoying
>> No. 5032 [Edit]
Shimeji. There's this club on DA with hundreds of them (with highly varying degrees of quality, of course).
Not if it's your waifu.
And you can turn it off.
>> No. 5033 [Edit]
>Still no Konata
Sigh, I wish I could even do a Chibi style so I could just do her and my waifu myself.
Or that I knew someone who could do it for me.
>> No. 5034 [Edit]
There's this, I guess:
>> No. 5035 [Edit]
Can't you draw?

Oh wait I mistook you for Stalwart
>> No. 5056 [Edit]
File 131481933247.jpg - (55.50KB , 280x500 , 1309237738739.jpg )
I really don't want to look like an idiot, as I'm usually very tech savvy, but what exactly are these? they look cute, but how do they work, and how are they installed?

Thanks in advance everyone. Have some cute Asuka as my thanks.
>> No. 5057 [Edit]
It's a thing that makes moe chibis wander around on your screen and do stuff
>> No. 5058 [Edit]
It's a Java app. It creates a desktop buddy for you, it just hangs around your screen, climbs around windows' edges and reproduces like rabbits. You can throw it around your screen if you want too.
To install you just download them, each one is a standalone program and needs nothing but the JVM itself to run.
If you want to know how they work, they all come with the source code.
>> No. 5061 [Edit]
That is so cute I think i just got diabetes from the thought. Looks like it's easy to install then.

Would anyone happen to know of an Asuka one, if one exists?

Thanks brohno.

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