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File 13145491049.jpg - (491.63KB , 1413x2000 , 21385554.jpg )
4969 No. 4969 [Edit]
Happy Birthday, Makoto!

It is technically my waifu's birthday (at least in Japan) so I will celebrate today! Yesterday, I faced my fears and went to a really fancy bakery and bought her some cake. (I would have just made some myself but I wanted to try something new today). I'm not exactly sure what to do today but I'm already in a great mood. Perhaps I will accompany her and go to a festival happening in town.. or maybe we should just have a quiet day at home. Hmm.

Just wanted to share my thoughts, is all.
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>> No. 4970 [Edit]
Why did you fear buying her a cake from the Bakery Reverse? Also, Happy Birthday to your waifu. Hope you two can spend many more years together.
>> No. 4972 [Edit]

Because it's where all the rich people go to and I felt incredibly out of place. I had to spend a minimum of $50 even though I just wanted 1 slice of cookie dough cake! Isn't that ridiculous? Nonetheless, I left the place pretty proud of myself and ready for my waifu's grand birthday (even though I'm totally not sure of what I am going to do). I decided though I will try to draw a picture for her.

Thanks for the wishes, !1Np/JJBAYQ
>> No. 4973 [Edit]
Happy birthday!
>> No. 4975 [Edit]
Go, to the festival, man! You can always have a quiet day at home, you can't always have a festival.

Happy day-your-waifu-came-into-this-world-a-certain-number-of-years-ago!
>> No. 4979 [Edit]
Happy Birthday.
>> No. 4980 [Edit]
File 131456986911.jpg - (83.89KB , 1024x768 , 325141_228341120551389_100001265085186_727976_4652.jpg )
So, I went to the festival (which happens to be a J-POP gathering somewhat) and bought my waifu her own copy of... her first album! I already have one for myself but I think it's only right if she has a fine unopened one. I also got a shabby but gigantic K-ON poster signed by the VAs but I don't feel it relates much to the topic.

We will be eating delicious cake and if it's alright with you guys I will be posting some pictures maybe. Thanks for the happy birthdays, /mai/.
>> No. 4981 [Edit]
File 131457654440.jpg - (79.05KB , 1024x768 , cake.jpg )
I cannot find my good camera for the life of me.. I think it was probably stolen.

Anyway, I know some people aren't fans of cake+waifu picture but I decided to do it anyway. Having fun!
>> No. 4982 [Edit]
So the festival was an anime one and you were wondering if you should go? And you got a SIGNED by the VAs poster of K-On and weren't sure if yous hould mention it?

You're killing me OP. Glad you're having fun though.
>> No. 4983 [Edit]


I guess it was overall worth it. Only downside was that it was swarming with people and not just normal people, weeaboos, hipsters, america is superior people, gangsters looking to score asian chicks... etc etc. Was pretty horrible but I took the right routes and avoided most of them. All cause you guys encouraged me, haha.
>> No. 4984 [Edit]
Happy Birthday!
>> No. 4988 [Edit]
I really liked the last episode she's in. Really heart-thumping.

Happy birthday, Makoto.

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