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File 131398355393.jpg - (55.90KB , 503x720 , Kurokona-cutting.jpg )
4913 No. 4913 [Edit]
You know, if there's one thing I really really hate about having a waifu...
It would be the fact that I'll never get to experience seeing the miracle that is the birth of a child from her and myself.
Just being able to sit next to Ku-chan and watch as she takes care of our child on a quiet, rainy day sounds so nice...And so unattainable... ;_;
>> No. 4914 [Edit]
Myself I don't really care about children, but I feel I am responsible to continue my family. My surname is really rare and I am only child in my family. I've made my choice and I just have deal with it that having a child is beyond limits.
>> No. 4917 [Edit]
I`m gay, so i don`t care about children. Ok, serious now... I think all the love I have for her is enough, the fact that i'll never have a child from her really sucks, but her existence itself is the best thing i can get from her
>> No. 4935 [Edit]
If I were to have children they would be 2D.

Nothing is impossible.
>> No. 4939 [Edit]
I feel the same. With anime like Hanamaru Youchien or Usagi Drop, I feel as if I'm missing alot when it comes to raising kids with my waifu. I too would fantasize about us raising a child together, to be able to see her and our child happily strolling around. I selfishly promised to somehow get her a child (which really just means I adopt one and raise the child bymyself) but it seems impossible and I currently don't have the resources to do such a thing. I do however-- am content with having to fantasize about a 2D family. If I have a waifu, why not fantasize about raising a child as well? This fantasy though, I feel as more geared towards my future with my waifu. I just feel like we're too young and inexperienced to be raising a child successfully, which is why I am saving that fantasy for a later date-- maybe when I feel that I am stable enough to; in more realistic terms, imagine both a waifu and a child. If I can accomplish that, I feel as if I would be the happiest man alive--- more so than what I feel today with my waifu. But, as I said, it's for a later date which I, and my waifu, am currently anticipating.

Funny thing is, when I fantasize about having a child, the child would almost always have to be a girl and she would always resemble Rinko from Love+Plus. I just feel like our child would look and act like her.

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