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File 131388941262.jpg - (777.15KB , 2304x1728 , 100_3429.jpg )
4888 No. 4888 [Edit]
Hey there, /mai/. I made this cake for Ritsu's birthday tomorrow. I'm not really a good chef, like, at all, so it's not as good as I'd like it to be.

I just hope she would like it if she, you know, had a physical body to eat it with.

What do you guys think? Anybody else doing anything for Ritsu tomorrow?
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>> No. 4893 [Edit]
It looks good, congratz
But remember that the best thing you can give her is love.
>> No. 4894 [Edit]
File 131389804821.jpg - (14.16KB , 200x200 , 4758-729736431.jpg )
thats wonderfull, i made a cake for my waifu´s birhday too, your vake looks delicious, you will make your waifu very happy.

>> No. 4896 [Edit]
>your vake looks delicious

>> No. 4897 [Edit]
File 131389916668.gif - (502.64KB , 225x225 , 944343c5b5b42e378098f16d8b5fd6ea.gif )
haha it was my mistake, but yeah, i didnt saw it that way.

i love that catchphrase of my waifu.
>> No. 4901 [Edit]
I'll make a vake in my waifu's birth too
>> No. 4902 [Edit]
this is one of the sadder things i have seen here
>> No. 4903 [Edit]
That cake is filled with homemade love and the effort of someone who tried hard.

Just imagine if your waifu didn't really have a lot of experience baking, you'd never expect them to make a cake themselves, and then they whip that out -- how could anyone react with anything but giddy surprise?
>> No. 4905 [Edit]
File 131396501714.jpg - (442.95KB , 1280x720 , nutbladder_puella_magi_madoka_magica_-_03_7ec0e521.jpg )
I just realized: if you flip the cake upside-down, it looks like Charlotte.
I'm pretty sure he doesn't have a waifu.
>> No. 4906 [Edit]
I don't see it.
>> No. 4907 [Edit]
I don't see how you can possibly see any connection between OP's cake, and that emo shit.
>> No. 4908 [Edit]
Hi Tohno
>> No. 4909 [Edit]
why do you keep saying this
>> No. 4910 [Edit]
I don't want to know what kindof loveyouve put in that cake
>> No. 4911 [Edit]
See that white thing? It's made from love juice
>> No. 4912 [Edit]
He probably wants a ban is why.
>> No. 4916 [Edit]
Hi Tohno
>> No. 4918 [Edit]
its me im tohno

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