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File 131371486553.jpg - (100.43KB , 1163x435 , DSC01180.jpg )
4849 No. 4849 [Edit]
Let's have a thread where we offer things (mostly food) to our waifus.

Here I am giving some delicious bread to Osaka!
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>> No. 4850 [Edit]
I gotta say that made me chuckle Brohno.
>> No. 4854 [Edit]
File 131372854140.jpg - (140.83KB , 640x480 , DSC00037.jpg )
givin' some ferrero roche to Rei :D
>> No. 4856 [Edit]

Wow, nice double picture OP. It actually looks like she ate the toast.
>> No. 4857 [Edit]
Gotta say I laughed to OP's picture. Still I dont understand why people do this(take pictures of them eating with their waifu). Do they want some sort attention or acknowledgement by others?

Don't get me wrong. Myself I eat with my waifu but I just don't understand why to take pictures. I've only once take picture me eating with my waifu but I never posted it anywhere. It was her birthday.
>> No. 4858 [Edit]
I don't see why not? I mean, we're here posting about our affection to our waifus when we could be keeping our feelings to ourselves.
Do we want attention or acknowledgement?
>> No. 4859 [Edit]
I didn't mean to insult anyone and I don't mean it is necessary a bad thing. Unless it is just for pure attention whoring like marrying your dakimakura etc. I just don't understand the point and it feels a bit silly in my opinion. I don't mind at all. I am just intrested why people do this.
>> No. 4867 [Edit]
It's just a little fun, I think.
>> No. 4892 [Edit]
Oh what a bite.
Your waifu's really greedy.
>> No. 5092 [Edit]
File 131513215427.jpg - (52.76KB , 400x1045 , pudding.jpg )
Sorry I ate your pudding. Here, have some.
>> No. 5093 [Edit]
I don't get it too. I tried sometimes giving my waifu a cup of tea or coffee because it seemed a nice idea. But in the end it just felt silly, not like sharing a nice cup of hot beverage with the one you love.
Nevertheless, >>4849 and >>5092 pics look great.
>> No. 5099 [Edit]
File 131515566597.jpg - (102.69KB , 717x1024 , story of my life.jpg )
>> No. 5134 [Edit]
You really ought to charm her with something more appealing than a banana!
>> No. 5135 [Edit]
Maybe a ice cream cone next time?
better yet, how about some shaved ice?
>> No. 5136 [Edit]
That sounds good!
>> No. 5314 [Edit]
File 131569237011.jpg - (72.24KB , 800x600 , livingthedream.jpg )
Good times, good times.
>> No. 5318 [Edit]
*Sigh* I haven't had any alcohol in months: no reason to, neither any wanting to do it by myself, anymore. But I'd enjoy Holo with a drink, any day...

"To the impossible! *Cheers*"
>> No. 5330 [Edit]
File 131575743494.jpg - (80.88KB , 700x525 , 100_0678.jpg )
>> No. 5481 [Edit]
File 131608542463.jpg - (2.57MB , 3648x2736 , IMG_3626.jpg )
feeding Minna some canned tuna
>> No. 5752 [Edit]
File 131681397868.png - (949.30KB , 389x1479 , evening.png )
Normal friday evening in our household.

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