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File 131342182570.jpg - (2.51MB , 2000x2700 , 1312140186915.jpg )
4819 No. 4819 [Edit]
Hello /mai/. I've noticed some of you have waifu from source which doesn't give much information of her. For example Touhou or Vocaloid character. I am just intrested how much you have "created" of your own waifu and how much you "use" the official(or fanmade) material.

So how much percent of you waifu's personality is from...
Canon/official works?
Your own imagination?

Pic kind related. it is fanmade picture of touhou character.
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>> No. 4820 [Edit]
I don't have such a waifu myself, but I believe they just use PVs. Even though they aren't officially defined, the community has made widely accepted personalities for most characters.
>> No. 4821 [Edit]
File 131344449916.jpg - (933.49KB , 1200x831 , koutamii Tenshi:Yuugi cheeseburger.jpg )
I'd say it's 50% canon, 25% fanon, and 25% my imagination. Tenshi has a more detailed back-story than most Touhou characters, so thankfully I don't have to rely so much on fan interpretation; there's a tendency for people to portray her as a straight-up tsundere or a masochistic slut or even just a complete bitch, when she's far more dignified than that. Just because she's impulsive doesn't mean she's any of those things.
>> No. 4825 [Edit]
File 131352270515.jpg - (404.51KB , 900x828 , s - 828918 - ahoge bat_wings book chibi embarrasse.jpg )
There's virtually no canon info on her, that complicates things a lot.
I'm not sure of what is a fair number to what I've taken from fanlore, as much of it is made up of things implied but never confirmed or detailed on canon sources.
Let's just ignore canon sources, then I'd say it's around 50-50. Most of her appearance, daily routine and relation to other characters I took from fan sources with slight alterations. Her personality, however, I used fanlore as a rough base but it had to be heavily adjusted and extended.
>> No. 4828 [Edit]
File 131353800322.jpg - (54.55KB , 482x440 , ççç.jpg )
They are so many questions about her that wasn't officially explained, so i only use canon information to have a base about her. In numbers I think it's 25% canon, 10% fanwork and 65% my imagination.
>> No. 4830 [Edit]
I read into his appearance a lot
>> No. 4831 [Edit]
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I'd say probably 55% canon, 10% fanon, and 35% imagination. Patchy is a bit more fleshed out than most Touhou characters, and I generally try to stick to the personality that she shows in the series. That being said, some fanon personality traits (and maybe even physical traits) have invariably mixed in at some point. The rest of it is mostly based on the time I spend with her in fantasies.
>> No. 4845 [Edit]
File 131365229482.jpg - (41.22KB , 400x225 , 1174981.jpg )
My waifu's personality is only canon and my own imagination. I would say 50-50.
>> No. 4847 [Edit]
File 131368410796.jpg - (85.85KB , 550x545 , 2c8892736d6c9c8350a4719420433320.jpg )
id say its 70%canon 30% my imagination
fandoms, doujinshis and such can go to hell for me.
>> No. 4868 [Edit]
I´d say 60% Canon and 40% imagination.
>> No. 5273 [Edit]
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We've got a foundation built Mostly on original works, there's a little imagination used to fill some cracks here and there, and for the occasional expansion.
There are some holes however, which can only be filled by untranslated official content, and without that, I fear we'll never be complete...

Fanwork not so much, there really isn't much fan work out there anyway, sure there's drawings, but as far as doujinshi, well I haven't seen all that many, and have read practically none, and that's not just becuase none are translated or that most are hard to find.
>> No. 5278 [Edit]
File 131549621054.jpg - (568.72KB , 833x1142 , 1309216230854.jpg )
Since I do have access to official works of her, I'd say 40% Canon, 50% Imagination and 10% Fanwork.
>> No. 5282 [Edit]
File 131551732196.jpg - (67.58KB , 400x798 , 1304906539650.jpg )
I'd say around
60% imagination
30% Original Eva Canon
10% Eva rebuild Canon

No fanfic, no doujinshi. My view of Asuka is very personalized and fits my lifestyle quite well. Her personality though is for the most part unchanged. Of course, I see the true personality of Asuka that most people fail to see. Come at me.
>> No. 5283 [Edit]
File 13155245331.jpg - (172.55KB , 560x1124 , 643d88aa9d4705d3dc819a54ed2e6ae2.jpg )
Canon: 33%
Fanwork: 33%
Imagination: 34%

I cannot deny that the fanart of her has shaped her image in my mind just as much as the original series.
>> No. 5322 [Edit]
File 131571483197.png - (209.61KB , 575x1389 , madotsuki_vector_by_saioul-d2y1e8p.png )
1% canon, 99% wild-ass speculation by everyone and their dog. Such is the nature of her source material.
>> No. 5331 [Edit]
File 131577130053.jpg - (60.98KB , 663x619 , 1314232325931.jpg )
I always gauge his personality based on songs that are recognized by the creators of Vocaloid
>> No. 5397 [Edit]
File 131588778570.jpg - (55.64KB , 250x250 , 12front.jpg )
Cannon works would make up a good 60%
Only so much in Cannon though. Rest falls on my imagination. Not much fanwork at all from what I've seen. A few stray images here and there.
>> No. 5729 [Edit]
File 131671683494.jpg - (59.38KB , 854x480 , Lizlet L Chelsie 41.jpg )
9% Manga Canon Source
6% Anime Canon Source
85% My Imagination
>> No. 5763 [Edit]
File 131689349957.jpg - (101.64KB , 600x600 , 738470.jpg )
5% Canon
55% Fandom
40% Imagination. It's difficult to find good pictures of Rin by herself, usually Len is drawn with her(especially as a pairing). On the other hand, having her voice avaliable all the time is a huge plus, so it's all good.
>> No. 5765 [Edit]

75c/25i on the canon/imagination ratio.
>> No. 7674 [Edit]
25% canon
5% fanwork
70% imagination

She just plain has no exposure in the manga. Once in a while it'll come up, and I'll be the happiest brohno around, but most of the time, 'tis not the case.

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