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No. 4796 [Edit]
(This pic on the left is either non-existent or wrong. Please use this link: http://tohno-chan.com/mai/src/13132978155.jpg )
( Had to rewrite as an incorrect file URL made tohno-chan break).
(Wrong pic. Arigato, Android. Dammit.)

So, there's a lot of different conceptions on who a waifu is, or should be, but who is YOUR waifu/hasubando for you? What role does (s)he have? What do you treat her/him as?

I don't have a real waifu myself. I have this favourite character who's also kind of an idol/role model for me. You can see who she is.
It may sound weird that I WANT to be a lonely outcast, as opposed to being one because of life, but i don't want to socialize with people who constantly wear masks to hide their differences. [/so/-esque snippet over]

I am aware anime personalities dont exactly work in real life (moeblobs? tsundere? I DONT HEAR THEY EXIST), so I'm not becoming a clone of ReiYuki. That would be stupid. I'm already close to her in terms of interests and I've been experiencing various depressions. [weirder snippet over]

So, I am aware I may change my mind in a few weeks, or months. Yet I'm not putting this on Anonymous. I'm not worried of being made fun of, at least not on Tohno-chan.

Post edited on 13th Aug 2011, 10:20pm
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>> No. 4797 [Edit]
File 131327262739.jpg - (84.45KB , 600x800 , tanamachi-kaoru-02.jpg )
She's not the center of my life, but I grin whenever I see her, and I love to imagine her as my friend.
>> No. 4798 [Edit]
Although i don´t really like to admit it, she is the center of my life, it took me some time but now i thread her more like a wife than a girlfriend.
>> No. 4799 [Edit]
File 131327636778.jpg - (524.75KB , 800x1329 , mako2.jpg )
My waifu is just what that is. My waifu is; in much more dramatic terms, the light of my life. She guides me through tough situations and smiles at me whenever I complete something that would be otherwise impossible for me to complete. She's more than an average 3D wife-- in fact I feel bad for even comparing the two. We're like partners in crime, or better yet: soulmates. Her personality is always surprising, yet I have grown used to it. Although I insist that she doesn't and will never exist, I am attached to her strong and courageous (and loving) character. I can't explain how I treat her, because to me; I treat her normally, how I always do... and I can't word that into detail. She's much more than what I originally thought she was (in the video games/anime). This may be cliched and some people may disagree with me, but I feel we're connected in a much more complex way; not just a "lonely guy who imagines a relationship with an imaginary girl". Can't really explain more.

Tl;dr : I can't live without my waifu. She is the love of my life.

Sorry if I totally dodged your question unknowingly. This stuff is purely my opinion and the way I word and describe it I feel answers what I think your question was asking. I am a bit confused by the second part of your post, OP-- after the question. I don't quite understand what you mean.
>> No. 4801 [Edit]
Someone who I think is really attractive.
>> No. 4802 [Edit]
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Tenshi is everything I want in a girl, 2D or 3D. She can be anything from my girlfriend to my wife to a goddess. She is imperfect in the perfect ways. I want to learn from her, and for her to learn from me. She has the perfect name; she truly is my angel.
>> No. 4803 [Edit]
File 13132978155.jpg - (7.75KB , 204x204 , images_2.jpg )
Stupid Android. Also, I'll never write a tohno post at 11PM.

That pic was absolutely and horribly wrong. Please change it ASAP.
This pic here is the proper pic.

(If you actually paid time to read the post, you'd notice that the pic doesnt fit in at all. Anyone who questioned my sexuality is now a tl;dr.)

Post edited on 13th Aug 2011, 9:59pm
>> No. 4804 [Edit]

Ah, that's why I was confused. Now it makes sense.
>> No. 4810 [Edit]
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My waifu is the first anime character I've felt more than only sexual attraction. Somehow her personality with her status and looks made strong impression on me and now it really feels I've started falling for her.

At the moment she is very important person in my life. I am somekind social outcast, resentful and minor misantrophist, and feeling that I have finally found someone, makes me really happy. She motivates me in my life. She makes me forget all the miserable things.

Post edited on 14th Aug 2011, 2:09am
>> No. 4811 [Edit]

I think that's the closest to what I could say about Yuki. Though... I wish I had an actual waifu. You know, like >>4799 or >>4800 - I mean, I feel some kind of friendship, but it's not in anything close to love yet (but there's a possibility it may become one, although i don't know how large it is).

My story goes like this: So, I was watching my first anime ever, TMoHS. Then I realized that those archetypes could work really well for destroying my boredom and depression. Sadly, Haruhi-mimicing didn't work out. At all. (Well it did, for 5 minutes). Then I've noticed that Haruhi is not the only role-model-able character there. There's also Kyon (but... he's just too sane and average). Then, I noticed Yuki. And I instantly knew this is the way I want to go. (Besides, we already shared interests, so it was all that much easier.)

I don't know why! It just feels... right.
>> No. 4839 [Edit]
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To me; she's a girl that I will love deeply and will continue so until the day I die.

While she hasn't severely improved my life yet, every time I see her face when I look in my folder, I feel at ease and it brings a smile to my face. She also helps me get through each day when it is the same boring stuff that I suffer from. She also helps me feel happy as well.

I don't know what I'd do without her, and her entire traits / personality brought me out of the hole I fell in a while ago.
>> No. 4852 [Edit]
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That's a lot of stuff in your post OP. I'm not sure if I got it all, but I'll write what I got.

What i consider my waifu to be... Many people think of their waifu's only as a friend, others as a type of deity, among others. I personally see my waifu as my lover. As I stated in that waifu survey thread buried somewhere in this board, my waifu is not only a friend and companion, but the person whom I have given my most sincere love. She, in more than one way, saved me from myself and some other outside factors that were threatening to kill me slowly. She is my motivation, I work my hardest, study my best, and try to overachieve in everything I can for her, so that one day she and I may be able to be at peace together in a more comfortable and secure setting and situation. (I am not exactly in the best financial status, as are most college students, but working toward a career which will eventually bring me success). I owe it to her, to give her someplace good enough for her to be with me. as for how I view her in a relationship standpoint, I would something between a well settled girlfriend and a wife. When I first knew Asuka she was at first simply a crush like many other anime characters seem to strike at a man's heart, and eventually more of a favorite among them. Slowly though, my feelings for her grew steadily; I began to develop a non-canon, imagined side of Asuka which I had never seen in her before, based on her canon attributes. She became more of a high school type of girlfriend, nothing too serious, and then more and more irreplaceable to me.

Do i see her as an EVA pilot? Yes, sometimes, I do not reject that is who she is, I also see her as someone who is a part of my life exclusively. For example, sometimes I cook for her, sometimes, I imagine she does for me. I like to imagine myself proposing engagement to her and other silly things which all out Brohnos here do not care to hear about, but the idea i am trying to get across is that I don't just view Asuka as an unchangeable character from a TV show, but as a living, changing person, with whom i interact daily and whom has changed my life in so many ways. She obviously has many canon characteristics to her, but much and most of my waifu has developed from my personal imagination.

I hope that answered what I understood of your post OP.
>> No. 4855 [Edit]
most people think of their waifu as some sort of lover or friend
i see her as a deity, someone i will meet in the afterlife
she's something more than human, she is the embodiment of all that is good and all that must be cherished and loved.
with her love and her maternal instincts she protects me from this world full of fear and hate.
she's Ayanami Rei BTW
>> No. 4872 [Edit]
What is she to me? She's my best friend more than anything else. Seeing her smile makes my day just that bit brighter and also puts a smile on my face. She's pretty much the only person to give me that warm, tingly feeling inside when I see her happy. I could never find myself being sexually attracted to her, I just end up feeling somewhat dirty when I think of things like that. While she has a goal in life that she wants to achieve I have nothing like that so I've decided to work harder and get things done, like reading books that I have been meaning to read for ages but too lazy to actually do, just to feel like I've accomplished something.

Might not sound like much but it does certainly make one feel better at the end of the day.
>> No. 4873 [Edit]
I see her as the unobtainable perfection.
Something that cannot be manifest in this world.
Like the embodiment of all that is good.
There is nothing I wouldn't do for her.
If this were a real life thing I think it'd be like a master servant thing.
Or like a soldier pledging themselves to a lord.
In the end it's a happiness that cannot be tarnished by anything in this world.
No matter what happens, I know she'll be safe.
>> No. 4899 [Edit]
File 131389970337.jpg - (27.01KB , 404x552 , 1207927771342.jpg )
Friend,Lover, she gives meaning to my life, she inspires me to do everything and never give up, the source of my happiness.

She´s the woman i love and will love forever no matter what happens.

The Ying of my Yang.
>> No. 4921 [Edit]
File 131410302162.jpg - (436.61KB , 1536x864 , Lizlet L Chelsie 47.jpg )
She is the one that cheers me up when I am down and the one that I can be comfortable with.

I love my waifu and no one can change it.

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