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File 129180351529.jpg - (223.33KB , 850x1205 , sample-283abaaae7f05a914bc242b4fd14c003.jpg )
479 No. 479 [Edit]
The scenario is as follows: Your waifu comes to live with you at your current place of residence.

Where would you take your waifu on a romantic first date?
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>> No. 480 [Edit]
Romantic? in this town?
I really can't think of anything nice around here for a half way decent date, I don't have the first clue where I'd take her, I don't exactly have a lot of experience in that field to start with.
All I can imagine is a movie and taking her to the best restaurant I can find.
But that just seems so average and boring, I'd like to take her to the park, and maybe go star gazing with her, but our city park is kind of crappy and dangerous, and you can't see stars at night here.
>> No. 481 [Edit]
Taking people out on dates is so cliché
>> No. 482 [Edit]
To tohno-chan.
>> No. 484 [Edit]
I agree: even while playing VNs, I just can't stand what the people seem to stereotypically understand as dating (is boring as fuck; it's like playing dumb; it's ridiculous). Nevertheless, the scenario alone of mai waifu living in my place is fascinating...

Yet frustrating, cause I live with my family (mother, aunt and sister); so I couldn't possibly play the sort of onii chan (guardian of the loli) protective role I'd like to neither profit from intimacy's probable/eventual sexy situations.
>> No. 485 [Edit]
seriously, i was planning on making this thread today too. I just needed to think about my scenario.
>> No. 486 [Edit]
I don't like this thread. I don't like the OP.
>> No. 487 [Edit]
File 129182825756.jpg - (80.43KB , 761x479 , 1291807102706.jpg )
I don't like you either. I-It's not like I wanted you to read my thread or anything! I just wanted to make a nice, simple thread to get back on track after the recent slate of heated arguments on /mai/.
>> No. 488 [Edit]
As tohno said, my town is a bit boring as well, so I'm not sure where to take her as well. not to mention the fact that since I've never been on a date, I'm not quite sure what to do.

Though I live a couple miles from downtown chicago (as well as have my own car), and my parents used to live there, maybe they would be able to give me a few ideas for what to do.
>> No. 490 [Edit]

Your towns are small time - we don't even have a cinema around here! Try to top that. Also, the nearest 'big' city is like 160km away.

But I agree with >>481 and >>484. 'Dates' seem like a somewhat stupid idea and something that reminds me of all things I used to hate about meeting with other people.
As for the meeting itself... If the weather is good we could go take a walk to the park. If not staying home is more than ok with me; I'd try my best to think of something fun to do.

But I'd prefer to get out of here and take her on a trip (preferably to the mountains). That would be truly amazing as we could enjoy great views in each other's company (with noone there to bother us) and in the evening we could complain about how our legs hurt from walking too much.
>> No. 493 [Edit]
Dates are overrated.

I'd rather stay home with her and cuddle with her all day. I doubt that she'd have a problem with it. I'll just take her whatever I feel like doing and just improvise on the way.
>> No. 494 [Edit]
File 129185079346.jpg - (25.73KB , 430x430 , peek.jpg )
Taking my 14 year old waifu on a date would raise a few eyebrows
>> No. 495 [Edit]
File 12918530617.jpg - (464.17KB , 1047x766 , aki sora 0108.jpg )
>a trip (preferably to the mountains
and then... hot springs?

I'd love to tell you not to give a fuck about them, but people can really become a problem. Better avoid crowded places.
>> No. 496 [Edit]
File 12918532254.jpg - (256.22KB , 1500x864 , 1263177220125.jpg )
I would simply take my bike, pick her up and ride somewhere we can be all alone where no one is in sight.

I'd prepare a nice picnic for us both as well.
>> No. 497 [Edit]
The idea is pretty simple, going out and having fun or just spending some quality time with a person you like, sure you can do that at home, but that can get boring, besides, if you're not already living together, it can be a bit awkward just asking a girl to come to your home, part of the thing with dates, is that it's usually in a public area.

Then there's the whole thing with girls being spoiled bitches that demand you whine and dine them and blow all your money on them if you want to get anywhere.
>> No. 498 [Edit]
I know exactly what I would do. I'd order Chinese take-out and eat it on my rooftop with her.
Weather providing, of course. If it was in the winter, that wouldn't be the best place to be...In late spring/summer, the stars pop out here, and it's a beautifully poignant experience, being on the roof.
If it was winter, then I would just take her around the town, bundled up and toasty, discussing my experiences here, and listening to her talk about her experiences there (wherever 'there' may be). We'd stop for dinner at a small restaurant downtown, and call it a night after that.
>> No. 499 [Edit]
That's hard. Neither of us is the social kind of person.
She gets nervous around people, guys scare her and she can't relax around them and I don't really work that well outside, I can only act but I'm not myself.

This is so complicated but I like it, is a good question.

Trying to think of a place that's good for a first date for us.

Ok, I gave it enough thought and I know it sounds super boring and cliche but I'd go watch a movie with her.
Here's my reasoning. Its a very common tradition, its boring but its acceptable. It gives us a chance to be together without putting much pressure on us, we can just relax watch a movie, take it easy and get used to being around each other and after the movie we can just walk around the mall and maybe have some fun around.

I'd like to invite her to watch a good movie at my place for the second date though, more private, and maybe we could go to the beach on another date. Movie is fine for the first one though.
>> No. 504 [Edit]

>and then... hot springs?

Wow, that would be great. Back in my normalfag days I used to love saunas/jacuzzi. I still shower/bathe in some really hot water.
Unfortunately there are no hot springs around here.
... Actually, I just checked it and they are in country (or rather countries) next to mine, so it's not THAT far away. I didn't know that.


>it can be a bit awkward just asking a girl to come to your home

Really? I thought it's just some cultural thing and people from western nations don't really care about stuff like that as we're more 'open'. At least I don't see anything strange about it.

>Then there's the whole thing with girls being spoiled bitches that demand you whine and dine them and blow all your money on them if you want to get anywhere.

That's more or less why I dismissed dates in general. Well, at least it's part of it.



That's an awesome word, I'm gonna use it from now on.


The problem with going to the movies is that it doesn't involve any kind of interaction. You could just call her, tell her there's a movie on tv, watch it on your own (and tell her to do the same) and then just meet and talk about it. The result would be more or less the same as going to the cinema together. I feel that there's not much point in it. It would be better to watch it at home for countless reasons (and even then, I feel that doing something entirely else would be a better idea).

... Wow, sorry if it sounded like that but I'm trying to dismiss your idea or anything. As a matter of fact that's a good idea to get to know somebody, as you would share an experience without the whole awkwardness coming from the 'what should I do/how should I act/what should I talk about' thing.
>> No. 505 [Edit]
File 129189055125.jpg - (19.14KB , 330x371 , 9789.jpg )
I would take her to a nice restaurant for a night of fine eating out. Then I would do another sort of eating out..
>> No. 506 [Edit]
lol. this guy is incorrigible.
>> No. 507 [Edit]
She's a lucky lady.
>> No. 508 [Edit]
File 129189734417.jpg - (132.25KB , 500x597 , Yukari:Tenshi Manhattan.jpg )
I'm in Manhattan; I could just take her to a big tourist-y area like Times Square and show her everything there.
>> No. 513 [Edit]
499 here.
That's sort of the idea.
For a first day some random small talk is fine. The point is getting used to each other, not serious conversation.
If we like each other there will be another date where we'll know each other some more.
>> No. 515 [Edit]
It was my understanding that many young couples that go to movies on dates don't actually watch the movie, if you know what I mean.
>> No. 516 [Edit]
I'm pretty sure these days young kids don't even bother with the movie and just fuck in a bathroom somewhere. Girls are whores, etc
>> No. 519 [Edit]

The question is how familiar are you with your waifu? It's something OP didn't specify but I sort of assumed you actually do know each other (hence why I pointed out why going to the movies might not be the best idea).


>I'm pretty sure these days young kids don't even bother with the movie and just fuck in a bathroom somewhere.

That would be more or less okay but I'm afraid most of them don't even bother with bathrooms and just start to plain make out in the cinema.
>> No. 526 [Edit]
File 129210695356.jpg - (116.66KB , 750x499 , plaza.jpg )
Well, I live in Kansas City, and the only nice place we have around here in the winter is the plaza (see the picture). So we could get bundled up and walk around there, maybe pay for a ride in one of those horse drawn carriages, I'd buy her anything she (reasonably) wants and take her somewhere nice to eat to top it off.
>> No. 527 [Edit]
File 129210760396.jpg - (41.26KB , 600x429 , powell-gardens-chapel-steve-karol.jpg )
Powell Gardens has Poinsettias blooming in the winter. It is only about 45 minutes from Kansas City or 20 from the suburbs.
>> No. 528 [Edit]
File 129211287888.jpg - (265.26KB , 1116x1280 , rock.jpg )
Right here.

Then we jump.
>> No. 530 [Edit]

Immeadiately after reading it I though it was a good and somewhat romantic idea. I guess it's a bad sign. Oh well.

Any idea where the picture was taken? Looks pretty cool.
>> No. 531 [Edit]
Ah, you're right, I'd forgotten about there. I've even been there before and it was quite a good time. Although I like it a lot more in the summer and the spring.

You wouldn't happen to live around here, would you?
>> No. 532 [Edit]
Yep, my beloved Kansas City and her terrible Royals baseball.

Thinking about it, I'd actually consider Kauffman for a first date during the spring.
>> No. 533 [Edit]

Even though it looks nice, but I have a terrible fear of heights so it won't do.
>> No. 535 [Edit]
File 129218761757.jpg - (431.62KB , 1600x1200 , Preikestolen_Norway3.jpg )
Sure, it's a beautiful place in Norway called Preikestolen.

That rock is also popular for base jumping (and other accidents you'd guess).
>> No. 536 [Edit]


Oh wow, what a coincidence, I've been meaning to visit Norway for years now, as a friend of mine moved there. Definitely looks like a great place (for suicide).
>> No. 538 [Edit]
Holy shit, this is the first time I've ever met someone that actually lived within 100 miles of me on the internet. I'm amazed, I was almost starting to think I was the only person in Kansas who had watched more than 5 anime series. I'm not trying to sound creepy, but you should drop in on the tohno-chan irc channel (or #r/a/dio@irc.rizon.net, I'm always there) and highlight me, it'd be awesome to talk to you more.

Also, Kauffman stadium has looked quite nice ever since they remodeled it.
>> No. 575 [Edit]
File 129248082044.png - (546.21KB , 1920x1200 , 1281328308490.png )
I'd just take her driving. There are some lovely places to look at on the range where I live. The views are spectacular. Needless to say, she'd take her sketch book and I'd take my guitar or something. Next time I am up there, I will take some photos of our excursion for you guys.

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