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File 131309191388.jpg - (38.67KB , 361x500 , 76e5d1d4ea09fd072400af324cf46a0a.jpg )
4760 No. 4760 [Edit]
Refer to subject.

I've noticed on /a/ (And this may or may not be because of the summer) that many people claim that nobody actually has a waifu, and that they're all kids and newfags trying to fit in with the group by having one. Either that, or that they're just trolls who don't actually have waifus and just act like they do.

I'm getting pretty angry, I'll admit probably angrier than I should be, over this whole thing.

So, tell me guys. How do YOU deal with people trying to claim that you don't actually love your waifu and that you're just a newfag/kid trying to fit in with the group, or that you're just a troll who doesn't actually believe in waifuism?
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>> No. 4761 [Edit]
They're a bunch of trolls who make baseless claims. No reason to pay attention to how ridiculous they are.
>> No. 4762 [Edit]
I've also gotten accusations that the only reason I have a waifu is because I saw it in TWGOK and thought it was cool. Needless to say, THAT pissed me off a bit, since I've had a waifu before TWGOK was even being published.
>> No. 4763 [Edit]
File 131309281075.jpg - (58.50KB , 556x600 , 14402.jpg )
The obvious answer here would be to say that you shouldn't care about them. Your love is as real as any 3D love (if not more). You don't need the public's approval.

But reading between the lines, the real problem is that you don't feel you're given enough space to talk about the difficulties of your situation. Not only does society disapprove of waifus, it also tries to silence any discussion of them. So you're not only dealing with forbidden love, you're also socially prohibited from talking about the problems resulting from that.

I understand, man. We probably all do. You have my sympathy.
>> No. 4764 [Edit]
I don't deal with it becuase I don't go to sites filled with morons like 4chan.
>> No. 4765 [Edit]
I've seem some of those in other imageboards already.
Same thing as those other classic situations, such as 'people insulting/sexualizing your waifu', 'doujins depicting your waifu as a huge lesbian slut', etcetera. There's no way not to get a little pissed off over those things, but it's just not a good idea to go on and show how upset you are. So I just move on and do whatever it takes to forget it. Staying away from places where you might find those kind of people is also a good idea.

Btw, what a cute pic, you should have saved it for >>4056
>> No. 4766 [Edit]
This. Complaining about retards on 4chan is like complaining that nobody in a kindergarten class can do advanced algebra
>> No. 4767 [Edit]
>but it's just not a good idea to go on and show how upset you are.

This. This so much. Using someone's waifu against them like that is probably one of the worst things you can do to people like us. Never, EVER give them the opportunity to do so, it'll cut you deep. Trust me, I have first hand experience with that shit. It was horrible, and even though I've done my best to put it behind me I still can't get over it completely.

The best course of action is to avoid places with people like that like the plague-ridden cesspools they are. Not much of value, if anything at all, can be gained from sites like 4chan these days.
>> No. 4768 [Edit]

You all say that, but you can't deny the multi-thousand posts a day on /a/.
>> No. 4769 [Edit]
So what, most of those posts are shitposts.
>> No. 4770 [Edit]
Quantity doesn't equal quality
>> No. 4771 [Edit]

No, but when quality posts, like on our very own /an/, have almost no quantity, the immense quantity of the low quality posts of /a/ seems better in comparison.

It's like a squad of modern soldiers trying to hold out against a division of Civil War era soldiers. Not gonna work.
>> No. 4772 [Edit]
Sure I can, it's called not going to 4chan.
I don't go, so I never see any of it.

Ignorance is bliss my friend.
>> No. 4773 [Edit]
>It's like a squad of modern soldiers trying to hold out against a division of Civil War era soldiers.

you do know that division would literally stand there as they get gunned down by soldiers that are actually able to take cover.
and I'd love to see a dozen divisions try to go up against a single modern day tank.

Shit is shit no matter how much shit there is, at the end of the day, all you have is a ton of shit.

Post edited on 11th Aug 2011, 2:15pm
>> No. 4774 [Edit]
I don't go to /a/.
>> No. 4775 [Edit]
I've never even heard of this.
>> No. 4776 [Edit]
Not really. In fact, a constant shitflood of posts is one of the reasons I left /a/, and later /jp/. Once a subject has been threaded and re-threaded in and out of itself a thousand times, it just gets boring. /an/ is much better by comparison.
>> No. 4778 [Edit]
I've heard this on /a/ since the first day I started visiting 4chan and heard what a waifu was.
Honestly don't even care. I hardly even talk about waifus in general anymore, I just relax and enjoy my time and think about mine.

I'm willing to bet you came from 4chan though.
>> No. 4779 [Edit]
maybe you should stop letting what other people think bother you so much
>> No. 4780 [Edit]

It's harder than you think. Maybe it's easy for you and me, but for some people it's hard to ignore things that target them or their waifus.
>> No. 4790 [Edit]
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I don't really goto /a/ in general, and never have done, really.

And their logic is flawed.. surely if you're trying to fit in by having a waifu, and noone has a waifu... then how can you be trying to fit in? Troll logic i guess.

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