I think I love Osaka too much. I recently have been coming close to hyperventilating when I think of her. My heart pounds and my breath become short and fast. I lust for her so much, and I want to hold her in my arms. Someday, in the next world, I shall have my day! ...Just some musings I've been having lately about Osaka. But I am concerned I'm getting obsessed with her, since I get overstimulated about her.
Probably yeah
You're in the right place. Try to include her in your life in a way that's best for you and her.
Well, that sounds good to me... enjoy it! (for now).
There is no "too much"! Haha, but you seem like you're having a great time, no need to get concerned.
No such thing as loving your waifu too much.
Do you talk to her *a lot* when you're alone?If yes, welcome to my level.Love on, my friend.
I would say yes. Might wanna cut back on your dives into the wonderful world of 2D to get a healthy dose of 3D every now and again. Too much of a good thing is ALWAYS bad.
>>4646 I don't think you are, I'm the same way with Sabrina. I'd say in terms of being crazy and weird about my love, I'd say I'm the most extreme on this site. So you have no reason to worry.
>>4736 I think it's impossible to tell whether anyone's the most extreme here; too many anons and introverted trips. "One of the most extreme" may be a better phrase.
You may want to invest in a dakimakura or some sort of image of your waifu to let off the steam. Nothing beats having a physical representation of your waifu to hug and cuddle.