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File 131269841630.png - (160.40KB , 600x510 , 4d53f662U54W1vhi.png )
4606 No. 4606 [Edit]
Does your waifu/husbando has a canon love interest? If so, what are your feelings about it? Do you feel jealous or does it not bother you at all? Do you think you would be a better spouse?
If they don't, then how would you feel if they did?
I hope I don't offend anyone with this. I'm just curious, my husbando doesn't have a love interest and probably never will, but if he did I'd probably feel really conflicted and inferior to the character of his affection.

Pic not related, just a cute couple.
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>> No. 4607 [Edit]
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No, and she probably never will because of the more obsessive fans like myself. I'd probably become extremely jealous.

And before someone tries to tell me how I shouldn't let stuff like that worry me, I know it's illogical but I can't help it. Not all emotions can be controlled.
>> No. 4608 [Edit]
>> No. 4609 [Edit]
There's very little actual canon regarding my waifu, and most of the "canon" is actually fanon. So in that regard, no she does not have a canon love interest.
>> No. 4611 [Edit]
The character I've loved the longest has a very well established partner. They honestly suit each other, though. I would feel it appropriate for me to concede. Perhaps that's the root of why there's three characters that I could say that I have feelings for.
>> No. 4616 [Edit]
My waifu is, or better was, in love with her (not blood related brother) but in the end of her series, she had pretty much given up on this.
So i think that i would have a fair chance, getting her attention would be a big issue though.
>> No. 4617 [Edit]
Haven't we already had a thread like this before?
>> No. 4620 [Edit]
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Sort of, but not really. I mean, he dies the same episode he's introduced, but I guess you're supposed to vaguely believe they might have something going at first.
>> No. 4621 [Edit]
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Well I usually don't like to talk about Shinji because apparently the way I understood his relationship with Asuka canonically isn't the way everyone else saw it.

Honestly, I don't mind because of a number of reasons: Asuka is a 14 year old girl whose "love interest" is most likely just a schoolgirl crush. Especially with Kaji. The man is a nice guy, it is suggested he would take her to fun places in Germany when taking care of her (which Asuka interprets as "dates"), but just because he cared about her as a guardian. It's like the little boy who has a crush on his teacher or nanny. Shinji is very similar. There could have potentially been an actual speck of love between the two were it not for Asuka's personality which drives him away and both of their depressive, semi-psychotic mindsets. Asuka may like Shinji, and he may even like her back (for her appearance, not personality), but Shinji's mind on other things revolving in his mind as well as his more strong attraction for Rei (because of HER personality)makes this relationship impossible.

Asuka needs someone to talk to and let out all the emotions she's been holding in ever since her mother died. She looks to Shinji as this person, but he rejects her.
It was this that caused Asuka to go down the spiral which led to her coma and madness afterwards.

I consider myself to be to Asuka what she wanted in Shinji. Someone to protect and nurture her, after all the things she had been through.
>> No. 4628 [Edit]
No, she doesn't. If she did I honestly don't think I'd be too happy with it, as if she was meant for somebody else or something.
>> No. 4629 [Edit]
If we did, I haven't seen it. I've only been on this board for a couple of weeks, so my apologies if this thread bothers you.
>> No. 4631 [Edit]
The love interest is Producer, so in some ways it could basically be everyone who played the game.. but put it more simply it's just your average run of the mill producer. I'm not jealous nor am I bothered; but I'd rather not delve into pointless thinking that would probably just end up with no positive results.
>> No. 4632 [Edit]
No, I was just commenting. /mai/ needs to be more active. Carry on, good man.
>> No. 4633 [Edit]
>/mai/ needs to be more active.
Quality over quantity man.
>> No. 4634 [Edit]
Oh. I see what you're insinuating. My apologies.

Anyway, I'm sort of curious of the opinion of people with waifus from VNs, where for the most part the MC is very plain so you can imagine yourself as him. I'm guessing it would be the same as >>4631.
>> No. 4635 [Edit]
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The only time she has a love interest, it's usually in fandom where they usually pair her with her sister, Ritsu's brother, or Jun.

Overall she doesn't have one in canon just yet. But just between you and me, if Kakifly were to give her a love interest at the end of the manga and make her married and have children, I don't think I'd matter at all. Yes I'd be upset... but I would continue to keep loving her till the day I die.

For now, she's safe. I'm also silently praying she stays single when K-ON! ends.
>> No. 4636 [Edit]
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I honestly don't know how I feel about it.

It feels odd, especially since things end on a very sad note. Should I deny her relationship with him? Seems rather cruel, I got to know her though that, and to take those precious memories from her would truly horrible.
>> No. 4637 [Edit]
This is an example of selective ignorance, or whatever other people like to call it. My waifu has a love interest, canon and all. I however, take her personality and her wholeness, and make it my waifu-- the only thing I leave out is that she was ever involved in such love. It's like stepping in before the love interest showed up.

Now the real questions are-- do I still love the same character? or did I just make up a new one entirely?
Is it right to be doing this? or am I a selfish jerk?
>> No. 4639 [Edit]
It doesn't make you a selfish jerk. If you think about it that way, technically we're all selfish for loving a character that doesn't love us back.

I guess you could say you love an alternate dimension version of your waifu in which she doesn't have a love interest. She's the same person, but she never met him. Remember that our fantasies are far removed from canon, it's not like you split up the two by loving her.
>> No. 4642 [Edit]

First off, seconded.

Also, yes, you do make her a separate character. And you know why? Because just as she changed you, you changed her. But that's ok. She's not just a character in some story anymore.
>> No. 4698 [Edit]
None except maybe Trude Barkhorn. She's always welcome to join in.

Post edited on 9th Aug 2011, 6:33pm
>> No. 4729 [Edit]
Interesting. I wouldn't mind a canon same-sex relationship, for whatever reason I just don't feel any jealousy about it.
>> No. 4730 [Edit]
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Yes! Same here. If there was a guy, there'd be too much resentful envy (and therefore negativity) for me to ever properly connect with her. Yet with another girl, it's just incredibly sexy.
>> No. 4731 [Edit]
I don't think my waifu has a love interest in the series. Although I've see people pair her with that fag accelerator. Which I really don't like. But from what I can see I don't think there's anything between them. If she did get a relationship with someone I'm not quite sure what I'd do, I know I wouldn't like it though.

Post edited on 10th Aug 2011, 11:18am
>> No. 4822 [Edit]
Myself I don't mind my waifu having canon love intrest. Actually all pictures and other media of them together helps me to 'simulate' situtations in our relationship.

Also I've noticed that I have lot common personality and aethestics traits with my waifu's canon love intrest. Maybe thats one of reasons I fell for her. Because she likes guy who resembles me.
>> No. 4829 [Edit]
Yes she does. And I like this fact, it makes me happy, I love to see her happy with her canon interest. I only get mad with other real people saying she's your waifu
>> No. 4843 [Edit]
Yeah she does. I'm not bothered by it though, nor am I jealous and they're absolutely adorable together. To me, she'll always be my best friend.
>> No. 6355 [Edit]
Yes, he does, and I'm okay with that. She makes him happy, and if she makes him happy, I'm happy too.
>> No. 6381 [Edit]
Yes, she does. Her husband is dead, and she still loves him.

In a way, I really like that little fact, though. It's funny, because I'm losing out to a dead man who never existed in the first place. It's heartwarming, because if she isn't happy at this point in the series (which I'm sure she is, of course), she had that happiness at some point, and that's all I want for her.
>> No. 6440 [Edit]
She has "bonds" with another person. Very strong ones.
I don't feel jealous. In fact I like that character because the afection shown to her. I'm happy that my waifu has this "bond".
If she's happy, I'm happy.
>> No. 6446 [Edit]

This. I feel the same way bro.

I want to talk to you about my problems and I want to listen to yours, I feel it would be very easing.

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