No. 4654
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No, you still don't get it (and apparently neither did half of /tc/); it's not about fantasizing additional situations with your waifu or not: it's way deeper than that; it's not an option...
You, like everyone, DO start building a version of any given character, from the very begining, unintentionally and unavoidably, whether it becomes your waifu or not, because every single thing you ever interact with in the world (fictional or not), gets (automatically) biased by your own perception (that is: by they way your own 5 senses are put in your unique body) and by your own cognition: by your own personal cultural heritage, unique and irrepetible, by the means of wich you ever learned to know anything (wich means: to turn it into a tool; to incorporate a given concept as useful for certain purposes).
If you really don't get it, it might be a consequence of the very same phenomena of determinant biasing, wich higher importance you're still unwilling to akcnowledge. That is: it doesn't matter how many times anyone tries to explain you something, if you do not already share a certain minimal common (linguistic/conceptual) heritage with your interlocutor (or persist against incorporating it), you will never understand what he says (for good or bad); in this case: you will never understand this "Your waifu is your concept of the character" thing at its full, as long as you believe (cause it's a belief, and a quite religious one) that is possible to know anything in the world "realistically" (just as it really is), or, that personal bias are negligible.
So, if you keep telling us (and yourself) that...
>It's still the same girl. If two people love the same girl for different reasons that doesn't change the fact that it's the same girl.
...honestly, you're still clueless (both in 2D and 3D). To know is to interpretate, to re-construct, to invent virtual entities... in short: to postulate signs; to substitute stimulus with useful concepts that we incorporate into our mental architecture and in accordance with our own heritage, to become capable of leading ourselves throughout the circumstances we happen to exist within and survive at all.
TL;DR You can only know anything in consequence -or by the means- of what you (somehow) already know. That is what interpretation means at all and what all this doppel-waifu thing is finally about: what you love is an interpretation cause we have nothing but interpretations at hand; like Bavli said: "What is the Torah [you ask]? Is the interpretation of the Torah"... We always put from ourselves on things, in order to grasp them at all; the things we put and the ways we do it, determinate the new things (signs, concepts, tools) we'll get.
Post edited on 8th Aug 2011, 9:54pm