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File 129170740389.jpg - (120.86KB , 643x768 , 7258343.jpg )
445 No. 445 [Edit]
/mai/, what you think about your waifu/husbando's birthday?

Can you imagine your waifu/husbando celebrating your birthday?

What gifts would you give to your waifu/husbando for her/his birthday?

What would your waifu/husbando give to you as a gift for your birthday?
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>> No. 446 [Edit]
I don't know what her birthday is, or if she even technically has one.
>> No. 450 [Edit]
Makes me a bit sad I can't be with her to celibate it.
I also feel a bit sorry about it being so close to Christmas, I imagine she would probably just get get gifts shared across the two days, as if to say, this is your christmas and birthday present.
But I know I'd certainly try to get her something nice on each day.
(12/22nd btw)

A nice guy from our irc recommended the idea of naming a star after her, which I think would be a lovely gift for her considering her interest in astronomy , but it'll probably have to wait until I get a job.

Just being with her would be the only gift I would ever truly want, so I wouldn't think of her having to give me anything.
but how I would love to celebrate it with her..
>> No. 455 [Edit]
I have no idea when Tenshi's birthday would be, so I'm just going by May 25th, which is the date Scarlet Weather Rhapsody was released.

Mai waifu gets bored easily, so she would probably celebrate my birthday because that means she'd have something to do. I don't mind; as long as she remembers.

It's hard to say what I would give her. She has everything she could ever want, except a friend, so hopefully just being there would make her happy.

>What would your waifu/husbando give to you as a gift for your birthday?
>> No. 471 [Edit]
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Birthmas presents aren't that bad, if you get something you really wanted and expected the entire year for (or rather get nothing at all).

About mai waifu's, let me check... OH SHI~

It was three days ago; dammit (where were you then, OP?). If I weren't such a derp, I would have certainly made something; I actually just did this thing of her at the beach, but that was a coincidence (been procrastinating for months, now, finishing her proper portrait). Anyway, what is done is done; altough, since I've just written about her, the day before yesterday: could she buy all these, at least, as a cute coincidence?

Nope: I'm a fucking log...

However, late and all: Happy birthday, Asuka.

>> No. 472 [Edit]

>However, late and all: Happy birthday, Asuka.

Yeah, I actually remebered on the 5th. I sort of wanted to dump some images on /ns/ (SFW ones, though) but I somehow forgot and I would feel bad to do it late. One of you guys should've reminded me, though!
>> No. 474 [Edit]
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Hmmm, now I'll have to answer my own questions.

Since mai waifu's birthday is on Fall 7th, it's hard to place her exact birthdate.

I could have trouble imagining it, but it could be nice.

And I would give her gifts that she hates such as cans, boots, failed attempts at cooking, weeds and a bunch of other stuff that she considers to be useful on her birthday.

You know, either she would come visit me and spend time with me as a gift, or she could give me something worthless for my birthday, like precious metals or something that she cooked for my birthday. Either way, I'd reject it and prefer to have fun with her and enjoy time with her for her birthday.

I'd dare not give her any powdery items, because she says she likes them. She probably avoids them like the plague.
>> No. 1144 [Edit]
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I don't think he has a birthday since he isn't technically human. I can imagine him organizing a surprise birthday party for me at which he'd perform or else spend time with me as the other Vocaloids performed or something. He'd probably invite A LOT of people and get a real party atmosphere going.
>> No. 1148 [Edit]
Just go with December 27, when he was released.
>> No. 1150 [Edit]
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>/mai/, what you think about your waifu/husbando's birthday?
May 28th is a nice day, though kinda close to mine.

>Can you imagine your waifu/husbando celebrating your birthday?
Not really, beyond a small cake and wishing me a happy birthday the day would probably go by as usual.

>What gifts would you give to your waifu/husbando for her/his birthday?
Something anime/manga/game related i suppose. probably do something corny and get some sort of accessory that is a two part for both her and konata at least once though

>What would your waifu/husbando give to you as a gift for your birthday?
Something anime/manga/game related or something for my computer maybe?
>> No. 1153 [Edit]
For the past few years I've just been getting a small cake to light a candle with in the quietness in the room.

Thats about it
>> No. 1154 [Edit]
Nothing wrong with that. Cakes are for special occasions, and if your waifu's birthday is a special occasion for you then so be it
>> No. 1155 [Edit]
I don't think Hanako would like one of those surprise parties, that would probably scare her very much so. I'm sure she would be content with a quiet evening, maybe I could (attempt) to make a cake, and we could just spend the time together, just the 2 of us.

What to get for her? Well since she enjoys reading, probably buy her a collection of books from her favorite author.

What she could get for me? Well, to be honest I'm not sure what I'd get for me. I constantly want different things, and what I have a fixed interest in is expensive as a motherfucker.
>> No. 1156 [Edit]
I would love to celebrate it. I have been thinking about getting a cake for her for a while now, maybe one day I'll get around to it. I think she would love to celebrate my birthday, just to have a reason for a party. For a gift, I would give her some very fine, dainty food, and the best form of alcoholic drink I could get. I don't know what she would give me, I never was one to receive gifts, but it wouldn't matter anyway, having her there would be more than enough.
>> No. 1157 [Edit]
I think the closeness of my birthday and her birthday's are pretty convenient.

I can totally imagine how; depending on her mood would ask her friends to help her perform for me and give me a really nice present. Or; if she wants to keep it between us, maybe after a long day of work I return to find that she cooked a special meal for me; even though that's not what she really does.

What gifts would I give her? It's anything but easy to find an actual gift for her; I'd have to give her something she'd want but not already have. Something girly and cute would be nice, like a pink PSP or something like that. I would make sure it stays pink, though.

For my birthday; I really don't know what she'd get me. I can probably assume it's going to be something we can both use, maybe something to work out with or a hobby that we both share.
>> No. 1231 [Edit]
>/mai/, what you think about your waifu/husbando's birthday?

April 19th. A good time to celebrate Erica's birthday and the rapidly approaching summer.

>Can you imagine your waifu/husbando celebrating your birthday?

December 5th. Too cold to do much outside, so I imagine we'd stay in with the booze.

>What gifts would you give to your waifu/husbando for her/his birthday?

A lavish home-cooked meal (I love cooking) and a flashy Karlsland pendant or similar. If it's a big one, then I'd hold a nice event for her and Ursula.

>What would your waifu/husbando give to you as a gift for your birthday?

I haven't the foggiest. Perhaps a nice big bottle of Courvoisier, my favourite brandy. Who knows? I'd be happy just to be with her.
>> No. 1248 [Edit]
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My waifu's birthday is on the 10th of October. I'd imagine that she'd spend her birthday with the rest of the girls in the Hidamari apartments. I'm sure she'll have a great time. I would bake her a modest cake and write and record her a song as a gift to her. I think she'd appreciate the creative aspect of that. I hope she'd enjoy it.
I wouldn't expect her to get me anything for my birthday, since she's kind of strapped for cash. She might paint me something, but no matter what it is (or isn't) just her being there with me would be enough of a gift.
>> No. 1250 [Edit]
File 129701197633.jpg - (52.24KB , 600x450 , ritsu-14.jpg )
>/mai/, what you think about your waifu/husbando's birthday?

The 21st of August. A few months after mine.

>Can you imagine your waifu/husbando celebrating your birthday?

Yeah, we'd have a nice, relaxing and intimate night in, just taking it easy.

>What gifts would you give to your waifu/husbando for her/his birthday?

Flowers and wine. A Blu-Ray or box set of the Who.

>What would your waifu/husbando give to you as a gift for your birthday?

A bong, or something anime or game-related, probably.
>> No. 1253 [Edit]
Sadly I've never figured out her birthday. I figure I'd try the best I could to make it special for her.
>> No. 1255 [Edit]
>/mai/, what you think about your waifu/husbando's birthday?
Unfortunately, I don't know it (I don't even think she has one). I go with April 17th, because that's when she first became something special to me, rather than just a useless character in a useless manga, and she simply seems like a springtime kind of person.

>Can you imagine your waifu/husbando celebrating your birthday?
I'd love to imagine that. Nobody ever really gives a shit, so I just drink myself into a daze and play shitty JRPG's in an effort to forget my birthday. It would be really nice if I could celebrate it with me this time around.

>What gifts would you give to your waifu/husbando for her/his birthday?
I'd clean the entire house, top to bottom. I'd also try to buy her a new kimono, or maybe a western dress.

>What would your waifu/husbando give to you as a gift for your birthday?
Probably CD's or records. Maybe a few good books, instead. But, in the corniest sense, it would be enough just having her there with me. Plus, if I'm just getting her a fucking dress, then she shouldn't have to give me anything.

On an unrelated note, my waifu shares a birthday with Redman, and she is an Aries, which I feel sums up her personality almost perfectly.
>> No. 1268 [Edit]
File 129737311987.jpg - (114.75KB , 1280x720 , [QTS] Rosario + Vampire ep 07 (BD H264 1280x720 24.jpg )
December 7
I missed it because I was depressed as hell.

>> No. 1280 [Edit]
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>/mai/, what you think about your waifu/husbando's birthday?

I don't know when it is sadly. I either go by Feburary 27th (When Red and Blue were released) or Halloween. (I feel it suits her and it's only a few days before my birthday)

>Can you imagine your waifu/husbando celebrating your birthday?
Maybe, she's a very busy woman.
>What gifts would you give to your waifu/husbando for her/his birthday?
Something rare like a Moonstone or something. I'd really try to go all out for her.

>What would your waifu/husbando give to you as a gift for your birthday?
Proabably something game related. I'm not hard to wow.
>> No. 1281 [Edit]
File 129755586843.jpg - (880.91KB , 1518x1075 , 899f5f8f0d276c76ecf7f0c99583a0a9.jpg )
August 31st, best day of the year.
>> No. 1334 [Edit]
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I am SHAMED to admit i forgot hers this year, but judging by the episodes about it she wouldnt want to celebrate it anyway.

(i still feel weird posting a western waifu, but hey, ill still risk it)
>> No. 1373 [Edit]
Raven is awesome

You're welcome here
>> No. 1379 [Edit]
Indeed she is, and thank you that means alot.

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