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File 131216841348.jpg - (65.39KB , 960x720 , Ushio-Death.jpg )
4387 No. 4387 [Edit]
Well, /mai/, it's been a while, huh? My, how quickly time goes by. In the blink of an eye we found ourselves going from learning the alphabet to algebra. What felt like it would stretch on for eternity now looks like a blur upon looking back. Bitter sweet nostalgia.

Regrets? Maybe. Some of you may have too many to name. Others wouldn't take a second chance if you held a gun to there head. No matter who you are, though, it's too late. Ifs, buts, and maybes hold no meaning now that their chances have slipped away.

We have lived our lives according to the choices we made, (hopefully) meaning it was a great time. Alas, all good things must come to an end. The metaphorical roller coaster called life is now going up for its final drop. /mai/, we now find ourselves on our death bed. Soon we shall close our eyes for good.

So my question for you is this: what about your waifu? What will you do for/with her if anything? Will you --with your gray hairs-- attempt to hide from her, for fear of how she may react (parting is such sweet sorrow after all)? Or just the opposite. You'll think to yourself, "Perhaps Nii-san had the right idea after all. Ah, fuck it." Thus saying, you'll take an image of your waifu to the best spot you know of and share your last few hours with her company and serene silence. Or maybe, as some of you like to do, you'll cook her up one final grand meal. You'll pour your heart out to her at the end and hobble to your bed, a smile that comes only from giving your love to a loved one gracing your features. Maybe something simpler? You'll set the best picture of your angel by your bedside and stare lovingly at it-- thoughts of all you two could've done if you only existed in the same reality racing through your mind. Will you include in your will the stories of all the great and not-so-great times the two of you shared; allowing all who it may concern to know about your waifu?

Once again I ask: what about your waifu when you find Death knocking at your door? Share your thoughts about death as well if you have any. Don't be hesitant to do so. No one should try to start any kind of fight with you about your thoughts. This question came to my mind after hearing a song on the radio. It was "If I Die Young" by The Band Perry. I think the lyrics are beautiful. Feel free to throw in your favorite song about death too.

I'm hoping this thread will stir up emotions that aren't depressing (not necessarily happy ones, but something other than soul-crushing agony). Some people see death as tragic, others see it as relief from the burdens of this world. I belong to the latter group. I apologize for the wall of text, but I felt anything less wouldn't do the topic justice.
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>> No. 4388 [Edit]
Fuck man. For the first time in years I don't want to die. Even if if takes suffering I want to see more of life.
I found out how much I'm missing from living a sheltered life...

As for mai waifu, I don't think my heart could stand experiencing a death scenario with her. I can even begin to describe the

Fuck it, thanks for the depressive thoughts OP.
>> No. 4389 [Edit]
  I'm not sure I want to discuss it but I figured I'd share a song that I just happened to be listening to that makes me think of it.
>> No. 4390 [Edit]
I've thought about dying countless times. I want to tell her once more that I love her, and how it may be possible that we can be together forever after my death. Of course, that's only if I died without knowing it.

If I knew I was going to die soon, I would spend every second I can with her. I would spend it just by staring at her image, reminiscing of all the great times-- maybe reliving each moment, each tear shed and each smile given. I want to die smiling, I want to die holding a picture of her. I want to die crying tears of joy since I know my life was well spent with her.
>> No. 4392 [Edit]
I don't mind dying. We all have to die. Even if human lifespans get stretched out a hundred or a thousandfold, or even longer, the universe itself will die one day. I'd just like to think that my life had meaning. My waifu is someone who I could truly live for while I'm still around, and so I'm thankful that at least I have a concept of her.
>> No. 4393 [Edit]
Well that is an depressing threat, especially on this day, but i thought about this in the recent past. Since she is the reason i really wanted to live and make something about my life, it is clear for me that i want to spent every remaining second with her. If i know that my time is running out, and if i have the strength left, i really would want to cook a last meal for us.
But the most important would be that we could be close together until the last second. I want to look at her image when the time comes, think about the time we´ve spent together, see her smile a last time and smile back because i am happy that i´ve once made a decision that i´ve never regretted.
>> No. 4395 [Edit]
>We have lived our lives according to the choices we made, (hopefully) meaning it was a great time.
I think your notion of hapiness is on the very right -ethical- way (attainable or not, permissible or not). That said:

If our waifus are our personal intrepretations of them, that is, if they are merely a part of us, that only lives within/inside us as something only us give (intellectual) life with our own acceptance of their importance, then you can very well conclude that your waifu will (live and) die with you: you two really are one, so you'll really die together (and well: what else can you ask from love?)...

If, somehow, you care more about your waifu as the character she initially was, as depicted by her author and restricted to her place in her world, then your waifu is safe, for all that matter to us; even if she does die in her world, she will never die for us: she will never end up living (and dying), again and again, as long as her existence is preserved on the media she's depicted on, to be brought up to life by someone else's thoughts and feelings for her.

Post edited on 1st Aug 2011, 8:55am
>> No. 4401 [Edit]
One day I will get Alzheimer's. I will forget who my waifu is, and when people ask why I have all this stuff about some cartoon girl, I will say I don't know. They'll throw all the stuff away as I get closer to dying. Then one day I'll get thrown away too.
>> No. 4402 [Edit]
Maybe no... maybe they'll sell your collectibles at those days equivalent for eBay, for insane prices, and donate what remains of you to scientific research or sell your organs in the black market.
>> No. 4418 [Edit]
File 131225378358.jpg - (77.91KB , 531x620 , 9a7b2ec8881babc71691ba72644ec433.jpg )
If it is the end, then i would cry telling her "thank you", thank you for all those years, those years that she spend with me, those days she made me feel alive, those days she gave me hope,tell her even if i die, my love for her will last forever, and finally, tell her i´m" sorry", because well could never be together,and i could never tell her the thing i wanted the most by person, and that is "i love you".

I would spend my last moments with her remembering all those moments when i was happy having her by my side.
>> No. 4419 [Edit]
That sounds nice
I was thinking of giving my things of my waifu to people I know over the internet, in the case of an untimely death, but I'd like to keep that too if I live to be that old.
>> No. 4425 [Edit]
Assuming I was in the same situation then as I am now (whether young or old) I'd ask that they do me the favor of cuddling with me one last time before I sleep. If they obliged me, maybe we'd talk until I slowly drifted off, just as we have on so many other nights. I'd crack inappropriate jokes, I'd be the only one laughing.

At the end, as I I've done for 5 years now, I'd sleepily mutter their names as if it were a prayer, hoping that my feelings would forever be a part of the universe in which I was lucky enough to have met them. And I'd be content, I think.
>> No. 4429 [Edit]
File 13123000186.gif - (428.00KB , 500x281 , beautiful.gif )
Dammit you two... that was touching.
>> No. 4439 [Edit]
I'd like to think I'd say something profound, some awesome last words to go out with a cool line.

But hell, I know I'd just end up saying what I always do: I love you.
>> No. 4490 [Edit]
You're lucky I'm drunk...otherwise the words wouldn't flow

Anyway...I don't want to go out as an old man. I don't think I'll last that long emotionally.
And the fact I love her will probably be the determining factor in my death.
But...if I would be allowed to speak words that could somehow reach her, if only just in my mind...I would thank her. Because of her, I felt something I didn't think was possible. I learned to believing in things greater than me, in miracles, in love, and in happiness. Even if in the end I couldn't have her, and thus couldn't have happiness...at least I knew it was possible.
And in the end...I can only hope for another chance to find that happiness.
>> No. 4525 [Edit]
I give my thanks to you and the alcohol.
>> No. 4595 [Edit]
File 131266091770.jpg - (46.81KB , 300x300 , 1301947128627.jpg )
Pfft. Speak for yourselves. I plan to live forever.

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