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File 131194790284.jpg - (249.51KB , 745x887 , f4d6f23475b07a62b8d42342c0836ff4.jpg )
4207 No. 4207 [Edit]
Hey /mai/ My first time posting here.

Today I decided my love will be directed only for 2D. I've been only deceived, abused and victimized by 3D girls(I quess you guys dont want to hear more). Thats why I decided to give up with 3D.

Starting today she is my waifu. I really liked here when Steins;Gate started airing, but never really felt romantic and sexual feelings, until today. She is unique, smart, cute, slender, funny, anon and bit tsundish. Her smalls flaws just make her even more lovable. Being together with her makes watching S;G even more enjoyable and I cant wait until VN gets translated. I also have few PVC figures of her and some other merchandises. I cant wait for new stuff to be released. I am also thinking should I buy dakimakura? It sounds tempting, but still I am hesitating.

I just wanted to tell this to you guys. Please dont judge me because I chose my waifu as "second prize". Just think me as one of you guys, please.
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>> No. 4210 [Edit]
What we care should be second to how you really feel about choosing your waifu as "second prize".
If I were you I'd feel horrible, nonetheless; maybe sooner or later you can reflect on your decision and make it up somehow.
>> No. 4213 [Edit]
There's a few threads around page 9 by Necrosage that talk about the psychology and philosophy behind a waifu. I would suggest you read them and lurk. Because to me, it seems like you're a bit off in your picking a waifu (what, with calling her "second prize").

Although what a "waifu" is varies from person to person, I think many will agree you don't just pick a waifu. There's actual love behind it. As I said, though, there are various ideas about a waifu and these are just mine. Maybe what you've done will work out for you, but I don't think picking a girl because you needed a cuddle buddy is going to work out too well. I'm not trying to be elitist, I'm just trying to help you (you wouldn't wanna spend all that money for nothing).

On a less scolding note, do you happen to own the figma of Chris(tina)? I was thinking of getting it, but she sold out as fast as lightening on HobbySearch.
>> No. 4223 [Edit]
I considered ripping your emotional psych apart...but I'm to tired

I'll just say this, you don't chose your waifu. You fall in love, and you don't pick who it is with.
3D, 2D. Love can be found anywhere you are willing to look for it
>> No. 4227 [Edit]
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As someone who sort of picked his waifu, I can say it's not entirely a bad thing, but it's incredibly rare that you make the right choice. I say "sort of" because I didn't just go, "okay, she's mai waifu now;" I actually spent weeks considering if she was the right girl, though I did so mainly to have a waifu in a claim thread on Sankaku Complex. Everyone else who does that eventually switches to a new waifu after a few months at most, but I was tremendously lucky she turned out to be the perfect girl after all. I think of it as somewhat like arranged marriage: just because you're forced to marry someone, that doesn't mean you can never fall in love with them.
>> No. 4229 [Edit]
The other guys are right about one thing- it does seem like you're being too hasty. A true waifu isn't meant to be a second prize. When you find yourself geniunely loving a 2D girl as you would any 3DPD, then you know you have one. It's a process that usually takes a while.

However, I understand your reasoning. My attraction to 2D rose dramatically as a result of abuse from 3D women. I won't go into the details, but they've done enough to me at this point that I can't bring myself to trust another one again. Anyway, I hope that you're able to find happiness with your waifu, regardless of which girl it ends up being.
>> No. 4349 [Edit]
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Hehe I knew there would be much hate, but this is just how I feel. I might sound like teenager boy who is just yelling "I love you" to girl who he met first. But I am still very positive there are deep feelings between me and her. I dont think I am too hasty. I've liked her since Steins;Gate started airing and now I can really say that I like her very much. Word "love" is really strong so I dont prefer to use it - yet.

Also many of you pointed out me saying "second prize". Well for me that is true for me too. I tried get love from 3D but I couldn't. In my opinion it doesnt mean I cant love her. Like in 3D world, even if you cant get super model with lovely personality, 130 IQ and cat ears, it doesnt mean you cant love normal looking girl who maybe lacks some attributes. Hope you understood my point.

I dont yet own Figma's Kurisu figure, but just few days ago I bought that from ebay and it has been shipped. I also have Banpresto's and Kotobukiya's figures and I am waiting for new GSC's figure.
>> No. 4352 [Edit]
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You have to tell me what you think of it-- with as little bias as possible, of course. I started watching Steins;Gate because I wanted to see who she was; they made her figure really cool. The nendoroid is okay, that was going to be my second choice. Mayuri's just looks off somehow. I really wanted to like it but just couldn't. Something about the nose...

Yeah, at this rate we'll have to move this discussion to /fig/. I'm making it less about your waifu and more about her collectibles, haha.
>> No. 4353 [Edit]
>Mayuri's just looks off somehow.
It's her face and hair, indeed. But it's a decent figure overall, for a good price (will post it later on /fig/).
>> No. 4385 [Edit]
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OP, I don't think you're entirely alone here. I too, consider my waifu to be a "second prize" of sorts. Let me explain though, because I really don't think it's as derogatory as it sounds.

While I've never actually had a girlfriend or a 3D relationship, I do believe that it's possible to have said kinds of love. In addition, I would still prefer said kind, because 3D allows for certain things (interaction, mainly) that 2D simply can't. I spontaneously fell in love with Mio while watching her show and feel stronger for her than any 2D or 3D girl I've come across. However, as much as I do love her, I'm willing to admit that there are flaws and limitations that come with this kind of 2D relationship. So if for some strange reason, I actually found myself with a 3D girl who I could actually pursue a relationship with, I think I would do it. Furthermore, I don't think this would necessarily be "cheating" on her either. Why? Because if Mio loved me as I love her and wanted me to be happy, she'd understand the limitations of what she can currently provide me. She may always be there for me, but I also think she would be happy to "move on", perhaps in the same sort of way a loving parent can be happy to see their kids grow up and become independent, if that makes any sense.

I know this is a fringe sort of view around these parts, and honestly, I'm not trying to push 3D onto anyone. Everyone has their own preferences, after all, and I completely respect that. I'm simply not comfortable with some of the limitations 2D has. Of course, being my miserable track record with 3D, it's not like I actually expect to get into a relationship, I'm just fielding hypothetical situations here.
>> No. 4391 [Edit]

I don't even know what to feel about your situation. It kind of disgusts me, since you're basically having a waifu as a placeholder for a potential 3D relationship. The thought of Mio understanding that she has limits is a normal thought, I admit; but saying that she'd want you to pursue "true" happiness with a 3D because it's what you want to do does not ring true. But-- it's as you say, everyone has their own preference. I sincerely hope you think over you decisions and refine your concept of waifu over.
>> No. 4396 [Edit]
>I don't think this would necessarily be "cheating" on her either. Why? Because if Mio loved me as I love her and wanted me to be happy, she'd understand the limitations of what she can currently provide me.
Lol, you're being a full blown jerk but don't even realize it (wich is the worst kind of jerk, as I should know myself)...

Mio is a fictional character, brohno: she won't understand you, forgive you, get mad at you or anything; YOU are the one to eventually judge yourself for the way you understand and experience love, and come to terms with it.
>> No. 4398 [Edit]
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Well put on words. Hypothetically thinking I feel the same way. Most of 3D girls just disgust me because I only have bad experiences from them.

Please dont judge people because they have their own preferences. This just starts pointless 2D vs 3D fight what none of us wants.

Just intrested; I was lurking older pages and saw thread where people were talking about how they are getting bored their current waifu. I think many people will change their waifus during their lifetime. Do you find that disgusting too? I know it isnt fully comparable, but I am just intrested about your opinion.
>> No. 4399 [Edit]
I didn't expect this kind of /a/ behavior from /mai/.
A waifu isn't a placeholder.
You are no better than all those normals that have placeholder girlfriends/boyfriends or fuckbuddies.
Frankly, you disgust me just as much as those normals disgust me.
>> No. 4403 [Edit]
It's not disgusting unless they change their waifu often. People grow, but waifus don't, so it's only natural the two might not mesh later in life.
>> No. 4405 [Edit]
Just for the sake of argument, I would like to point out he said "if". He never said Mio was a solid reality that had her own complete self. He was talking hypothetically.

I'm not sure why you decided to say that. From what I've seen, people often think about what their waifu would want when they are making decisions. "What would she think if I did so-and-so", "Would she want me to do this", etc., etc. I believe this is what he was talking about. No one here actually believes their waifu to be real in the same sense you and I are.
>> No. 4406 [Edit]

That "if" changes nothing. It's hypothetical sure, but the fact that having a waifu just as a placeholder-- meaning that you still hope for an actual 3D relationship-- is just plain wrong. It's selfish, you lie to yourself, and you use the word "if" to make yourself feel better about it. I suggest that guy to just admit it and to work towards a 3D relationship; not only is it downright selfish to have a waifu for the sole purpose of keeping one's company until the day comes, it's also totally mis-using the concept and frankly, that's some normal /a/ shit that I'd rather not see on this board.
>> No. 4409 [Edit]
Ah, now I see. I misunderstood the full meaning behind both posts. You're right. A waifu is not different from a 3D in the respect that she is loved completely as "first prize" (as worded in another thread) and not just a cuddle buddy to spend time with until you get a "real" girlfriend/wife.

It is rather shameful a waifu would be treated as such. You either love her completely or you stick with 3D. If you feel you can "do better", you should probably move on. After all, you aren't going to meet that nice 3D you would prefer by holing yourself up next to plastic and computer screens. You need to go with what will make you happiest.
>> No. 4410 [Edit]

Not the guy you're replying to, but you pretty much sum it up nicely.
>> No. 4411 [Edit]
I agree that you are probably right, but I really need to stress that I was in the world of hypothetical scenarios. I mean, I'm on fucking Tohno-Chan (no offense) posting about my 2D waifu. I don't want to go into the details about my personal life, but let's just say I don't think there is going to be a 3D that will replace Mio anytime soon, if at all. I don't even know if said type of person even exists, because I certainly haven't met anyone remotely similar. At the end of the day though, I'm simply uncomfortable with some of the limitations that 2D has. Does it really make me a "normal" if I'm dissatisfied with the fact that I can't cuddle with and talk to my waifu in bed every night?

Also, I apologize for offending anyone here. Maybe I didn't word things correctly or maybe I'm just an asshole and didn't realize it, but it's evident (though I kind of suspected it before) that most of you disagree with me. I'll just stop here and take some time to think things through. Maybe you guys are right, or maybe I'm just not on the same plane as you.
>> No. 4414 [Edit]
Leaving aside the whole mess of "You could have worded that better or I should've tried to understand it better", I want to say I agree with you about feeling the limitations of 2D when it comes to the sense of touch. It's the thing that's staying in the back of my mind and keeping me from waifu, I believe.

Man, when you come to and enjoy your time on Tohno-chan, you are not a Ford Driver and will be different from others only by a few small details. Yeah, I'm acting bipolar. One second shaking my finger and the next agreeing with you. But I can't help it. I go with the flow. 'Sides, none of us were out to offend one another. (Really, do we need to keep tacking on these "disclaimers" that we meant no harm? Obviously no one here is going to start a war for shits and giggles. We all call this place home.)
>> No. 4423 [Edit]
I am unsure how I'd feel about this one way or the other. On the one hand I think people should do what makes them happy, on the other hand I think changing your waifu often seems less like you're in love and more like you just want a temporary "partner" to hold you over.

Some might see me as hypocritical because I have two waifus (whom I haven't changed in 5 years and fell in love with at the same time), but I think if you're going into the idea of having a waifu only to go "Well I'm bored, guess I'll find someone new" it seems.....wrong to me somehow. Just my 2 cents.

>Not cuddling with hallucinations of your waifu that live with you

But in all seriousness, even before my current situation I thought this way too somewhat. I wasn't uncomfortable with the limitations, I was just sad I couldn't do something so mundane sometimes.
>> No. 4430 [Edit]
Hey, man, if you're willing to share how to get a lovely lady or two in our house, I'm willing to try it out. Of course, you'll be willing to save me if I end up getting sent to the funny farm, right? Because otherwise your method better be seriously legit.
>> No. 4433 [Edit]
Is there really a way to get the good parts of being crazy, (hallucinations of my waifu and probably getting money from the government for being ill) without the bad parts (everything else)?
>> No. 4435 [Edit]
Depends on Crazy Guy's answer. I bet he would talk if you threw some money his way. You will fund the project to harness the power of mental illnesses for the good of all of us except the ones who are dead.
>> No. 4437 [Edit]
Sorry, I have to avoid the funny farm myself. Having said that: sadly I don't have some sort of method, shit just happened to me overtime somehow.

I don't have it too bad, some would call me eccentric but actually extremely sane believe it or not.

Those who don't know about my specific instances anyway.

I wish it was like some school of magic where I could take an apprentice and teach, but this is not the case.

Also: the numerous amounts of cakes in the valentines/birthday events show that there is no lie here.
>> No. 4441 [Edit]
You need to look deep within yourself, young Jedi. Feel the Force move through you... Feel /mai/ look towards you to bring them that much closer to their glorious waifu... Feel the books deal you could get!
>> No. 4445 [Edit]
>Book deals
Yeah no, I was paranoid at putting up a blog that only had like 4 viewers and I got someone else to make/keep the account/post my stuff.

A book deal would frighten me.

I wish I had a method to my madness, but sadly it just happened. I did get into the whole lucid dreaming thing for a while though, although I stopped once they....came around.
>> No. 4449 [Edit]
File 131233219486.jpg - (82.53KB , 467x394 , 1312039908836.jpg )
Fine, fine. I understand. You don't have to do what you don't want to. I won't judge. Communist.
>> No. 4451 [Edit]
you got a problem with Communists?
>> No. 4452 [Edit]
But I can't do what you're asking, I have no method.

Also, if I was a communist wouldn't I be giving out the information to everybody equally?
>> No. 4453 [Edit]
If I said yes, I would have a problem with myself.

Haha, relax, man. I'm only kidding.
>> No. 4454 [Edit]
It's hard to convey through text, but I knew you were joking. I thought it was funny.
>> No. 4455 [Edit]
Oh. Curse you emotionless data! A reaction image would've helped. Though it's techincally against the rules due to being "/b/ shit", you should be fine so long as you don't use them as much as is practiced on 4chan. I use them every now and then. They're part of what makes an IMAGE board fun for me.
>> No. 4495 [Edit]

I...I like you.
As someone once told me, head in the clouds, feet on the ground.

Love is not absolute. People move on. If the world wants to attempt to prove to me I can love someone more than I love my waifu, I welcome the challenge
But it better be a damn GOOD challenge
>> No. 4497 [Edit]

That's called being selfish. You always want the better version. You will never find true feelings with that mindset.
>> No. 4499 [Edit]
Actually, I see it as quite the opposite. There is nothing wrong with wanting the best out of life (so long as you know where the best stops and impossible perfection begins). Besides, the man was implying he would switch if the 3D was really THAT fuckin' good. The dedication to his current waifu os still there, he's just recognizing the slim possibility of finding a superior 3D girl.
>> No. 4502 [Edit]

>always want the better version
I do not desire anything more than what I have now...or what I don't have. You know what I mean!
Now, if you are to tell me to just shut myself in my room so I never meet anyone new again, I'd have to decline. I want to meet people, to perhaps find others like me in real life even. Human bonds go further than love.

And if luck so wants to dish out someone that happens to surpass what I feel for my waifu, then luck is all but welcomed to try. But like I said, it better be a damn GOOD attempting, because what I feel for my waifu is enough for me to willing kill anyone on this planet, or even blow up the planet if that were the choice. Or the universe, should that be the choice
Or maybe I'd have to fight against God, or rage through the bowls of hell

Yeah, I'll stop now. Regardless, it would take something as strong, no...STRONGER than this. So lady luck can try all she wants.
>> No. 4503 [Edit]

It's still selfish. Having that little slim chance guarantees your excuse for "changing". If your love was really strong, you'd deny any little chance of anything that would go inbetween your waifu and you. Your words mean nothing if you allow a bit of chance to happen. Like someone said in /mai/ before, you either love your waifu to the fullest extent or you go on and pursue a 3D relationship. There is no maybe or slim chance you can go either way. Doing so is selfish, and therefore my personal opinion of you is "selfish".

That is just my opinion though. I really hope you think about it, but feel free to disregard me and feel free to even insult me. I am in no means right, or wrong-- quite possibly I may even be more malicious than caring. Listening to me is all I'd hope for you, though.
>> No. 4506 [Edit]
Well people are funny beings. We can't control our emotions well and we can't decide who we fall in love with. I love my waifu very much but I can't promise we will love for her forever, because I can't control my emotions 100%. Personally I dont fall in love because of the amount of dimensions. I fall in love because of girl's personality. And I dont think my way of thinking is anyhow wrong, cruel or selfish.

Post edited on 3rd Aug 2011, 9:49pm
>> No. 4507 [Edit]

You just keep telling yourself that. My final suggestion would just be to apologize to your waifu and pursue a 3D relationship. With your mindset, I'm sure you will find "love". After all, humans are funny beings-- personality should change and people will change. Dimensions however; will only change according to your mind.

Just my 2 cents. I will stop persisting now, it was interesting trying to, though.
>> No. 4508 [Edit]

That is bull
I have seen people here admit that anons can fall out of love with their waifus, and fall in love with another 2D girl/woman
There are at least TWO threads filled with understanding posts about that situation?

So why is this any different? Love is love (at least in the sense we are discussing here).

And love is not eternal or absolute unless you are the luckiest faggot alive and actually meet the one you are destined to be with, the one tied to your red string, your soul mate.
Do you know how slim that chance is?

And again I say, until I am proven otherwise, Asuka is my soul mate. She is the other end of my red string. And it will take a powerful force indeed to convince me otherwise
>> No. 4510 [Edit]
I agree with that other guy you're talking to.

-You will always have a less-than-ideal relationship.
-Being open to the opportunity of getting a more ideal relationship doesn't make your current any less significant.
-If you find a better girl and switch, you betray your current one. If you don't switch then you might betray yourself as you will always wonder if things would be really better if you switched.

There is no happy ending.

Post edited on 3rd Aug 2011, 10:19pm
>> No. 4511 [Edit]

I have seen it too. In fact, I posted in those threads as well. It may just be me then. I can guarantee with an undeniable force, that my love for my waifu is unbreakable. There is nothing that can get inbetween us. I will die with my love for her. As she is solely in my memory, she along will die with me as well. I can say with safety and with true love; that my waifu and I are destined to be together forever.

I just don't think leaving things at "slim chances" is a right thing to do. It just seems wrong. It's like, half-motivation. It's like saying "I may not become the world's greatest jackass... but there is that little small chance that it could happen.", or "I love TC, but there is that little small chance that I will fucking hate it because I fucking hate waifu". It's a simple yet slowly devouring way of thinking, is what I think.

I promise this is the last I will post on this board, and that is absolute; no small chances. It's been fun, guys.
>> No. 4512 [Edit]

Such is the way of having a waifu.

>-If you find a better girl and switch, you betray your current one. If you don't switch then you might betray yourself as you will always wonder if things would be really better if you switched.

If that were really the case, wouldn't you think it'd be best to just not have a waifu at all-- think it over for however long it takes-- then start from scratch? I feel this is the best way to handle that.
>> No. 4513 [Edit]
Let me just add that this guy's >>4510 second point is the only right one. The first and third are horseshit

You don't chose who you fall in love with. But I agree. Unless you think it is worth it, there is no point in calling someone your waifu.
>> No. 4514 [Edit]
why is it horseshit
>> No. 4515 [Edit]

First off, you aren't in a relationship. You love another person. And even then, the situation being ideal or not depends on you. It can be ideal if you want it to be

Secondly, only indecisive people would regret a decision. You know in your heart when you truly love someone, and you sure as hell know if you find someone you love more. So the "wondering if things will be better" situation shouldn't happen.
>> No. 4523 [Edit]

First point, the human will isn't that malleable. Its possible to want something without having the strength to overcome your mental opposition to it. E.g you might 'want' to eat digestive biscuits because they're good for your health, but you can't commit to eating them all the time because they're so disgusting. Relating this to waifus, you might think forcing yourself to enjoy absence of physical contact rather than dislike it would be a good idea, but it usually doesn't happen. If it doesn't happen then its not ideal because a bad aspect exists and you don't like that aspect.

Second point, not just indecisive people would regret a decision.

-Conditions change. Your situation from when you liked your waifu might be different to the one you have now. Assuming the non-ideal-relationship stuff is true, then an even nicer girl might come along and you might want to switch.

-You might have made a mistake at the start.

It is difficult and rare to genuinely love someone until you die. Its not impossible though. For this to happen you need to create compromises.
>> No. 4524 [Edit]
Is there really an argument going on between LIFESTYLE choices? Who cares if the man wants to socialize and maybe admire some nice girls? That's normal human behavior.

People fall out of love. Whether you want to accept this or not, sometimes the embers of passion go out for good. The two just weren't meant to last forever. This doesn't make the feelings experienced during that time fake. The first love is usually not the last love. Can't be helped. So what's wrong with wanting true happiness? It's not like he's treating his waifu like a whore on the side. Her feelings are taken into account. Is it selfish? It definitely is not completely selfless, but it doesn't make him a dirty bastard that only used his waifu like a tool. The only constant in life is change.

Just my thoughts. Stay classy, /mai/.
>> No. 4529 [Edit]
I find your conviction somewhat admirable, but I have a different take on love.

Love to me isn't finding someone and going "welp, time to close off all possibilities and stick with them even if I don't love them any more", to me it's more like "I've had a lifetime of possibilities and opportunities before me, but for that whole time I continued to choose the person I love over everything else."

I have faith I will be in love with them forever, which is holding to a belief in the absence of proof, but I chose that. If others want to leave open possibilities it doesn't mean they love their waifu any less unless they PLAN on changing at some point.

Hell, I still find some 3D girls attractive, doesn't mean I want anyone other than the ones I love, and I don't think anything will ever change that.
>> No. 4533 [Edit]

I don't think the "welp" part is what he meant. I'm pretty sure if he said with true love he truly meant that he was for sure guaranteed to stay in love forever. That is my situation as well, I love my waifu so much that I can guarantee that, for the coming years and until my death; we will be together forever. Challenges? I don't need them. I just love her that much, and I know I will be happy for the rest of my life.

Actually, while I'm posting in this thread, I have to say that it sucks. Debate is fun and all, but wow; talk about an intense and fierce battle to the death. TC needs to relax.
>> No. 4542 [Edit]
I love science, and one of the tenets is that you should basically never say never. But it isn't like they're going out speed dating while they have a waifu (probably), they're just saying that if life throws them a ball and they fall out of love with their waifu and in love with another waifu/some 3D girl, they aren't closed off to the possibility.

I don't see a problem with this mentality, they aren't planning anything. I personally have faith I'll love mine forever, so there's no need to search at all as I am content, but maybe others feel differently.
>> No. 4593 [Edit]

Actually, his first point isn't horseshit. It's a very profound and true statement. There is no ideal, perfect relationship - something the vast majority of people go to the grave without understanding. Even I, a slight narcissist and extreme hedonist, will readily admit with a free and open mind, that even my much-beloved relationship with my waifu is not perfect or ideal.

Nonetheless, that is absolutely not to say that a relationship can't be pretty damn fucking OUTSTANDING, as we all know that is very much possible.
>> No. 4598 [Edit]
You must always be honest about your emotions - even the negative ones. You cannot control who you love, and you also cannot control if you love them forever. People fall out of love - it's sad, but it happens. It's not anyone's fault, and it doesn't make the love you felt less real or true.

But control is the essence of 2D love. Scared of change, scared of the fact that you cannot control how others feel or react, scared that if your partner falls out of love it may be something you cannot change - these are all things that drive one into the arms of fantasy. You CAN control how your waifu feels, if she's in love with you, and you can insure she'll never fall 'out' of love with you. Personally, though, I always think she'd be unhappy to see you pushing others away to live with a fantasy...what were those old lyrics? "For well you know that it's a fool who plays it cool by making his world a little colder"
>> No. 4612 [Edit]
This is a fairly large assumption. Not all of us "ran" anywhere, we just stumbled upon our situations. It isn't about control at all for some of us, not every 2D love is based on some sort of failure in 3D love.
>> No. 4614 [Edit]
I agree, not every 2D love is because bad experiences. I can't help if my soulmate is 2D.
>> No. 4694 [Edit]

I'm referring mostly to the people who turn to a waifu after rejecting all of humanity, like the OP. Obviously, there are many different situations for why someone comes to 2D love - but in this case, it's easy to see why a misanthrope would choose 2D love. I am simply encouraging him to think of why he is, and not to totally reject humanity - I'm sure no one's waifu would be happy seeing them isolated.

Essentially, to care about your waifu you also have to care about yourself - wouldn't she get worried if you were lonely, or didn't eat, or any of those things? It's a way to show her you care, that her love (and worry) means something to you, and acknowledging that her love has value in your life. Conversely, if you spiraled into sadness and despair, she would be a wreck, wondering what she's doing wrong and why you're not happy.
>> No. 4751 [Edit]
Sorry but I don't understand what you are trying point out(I've been thinking this for days). Are you trying to say my way to choose my waifu and my reasons are somehow wrong? (I am not insulted or anything. I just don't understand.)

I am very happy in my situtation and to be honest my happiness has been increasing since I chose her.
>> No. 4752 [Edit]

If I may, the problem he seems to have with you is that you don't take the waifu concept seriously. It's about all-out, butterflies in the stomach-love. Not just thinking someone's cute or attractive. And this kinda love you can't just choose to feel for someone.

If what you're doing makes you happy, go for it. But I don't think your definition of "waifu" is that of the majority here. It'd be great if you could respect that.
>> No. 4753 [Edit]
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I understand waifu concept and I don't think it as joke or anything. I am not like /a/ people who just 'fall' for new character in every season and switch their "waifu". I really like her, but like I said before; saying I love her still feels too strong I prefer not to use it. I'll take my time with this. To be honest I am really having hard time putting this in words and I hope you guys can understand how I feel. About one thing I am very serious; I've never been this happy in my life and she is very major reason for my happiness.

I respect how majority feels and that's why I hoped you wouldn't judge me but I wanted to be honest.
>> No. 4755 [Edit]

While I wouldn't call that a waifu, I'm actually not one of those who feels the need to, in a way, "protect" that concept.

My guess is that it's a reaction to society's views regarding love towards a "fictional character". Namely, that it's not possible at all. Maybe it's even a reaction against the public opinion on NEET/hikki etc. lifestyles. Waifus might be used as a representation of all this and by protecting it from conceptual impurities, people are trying to fight for acceptance, or at least a place in this world that won't be corrupted by normals. A place all their own for once.

I'm not sure. These theories might be wrong. For me, personally, it's simply love. I don't really care about what others think of it or how they call it.
>> No. 4756 [Edit]

>I really like her, but like I said before; saying I love her still feels too strong I prefer not to use it.

Girlfriendu? Or something.

Then again, I did feel that way too for an admittedly short time. Take your time, pressure kills love. For me, it just got to the point I'm still at now where I can't deny the love I feel. Maybe it will happen for you, maybe not. Enjoy either way...

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