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File 131193556625.png - (228.89KB , 447x337 , 1284769445492.png )
4206 No. 4206 [Edit]
This is somewhat of an odd topic but I figured I'd post it anyways. Do you think there is anyone who would try to sabotage your relationship with your waifu? Not even sabotage just get in the way of you two. Whether it be jealous friends or family, even crazed fans of your waifu, just whoever! Personally I think Haunter might become a problem in my relationship with Sabrina. He's always pulling pranks and stuff. I would hope that he wouldn't do something to upset Sabrina or myself. It would be funny every once in a while but he always seems to be doing something whenever he was on screen in the anime.
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>> No. 4217 [Edit]
>> No. 4219 [Edit]
Every other person that wants her as their own? Herself? Myself

You're asking highly circumstantial questions here
>> No. 4220 [Edit]
File 131196928985.jpg - (43.92KB , 1013x571 , air_group_oa_69.jpg )
I can easily see Michiru trying to stop me from getting to close to her.
But all the beatings she dish's out wouldn't stop this feeling.
>> No. 4222 [Edit]
File 131196976875.jpg - (58.20KB , 400x448 , 11dcda4154b3e108b482c38a4ac42fc3.jpg )
While I definitely don't support the idea that Mio is any more of a lesbian than Ritsu is, I cannot deny that they are the closest of friends humanly possible.

And, to be frank, I don't think I'd get along very well with Mio.

I can forsee problems with this.
>> No. 4357 [Edit]
Nobody would get in the way of my waifu and I. If you were really to get in depth, I would be the only candidate to ruin my own relationship.
>> No. 4386 [Edit]
File 131216556893.png - (634.64KB , 580x1080 , 0101010.png )
Agreed on both counts. I might have some problems getting along with Ritsu (vastly different personalities) but I'd try my hardest if I could, since I know she's not a bad person and cares a lot about my waifu.
>> No. 4394 [Edit]
I'm now picturing 2 brohnos going on a double date with their waifus.
>> No. 4397 [Edit]
I'm now picturing 2 brohno's futanari personas going on a double bed with their waifus.
Do not want.
>> No. 4442 [Edit]
File 131232708831.jpg - (50.39KB , 292x302 , whywouldyoudothat.jpg )
Argh! That is definitely something I could have gone without you putting in my mind... passionate hate sex between the brohnos and their waifu.
>> No. 4443 [Edit]
Damn! Why'd you have to say that? Now I can't get the feeling that we're just sharing increasingly horrible ideas out of my head.
>> No. 4444 [Edit]
Let me just ruin everybody's day here.

Two words: Brohno, NTR. Yeah I went there.
>> No. 4446 [Edit]
With each other's waifu doing S&M while the futanari brohnos pound each other.
>> No. 4447 [Edit]
We should probably stop. Notice how it keeps snowballing? You know you would've made that joke too. It was just too good to pass up.
>> No. 4448 [Edit]
  Suddenly the image I used of Haunter fits this thread perfectly.
>> No. 4450 [Edit]
File 131233229416.jpg - (207.43KB , 450x680 , justasplanned.jpg )
Just as planned?

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