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File 131190331691.jpg - (867.90KB , 900x900 , whynoloveforran.jpg )
4187 No. 4187 [Edit]
What was it like falling in love with your waifu for the first time? When did you realize for certain that she was the girl for you? When did she become not just a stirrer of butterflies in you but a glowing light of comfort and warmth?
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>> No. 4200 [Edit]
File 131192400324.jpg - (267.28KB , 844x1200 , what.jpg )
There is a thread like this before but I will post my best recollection of the feeling; just for your sake.

It was more or less a slow realization of love for her. I watched her in game, I watched her perform her various songs, and grew a strange obsession with her. It wasn't the same as a normal fan x idol obsession though. This was before I knew about waifus, keep in mind. I began to research all I could about this one particular girl, I bought everything I could that related to her, I even tried to take up japanese so I can understand what she is saying without need for subtitles. This went on for a while, until I started thinking "What would she think of me if I did this, or if I did that?". Afterwards, I could not get her out of my mind (not that I wanted to.) I also gradually became happier. Everytime I saw a picture of her or everytime I imagined her, it relaxes me and I feel incredibly happy; I even smile. Even more months pass and whenever I achieved something, I felt that she was there cheering me on; as if I now had motivation to do whatever I could. Only then when I lurked through certain imageboards did I start calling her "my waifu" though. I guess you can say before that, I just regarded her as my soulmate or something. I still do, though. I love her so much.

It was a nice year, one of the best years if not actually the best year of my life.
>> No. 4214 [Edit]
Dang, you're right. That post does sound familiar. Sorry about that. But it doesn't hurt too much, right? It's not like /mai/ is constantly being filled with posts and knocking threads down. I think we can afford an old topic or two.

Thank you for replying.
>> No. 4216 [Edit]
>I think we can afford an old topic or two
You could always bump said old topic.
>> No. 4221 [Edit]
Touche. But is there that much of a difference?
>> No. 4275 [Edit]
I just noticed that Ran has really big ones. As big as a mother's.
>> No. 4281 [Edit]
I see you don't encounter the Chenophile too often. Ran can easily be in the top tiers of boobage in Gensokyo.
>> No. 4282 [Edit]
yes, a few dozen well thought out posts worth of a difference, which most people are reluctant to copy/paste over.

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