No. 4255
>don't know anyone that knows love the way you guys do
Actually, way too many guys in here are simple minded as any average pedestrian walking on the streets. This could be an opportunity to explore much more sophisticated ideas about love's nature and functioning, as well as pulling down moldy myths around it, but they don't: they lack of the means and/or the will to do it. The general picture is that people in here are just (like) annoying kids and, as Nabokov said: there's nothing more conservative than a kid (especially a girl); so there's no way to improv a single bit, get any deeper and build any renewed and dignified idea of love, as long as people keep clinging to this dull naivety (wich, even more wrong, they fully mistake for "idealism" -another concept they won't grasp to save their lives) ...
But who cares, anyway. New users arrive, repeat the same old threads (without lurking the old content), ask the same trivialities and we answer them the same crap; it's all cyclical and pointless.