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File 131188423881.jpg - (82.85KB , 266x360 , Your-Waifu-Isnt-Missing-A-Dimension-You-Have-One-T.jpg )
4163 No. 4163 [Edit]
So, /mai/, I was curious as to how you feel about yourself in regards to your waifu.

I don't know how others feel, but the reason I don't date real women isn't because I can't (I've had relationships in the past, including long-term.) but it's because I don't want to. These relationships have taught me that real women, and real people in general, are extremely imperfect. Not even in the "Their imperfectness makes them perfect" way. Just flat out imperfect. Emotionally, physically, mentally.

And I am, of course, including in these imperfect humans. I don't have any misconceptions about how imperfect I am. I don't think I'm some superman above all those other ants out there.

Recently, the fact that I, this imperfect, flat-out bad person am forcing myself onto my completely perfect, 2D waifu has really started to hit me, and I'm starting to feel really bad. I'm a shitty person, there's no denying this. And yet I actually think my waifu would be fine having my 3DPD self as a partner.

Anybody else feeling this way? What about those who have overcome these thoughts?
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>> No. 4165 [Edit]
Well, that is pretty much how I started, OP; thought I never considered myself a desirable partner for mai waifu: I just love her and, for now (and ever...), it's enough.

Just, in adittion, I don't think telling about the capability of getting a 3D is something that should make people uncomfortable around here, as sometimes happen. We talked about it in another thread, once: there are far sick enough women out there who not just accept but crive for men like us; the point is, of course: do you want someone like that? do you even want, anymore, any of those things out there and what 3D love has to offer at all? for me, is now just as clear as that Woody Allen's joke: I'd never join a club that had ME as as member..." -so yeah: the journeys may vary, but we all ended up together here.

Post edited on 28th Jul 2011, 2:22pm
>> No. 4169 [Edit]
Don't think like that
Your waifu, if she were real, or if you were to be in her world, would be just as imperfect as you

Sometimes we forget that we are watching from the sides, and the imperfections are somewhat hidden or played for sympathy when it's presented from the MC (or sometimes the villains)

As for the real world, I cannot talk about that, as I am starting to believe love is dead.
>> No. 4176 [Edit]
Of course we are imperfect, but if you really think about it, then you will realise that your waifu has flaws as well. We may tend to overlook these flaws but they are stil there.
I try to improve myself everyday because i want to be on par with my waifu, i donĀ“t want to get a "perfect" person, which would be impossible anyway. But i want to be a "good" person so she can be proud of me.
>> No. 4180 [Edit]
The imperfection is what is worrying OP. But you make a point. If your waifu existed in our world, OP, she would be imperfect. If you existed in her world, you would be perfect. It works out either way.

Can you really call an existence that is exactly as it should be imperfect? Because waifu are works of art, they come to be according to the will of the creator. If the character started to look like something disagreeable, it would've been scrapped. Only that which the creator liked and wanted was kept. That is my I believe waifu to be perfect even when they are "imperfect".
>> No. 4182 [Edit]
>how you feel about yourself in regards to your waifu.

I sometimes feel really bad when how I feel about putting myself compared to my loved one. Yes, I know Ui would love me just the way I am, but I just hate it when I am unable to do anything for myself and would have to rely on her the most to survive, and for support. I have told myself again and again that I would strive to be a better person so that I can help her with stuff and support her when she needs it, but what if she were to not love me?

I suppose in the end that it shouldn't matter and she'd want me to be just the way I am. But I'd love to help her out just once should she need it.

And like people will have told you earlier, not everyone is perfect as they are mad out to be. I don't even know if there's flaws in my loved one... but I do know for a fact that she isn't perfect at all.

I apologise greatly if I've been rambling like a mindless person. But I thought I'd throw out my two cent on this topic (as it interested me).
>> No. 4183 [Edit]
Yes, of course they are perfect in that sense. But every character has "weak" sides or flaws even if that is how the artist wants them to be. I see it more in a "common" way rather than the way the artist would see it.
But after all you are right, they are perfect even if they are imperfect, that pretty much sums it up.
>> No. 4186 [Edit]
File 131190324532.jpg - (4.79MB , 2500x2054 , tamago gohan Tenshi sword.jpg )
My waifu isn't even close to perfect; her official character bio specifically says she's unlikeable. The thing is, we share many of the same poor qualities, so even if she's imperfect, she's still perfect to me because I understand her. 3D works the exact same way; you want someone simultaneously exactly like you and completely different from you. That way you can connect with each other, yet also know how to help your partner through problems they wouldn't be able to solve alone.

Post edited on 28th Jul 2011, 6:36pm
>> No. 4188 [Edit]
I like Tenshi. Every doujinshi or 4koma she's in is that much more entertaining. It's cute to see the child-guardian think fannon has going between the Eldest Daughter and Iku.
>> No. 4195 [Edit]
How do I feel? Hell I dunno. My situation is somewhat unique I think for this question though. On the one hand....the hallucinations, which to me are my own projections of my waifus that live with me have told me they loved me (it took some time for us to say it to each other though). However if they somehow "appeared" in the real world and didn't know who I was, I'd try my damndest to be with them until they turned me down. All three of us have our flaws (I think me moreso than them), and I try to work on mine as best I can. I know this is going to sound somewhat heretical on this board and I fear the coming purge, but I don't consider them "above" 3D simply because they are 2D or fictional.

I consider them above 3D because I love them, it's also why I consider them (personally of course) above 2D and every other dimension, to me they are above everything. Even myself.

So I'll keep on moving forward, we'll keep on moving forward until I'm told to bugger off or I'm lying in the ground. Either way I have no regrets.
>> No. 4196 [Edit]
Same deal with Sabrina and I. The anime depicts her as menacing and scary. Despite this, she's perfect to me, she just wants friends but goes about it in the worst way possible. The games seem to imply she doesn't quite understand emotions that well either, at least I think so. Some would call this social awkwardness to be an imperfection but I don't see them that way. I think the fact that we both imperfect would draw us together further. It doesn't hurt that most are afraid of her and I am one of the few who would accept her. Not to mention, she seems like one of the few people who would accept me.
>> No. 4197 [Edit]
I get what you mean.

Kanako is so pure and kindhearted, she just doesn't know how to go about making friends. She's shy to let her real self show so she puts on this cold exterior and acts bitchy to everyone, but really she just wants to let her hair down and have fun with everyone else. In the end she does.
>> No. 4198 [Edit]
I felt that way before, OP.

Your definition of imperfectness only lies in 3D though. I have no idea why people are saying that their waifu are imperfect as well-- as if they are comparing the two. It's obvious that there is no perfect character, but it should be more obvious that the imperfections that repelled you from dating 3D are not the same as the imperfections that your waifu have.

This is a common phase in waifu. You feel as if you do not deserve such a goddess. Think it through, you only thrive for negative emotions because you want to feel alive; what you really want is a loving and peaceful relationship with your waifu. You being a shitty person? It may be true, but it takes courage to admit it and pure and genuine worry to think about whether or not you deserve your waifu. In simpler terms, your waifu: assuming she is nice and is your perfect girl, what would she be thinking if the only thing you thought about is how you don't deserve her? It would only hurt her. Hell, sacrificing things such as a social life and a chance at 3D love is more than enough to convince me that I'm serious about her.

Sorry if I went on and went off topic, but I went through the same thing.
>> No. 4201 [Edit]
>I have no idea why people are saying that their waifu are imperfect as well-- as if they are comparing the two


The whole point of the thread is comparing 3D imperfection to 2D imperfection
>> No. 4202 [Edit]

Is it really? I may have misunderstood OP's post then. I read it as "I am not worthy of my waifu because I am 3D", not about comparing imperfections.

Regardless, if that is true; then I will delete the earlier post I made if it does not belong.
>> No. 4354 [Edit]
I hate this feeling, i really do, sometimes it hits me for days and days, makes me feel so depressed, to the point of wanting me to stop loving her because it hurts me so much seeing her how her life improves every chapter in her manga, or anime, and mines goes to shit every day, sometimes i wonder what would i do if she gets a boyfriend, i think that would be all for me, since i would quit the 2d love and all, and i hate the feeling that every day i feel that i am just fooling myself with delusions.
>> No. 4355 [Edit]

No offense, really; but I do not think you're really in love with your waifu. Plenty of people's waifu have canon relationships, it's just your job to accept the delusion known as waifu and work around the idea of her having a canon relationship; afterall, most people if not all, are in love with their own idea of the source character.
>> No. 4359 [Edit]
>sometimes i wonder what would i do if she gets a boyfriend, i think that would be all for me
>and i hate the feeling that every day i feel that i am just fooling myself with delusions.

You don't have to feel that way. Lurk /mai/ more and maybe you'll discover useful options to understand your own situation. If you ask me: it's a delusion just as long as you don't realize in what extent 3D love is a delusion on its own, and don't free yourself from it. But yeah: it's up to you, of course.
>> No. 4360 [Edit]
Buddha, is that you?
>> No. 4361 [Edit]
No (joke intended or not).
>> No. 4363 [Edit]
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I know that i am 3D, and sometimes i hate that,but how do i feel? Like i have to get better, stronger,faster,just to be like her and to be the man she loves.
I know she has her flaws as well as i do, but i love her flaws because those are what makes her so special and lovely.
She is not just the women i love, she is the person that moves my world and the person i aspire to be like.
>> No. 4588 [Edit]
I have no problems with 3d women, I do struggle with groups of people, speeches and talking to anyone other than my small group of friends but these aren't my reasons for having a waifu, my girlfriend is 2d purely because I love her and don't want anyone else, if she was 3d I would love her all the same. In fact when I fell in love with my waifu I didn't know what a "waifu" was or that we could have a long lasting relationship. So the reason I don't date 3d girls is because I wont cheat on mai waifu. If I wasn't in a relationship I wouldn't completely rule out 3d women but the perfect qualities of 2d women would meanI probably wouldn't change from 2d. Mai waifu is a perfect match for me though so it doesn't matter since I wont leave her.
Well that's how I feel.
I know a lot of you dislike 3d people but please don't shun me for not sharing this hatred, being with other people who love 2d people, and accept each other for that has made our love possible, thank you.

About that not deserving feel, I did feel it a few months ago. But when I imagined us being together, her returned my love, climbing next to me when I'm lying down then hugging me, or a kiss on the cheek whilst I'm on my computer, I think she loves me for who I am, maybe she loves my imperfections, but I am sure that she loves me. You say you are imperfect and a bad person op, I felt like a huge asshole but mai waifu wouldn't want a depressed asshole, that's when I stopped seeing myself as an asshole and am happier and maybe a better person from all this both for and because of her.
I hope you overcome these bad feelings op, goodluck.
>> No. 4592 [Edit]
If a fictional character were perfect they'd be an incredibly boring, static character, and thus extremely uninteresting. Any decent character would have imperfections to make them seem more realistic, bro.
>> No. 4604 [Edit]
To be boring, that is an imperfection. Which is why most characters aren't. But if the creator intended the character to be boring and they were, the character would still be perfect, because that's how the creator wanted them to turn out. If you want to solve a math problem and do so, you accomplished your goal. Perfect. Just as planned.
>> No. 4610 [Edit]
File 13127020698.jpg - (13.52KB , 338x194 , IN5D5DAP2K48E8MQ231O0TRT5-WK-01.jpg )
> If you want to solve a math problem and do so, you accomplished your goal. Perfect. Just as planned.
That isn't a good analogy, in this case (for the waifu's perfection and permanence as an aesthetic entity). What you must show is an example on wich something superficially considered as a failure, becomes a success from another point of view (althought without changing the phenomena at all: just the point of view).

If you want to bond this with exact-thinking discourses, you could talk, for example, about the atomic bomb as a so called "failure" of science and its traditionally alleged quality of progress; but that certainly takes a while even for oneself to understand and no one even cares, so better just leave it alone or try something else; otherwise you'll end up like the Devil in Peer Gynt, when he decided to give a concert of squeals by pinching a pig on stage, but didn't choose his public correctly...

No one can learn gratuitiously from someone else's experience. People must head towards and go throughout the ways themselves, to grasp anything (right or wrong) about them; the longest those ways are, the harder it'll be to collapse them into convincing arguments along a discussion of another context.

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