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File 131183895829.jpg - (171.34KB , 745x1073 , Kanako_Urashima_by_Frostwings.jpg )
4127 No. 4127 [Edit]
What have you done today to be worthy of loving your waifu?
>> No. 4131 [Edit]
Nothing, really. I worked on my homework, but I didn't work particularly hard.
>> No. 4135 [Edit]
Worked out for a bit, I try to keep my schedule of 5 times a week.
>> No. 4143 [Edit]
I've been studying several hours a day for the last few weeks.

It feels good to be doing something productive after doing nothing at all for over a year.
>> No. 4149 [Edit]
I have a phone interview for a job coming up.

Hope that counts for something. ;_;
>> No. 4150 [Edit]
>worthy of loving

The fact you put it like this, rather than worthy of the love of, intrigues me.
>> No. 4151 [Edit]

It's only natural, there's nothing to even nearly hint that our love would be requited if the stars were to align and sorcery to occur and we were brought to them or vice versa, other than our own hopes and imaginations.

All we have is our love for them, it's what defines us, I suppose.

As for today, I failed my driving test again and I haven't done anything even half decent besides perhaps taking my failure well and not letting my frustration out on anyone thus far.
>> No. 4155 [Edit]
Yes, I know: it's all in our heads, no doubt about it. My point is: it's not the same to pursue becoming what you believe to be the man she'd love, than to pursue what your own love (for her) tells you to be the right thing to do (and they don't usually match)...

I, for instance, stay living as a hiki (and functional NEET), aside from the outside world and its standards, precisely to be worthy of loving her: come what may, I try to remain faithful to the conditions that give life and meaning to this love. Anything that pulls me back into society, wich others apparently see as progress, I consider it more like a treason or defeat; but, of course, that's just me.

Post edited on 28th Jul 2011, 8:34am
>> No. 4156 [Edit]
Lost over 50lbs, got a job, increased my speaking skills, planning to go back to college...

But it's all worthless. I feel like such a normal. Someone said that the requisite to truly love someone is to love yourself first HOWEVER I believe that our lack of human interaction has completely destroyed our self image resulting on weird things like wanting to be a girl, etc.
How do we accept ourselves?

Then what about waifus? Is what we feel just an obsession to escape and not real love?

I don't even know in what to believe anymore.
>> No. 4162 [Edit]
Today? Hmn...well i´ve cooked myself a nice and halfway healthy meal. I also worked on my handwriting and my spelling.
Needless to say that i really like that drawing, hehe.
>> No. 4171 [Edit]
I did my daily study of Japanese. It wasn't much, but I hope one day to understand her in her native tongue.
>> No. 4185 [Edit]
Nothing. But I did collect a few pictures of her if that counts.

I hope to do some training that will allow my arms / legs to gain muscle or something that will allow me to be more fit. My loved one would like a person who's fit after all. But I've a funny feeling she wouldn't care either way since she'd love me for who I am

I'm also hoping to put on more weight so I can be nice and healthy. I know I need that since I'm a few pounds off the healthy weight for my height.
>> No. 4190 [Edit]
I don't find that these align in my case. I'm always being pushed to not be more sociable, but to be more open to the world if it's what I want.

As long as I'm happy and I'm not in danger, I think I'm good to go.

Although I'm always lectured about my lack of manners.
>> No. 4194 [Edit]
Sorry, I find that they DO align. Me being "worthy" (or at least how I see it) of their love and me being "worthy" (I dislike this word in this situation) of loving them seem to align pretty well.
>> No. 4203 [Edit]
I swear I'm not trying to put on the "lazy" side, but I feel as if I don't really need to do anything to be worthy of loving her. Afterall, I have already determined my love for her can break any sort of boundary. It has allowed me to do things I normally can't, but then again-- I don't really need to do those things.
>> No. 4347 [Edit]
Why would I do that if I'm not going to have her?
She isn't real.

Although I do envy people that can use love as a motivation.
>> No. 4358 [Edit]

I really don't understand your concept of waifu.

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