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File 131175947111.jpg - (11.32KB , 194x282 , Lizlet 3.jpg )
4095 No. 4095 [Edit]
Don't you feel some disgust when you see a picture of your waifu in a sexy pose then some idiots say "I'll rape her" or something similar to that?

What would your initial or main reaction when you see that? Will you counter that comment or just let it be?
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>> No. 4096 [Edit]
File 131176012523.png - (281.10KB , 597x1014 , Tenshi Rape is so romantic.png )
It's annoying, but that's it.
>> No. 4097 [Edit]
Yes, but I have to ignore it because there's nothing I can do besides vote the comment down. I try to be careful not to wander down to the comments section on any website.
>> No. 4098 [Edit]
I do indeed feel quite strong amounts of disgust.

However, it can't be helped, and perverts will always speak like perverts when they are no repercussions. Perhaps in person I would be able to shut them up, but there's no point losing any hair over something someone says on the internet by stupidly arguing with them and making it more fun for them. She's insanely hot and men will be men, after all.

I try my best to avoid seeing such things to save myself any negative feelings whatsoever, though. Even tiny pinpricks leave an unsavory sensation, despite not hurting a lot.

Post edited on 27th Jul 2011, 3:06am
>> No. 4099 [Edit]
This is why you don't read the comments on danbooru or gelbooru, or any site at all, ever.
>> No. 4100 [Edit]
Yes the idea can be very bothersome.
Lucky she doesn't get that much of that kind of art, compared to other characters out there anyway.
I've yet to have seen much of people saying stuff like that thought, I guess she's not popular enough, I dunno.
It's always been a fear though, which is why I rather not say who she is, even here, I'm still paranoid someone might see it as a sign of weakness and start saying that sort of stuff, posting those handful of lewd pics and so on, just to get to me.
Other then for that reason I can't see it happening often, I get the impression most find her unattractive.
>> No. 4102 [Edit]
I don't care.
>> No. 4103 [Edit]

No need to be paranoid here. If anything, this should be a place where you're most comfortable with discussing these matters, and being in general. A safe haven for you and your waifu, one might romanticise it as.
>> No. 4107 [Edit]
This. I have no problems ignoring it and moving on.
>> No. 4108 [Edit]
Well it is just my way of showing how I love my waifu since seeing comments of raping her insults me and disrespects my waifu.
>> No. 4109 [Edit]
Yeah, but I mean, you have to shrug it off or you'll go crazy. At least I do, since I have a popular waifu and I see this a lot.
>> No. 4111 [Edit]
I'd want to fucking sock them through the ethernet cord, but I'm not going to leave nasty comments or anything. I don't start shit unless others (intentionally) start it first.
>> No. 4112 [Edit]
It's annoying and makes me want to smoke, but it is something I cannot stop. I just try to ignore it as best as I can.
>> No. 4113 [Edit]
I quit 4chan is all.

You aren't going to see that nonsense here thankfully.

It does hurt me to see someone degrade my waifu. I really truly love her. I could try and fight back, but you know how that turns out. It only fuels the hate, the bullying. I wish to God that adult life wasn't like high school, but it is.
>> No. 4118 [Edit]
I left 4chan because of stupid children and idiots calling each other hipsters for no reason and screaming at each other for having different opinion, but that's a good reason to leave it too. At least here we all respect each other.
>> No. 4129 [Edit]
I can't stand it when people say anything perverted about my waifu, it really pisses me off. It bothers me even more knowing that there isn't anything I can really do about it.

Same here. 4chan is a dump. I was there for a year and a half before getting fed up with stupid shit.
>> No. 4140 [Edit]
I don't really mind it. I mean....usually they don't mean it seriously, and haven't you guys had that sort of thought before you had a waifu (and some even when you HAD one?).

The internet just doesn't take things seriously, and I don't blame them really, I like a fun and restriction-less environment.

Plus, I'm confident mine could (and probably would) kill any sort of human who tried. So I get a giggle out of it and move on.

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