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4046 No. 4046 [Edit]
Hey there, /mai/, quick question:

What sort of cake do you think Ritsu likes?

Her birthday is coming up, and I wanted to make her a cake, but I literally have no idea what sort of cake she would like. That sounds pretty bad considering she's my waifu, but I just can't imagine what she'd like most.

Thanks for dem opinions in advance.
>> No. 4047 [Edit]
My guess is the typical anime cake with the strawberries.
>> No. 4048 [Edit]
If the k-on game for psp was anything to go off of, I'd say all the k-ons hate cakes like that.
>> No. 4049 [Edit]
Really? I thought the cakes Mugi brought which were topped with some kind of fruit were the most popular. Didn't they get into little "fights" over the strawberries? Or maybe I'm thinking of fan works.
>> No. 4052 [Edit]
No you're right
>> No. 4053 [Edit]
Ritsu definitely likes the strawberry cakes. She gets hit over the head by Mio for stealing her strawberry at some point that we never actually see but is canon because she mentions it in the episode where she hangs out with Mugi. She would most certainly enjoy it if nothing else. Even if it's not her favorite.
>> No. 4061 [Edit]

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