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3961 No. 3961 [Edit]
Okay, well, I know some people are going to get mad at me for this, so feel free to. I know I'm getting mad at myself for it.

Okay, so, Ritsu Tainaka has been my waifu for the past four months or so. I really do genuinely love her. She's something that brings a lot of joy into my life. I'd like to believe I bring a lot of joy into her (albeit imaginary) life.

And I still do love her.

The problem is... Is I think I've started to develop feelings for another girl.

That is, Miyako from Hidamari Sketch.

As I said, I still love my waifu. I haven't started to love her less than I used to, or anything. If at all, I continue to love her more everyday. And I certainly don't feel for her less than I feel for Miyako.

But... It's still troubling. As I watch more Hidamari Sketch, I begin to feel even more for Miyako.

I'm just... Concerned, and I don't know what to do. Does anybody have any advice on situations like this?
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>> No. 3962 [Edit]
I had something like this with Mami, when I matched Madoka.
I can't get much into the resolution, it was a mere reevaluation of what I felt for my waifu and what I was feeling at the time for the other one. Like if what she offered really would attract me on a long-term relationship, wether I loved her as I love my waifu or I just happened to care for her... It goes deeply in what you are and what you love your waifu for, and I think developping any further would be of little help, but I suggest you to try it yourself nevertheless.

On a side note, solving such a conflict is quite invigorating for your(maybe new) relationship and maybe for yourself even.
>> No. 3963 [Edit]
I once thought I had found a waifu. She brought a smile to my face, and I enjoyed spending time with her (I still do). As I thought about what it would mean to make her my waifu, however, I found I wasn't looking for such things and ended it there before it became something that would cause me guilt.

The point of this story is to remind you not to mistake highly enjoyable characters for love interests. There's a big difference between being able to choose when and where to enjoy each other's company and always having that choice as yes. See what you want from a waifu, and what you would have to give to a (potential) waifu. And don't worry, therrseno such thing as smooth sailing in life. There's bound to be a few bumps in the road.
>> No. 3968 [Edit]
Start your herem.
Problem solved.
>> No. 3975 [Edit]
Everyone likes Miyako; some more than others. I personally regard her as a dear friend, but not a love interest. Maybe something similar could work out for you?
>> No. 3979 [Edit]
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I still have this sort of feeling for Rin.
Everytime I listen to one of her songs, I have this feels good kind of feeling that relaxes me.
I've started thinking of her as my daughter or sister, but sometimes I wonder a bit.
I don't think it's more then affection though. I did mention this once here too: >>288
>> No. 3986 [Edit]
Agreed. I've been hit with some temptations by other girls a few times, and each time I really had to stop and think about everything. But in the end, my waifu always won out. It wasn't because I chose for it to be that way, it's just that, when I evaluated everything and let initial infatuation die down, she was just way better than every other girl.

Don't let the excitement of finding new and different girls go right to your head, because it goes away just as quickly as it came.
>> No. 4148 [Edit]
I'm somewhat bias, having two waifus here *dodges gunshots*. Having said that, it depends. How would you characterize your feelings towards the two? Do you feel you just like Miyako a lot? In life you're going to find a lot of people you really LIKE, fictional or not. The important thing I think is to figure out if it's love or you just find something interesting about a person or would want to be their friend. After that....go with what your heart tells you I say.

Mine told me that I couldn't live without either of my waifus, I can't choose one over the other as it would be a choice between keeping my heart or my head: whichever I choose I still die.

Having said that: while I've been faithful to them for a bit over 5 years now I've found other characters I thought were cool, but my feelings to them didn't even compare.

My 2 cents anyway.
>> No. 4154 [Edit]
Damn, I missed...

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